ITT we discuss current issues like
Economical bullshit on the balkan
Getting rid of mudslimes
Massacring mudslimes
also genociding muslims
Balkan thread faggots
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Get in here faggots
posting whatever till you retards get in here
Where is the Bulgarian and his greentext?
that's why i made this bread
i wanna know the story
Maybe he went to sleep.
fucking faggot
he better not have
Gypos stole his router
Makedonia, your country is a meme, but I like you.
Also redpill me on this.Why are Bulgarians the only Slavs who say Sibani instead of Jebeni/Jebany/Ebeni?
i like me too burger
You should focus less on mudslimes and more on fixing your economies.
I'm here also for the story. That bulgarian better deiver soon.
we say both and they mean the same thing
it's still pretty similar
Are you the faggot with the greentext?
Oh nice,but where does Sibani come from?I have never heard it in any other Slavic language.The closest thin i know is Sibati in Serbian,which means To whip(good for niggers).
t. someone without a rich kebab removing culture
never gonna make it
Bogdan is the Mountain Nigger.Oh yes.I remember when some Bulgarian wanted to arrange a fight in Skolje and his Skype name was literally Kamen.I fucking died.
Someone say something about killing the undesirable population of the Balkans?
Exactly this. Шибaм - to whip. All slavic languages have the word but it's more archaic in some.
Fucking mountain niggers wanting to set up fights is like every 5th balkan thread
What's wrong with that?
we have that and it means to run
like sibam doma
are we unique?
Oh ok,that's pretty cool.I am not sure but i also believe we are the only ones who use priajtelju.
post miloshevic
the best boy
we say prijateli
Cool people use цeпи instead of шиби
Anyone know if we have something similar to Generation identitaire/Nordfront on the Balkans (that isn't a joke/laughing stock)? Been meaning to get off my ass and do something about all the ((())) related issues.
Idk,it means Rock in Serbian.It was pretty funny,because the whole thread he was like FIght me Irl,and than it turned out his name is literally Rock.
Well you speak Bulgarian.I meant us and the Bulgars in my first post btw.
we have a squiptar party
oh and we don't have a government
hows that?
Where are all ny shqip Bros at?
what about this then smartcunt
they don't exist
all removed
What Balkan country would be the best to move to, i don´t care if the living standard is lower than it is here i just can´t live in this leftist shithole anymore
do you have the monies?
I'm going abroad this summer, give me one solid reason to visit your lands.
Nothing serious like them but you can always contact the volunteer border patrols.
Stay and fix your shit, it's better for everyone. Your country will need you someday, you have to be around somehow.
where are you going exactly?
Hmm,i think we have something similar.How do Bulgarians insult each other?We usually target the children.
Something like:Da Bog da ti deca tapsala lakotvima.(I hope your children will clap with elbows.)
Croatia,Northern Serbia,Sofia.
Croatia or Albania
we don't insult children
we always go for the mother
Well obviously .But that's mainstream,i mean when you are trying to be creative.
How so,? We breed like rabbits
T. Have already 2 kids and I'm only 21
they are gone
don't exist
never have
the most creative we get is fucking various objects ,relatives, orifices and body parts
Croatia If you want to live on coast or Slovenia if you want countryside or just continental climate. Dont bother with the rest. It's literally Chernobyl expect parts of Serbia and Montenegro.
It's just dialect form. Sibam doma - run like whipped. You wouldn't believe how different some mountain villages speak.
Objects.Which ones?Also do you have a similar joke:Smorio sam se ko sapun u ciganskoj varosi(I got bored like soap in a Gypsie neighborhood.)
Come on dude tell us some,we are waiting for the Green text.
I've never heard it used like whipped
if it was once used like that now it's walk at a brisk pace
Well our capital where I live is basically slightly shittier western Europe with less multikulti and the multikulti that exists is hated by most of us. Plus if you have any real amount of money you can live like a king here. After finishing my first year of uni in the UK I can honestly say life here is way better. And this is coming from someone that would be rich even by UK standards (it's not just boo hoo pound too expensive), it's not worth it if the fancy city you live in is full of shitskins.
Let me put it this way: would you rather have a Ferrari if it permanently had a literal piece of shit on the passenger side forever, or a regular car without that?
Arabs have infested Lavov Most.
This is now a Dinko appreciation thread.
Why do we use the same word for soap
Manlet even by Southern European standards.
"and the multikulti that exists is hated by most of us"
Come to Bulgaria. Here even our farthest left "Bulgaria, yes!" party is anti-Middle East-migrant and pro-border controls, and to top it off we are currently governed by our center-right conservatives in coalition with our nationalists.
Gay prides are rare, and usually end up in molotovs.
Whatever migrants are here are vetted and peaceful, as they learned that burning our flag and chimping out leads to summary beatings and expulsions.
If you like what you read, Bulgarians always welcome European migrants, and there are nice expat communities in Sofia.
You are crypto-slavs. Accept your identity.
Has the dude actually used the Hind he has bought kek?
Topkek. Attract the good goy investors so Peevski can take their company.
I guess it depends what you have with you when you migrate.
If you are migrating with a lot of money I suggest going for poorer countries like Serbia,Bulgaria,Montenigger(You don`t want to go to Macedonia or Bosnia lots of muslims there)
But if you want your living standards to be better go to Croatia or Slovenia or maybe northern Serbia(Vojvodina).
idk man we are the least creative when cursing
It always boils down to fuck your mum
i always liked this joke
why do gypos laugh 3 times when hearing a joke
once when they hear it
twice when it's explained to them
thrice when they understand it
the last thread convinced me that macedonia isn't a real country, and that it should rightfully be a part of bulgaria. is that how most balkans feel?
Not sure, I believe he prefers his BTRs. Hind is pretty cheap, so I would not be suprised if he bought it just for show. Fuck, one can freely buy a T-72A for 75,000 Euro here.
In a sense I am.
t. Wearing all the time tracksuit
i agree only if they put every politician in a gulag
Lol,i fucking hope he does.He is a millionaire right?Imagine Western Media chimp out.
they stop being slavs when they read the quran
Wait you are shiptar how the fuck did you migrate to Luxembourg i though they had anti-migrant policies.
Never read it and I also hate islam
Oh im saying for the ex-yu countries,havent been to Bulgaria or Romania.
how are the gun laws in bulgaria?
you are squip yes?
then you are muslim horde
Yeah you´re right. i just fucking hate my country and what it has become
Some socialist parties in the EU already chimped out because some minister had a picture with hitler salute.
Would gladly let in the poor and oppressed Swedish refugees, fleeing the Malmo warzone.
It is Latin,i do believe.I have just checked and all Balkanites say sapun,including Romanians and Greeks,and Italians use sapone,and the Romans had they bathubs and shit so it is probably that.
The French say Savon.
Because I'm not a poor fag and my parents were already successful businesswomen before we came here
join nordic front or whatever it's called
Business wise *
Get training, get medical that you are not insane, get permit that you were never in prison, get a gun/ak-47/tank. No bullshit fullauto-bans, heavy weapons, caliber etc. Provided you plug the main gun, you can really even get a tank and outfit it with working machine guns for all it's worth.
how is Luxembourg anyway
Rich. Small.
Wait does he salute a salute a figure lol,or does the guy in the uniform just look like he came from a museum
S-sup lads
what sort of training?
Always wondered how Dinko got that chopper.
The greek is right You have a resistance there. You can do something.