You have 10 seconds to explain why healthcare is NOT a right

You have 10 seconds to explain why healthcare is NOT a right.


because reasons
calle calle

Honestly, because of multiculturalism. If everyone had common values and considered themselves part of a community, it would work. But because liberals want to have it both ways, saying both that you have to accept people vastly different than yourself into your community AND pay for their physical therapy. Either we can have a minimalist safety net, or homogeneity.

you don't have a right to the services of someone else

Well, their strategy since the 60s has been to turn minorities into voter plantations. They started with the urban blacks, then the rural blacks, then the hispanics, then they ran out of hispanics so they started promoting illegals, then they couldn't turn illegals into votes so they started on the LBGTQRSTUVWXYZs.

They ran out of identity groups to entice, so the only option was to get a higher percentage of the votes from all of the minority groups they were already pandering to. Instead of say, 60-70% they wanted 99%, like what Obama did with the blacks. The only way to do that was by getting them angry and making them think they were oppressed victims.

Turns out insinuating that white people are thieves and racist, sexist oppressors isn't a good way to get white votes, which is why Trump got the white vote. The democrats can't reverse what they've been doing for the past 40-50 years without a) throwing out all their leadership and b) abandoning the voters they already have, so they just keep doubling down on stupid and waiting until demographic shifts work in their favor.

You have a basic right to provide yourself the best care you can find at any means as long as it does not infringe in the lives of other people. You have no right to be given healthcare paid for by others. That infringes on the rights of others

Disease often comes from poor life choices, and when it doesn't, it helps to have a savings account rather than a government promise.

The government forcing people to pay for the unhealthy people lives is wrong

hospitals cant legally deny you treatment anyway so its basically money gathered into slush funds

I have a right to live on Mars. Why aren't you putting me on a spaceship RIGHT FUCKING NOW?

Prove I don't have a right to live on Mars.

Because a right for one person is a responsibility for another. It's not my responsibility to pay for some fat fuck to get angioplasty because he neglected his health and fitness.

This is a poorly crafted argument that ignores your right to counsel, whether you can afford it or not.

An attorney has to provide you those services and the state is responsible for compensating the attorney who was appointed to your defense. Now, there are a lot of criteria you must meet to qualify and there are loads of disqualifying situations, but it is still a thing.

You are entitled to legal representation, whether you can afford it or not and often, you will end up owing the attorney money for their services, even if they were court appointed.

I get what you are saying, but its an incomplete argument that must be expanded upon.

In Australia they can. If you don't provide relevant government identification you either pay $800 or fuck off. Saw it happen to a couple of indians when their kid had croup.

I liked it better when only 4chanPass people could post.

Responses like yours should be met with follow up to see if you are retarded.

Because there's a difference between positive and negative rights. Positive rights essentially require people to become slaves to make happen. Negative rights require other people to do nothing for you to get them.

Healthcare isn't free and it requires people's time, so in order to provide such a "right" you have to force the doctor to labor and you have to steal from other people to compensate the doctor.

>hospitals cant legally deny you treatment anyway
Hospitals can't legally deny you EMERGENCY treatment.

They can sure as shit deny you a kidney or a prostate exam.

You already have the right to care for your health.
I have the right not to.

Doctors don't have the obligation to treat you. Pharmacists don't have the obligation to give you medicine. Other people don't have the obligation to give you money to pay for healthcare. In the perfect Ancap world you would fucking die if you didn't have any money and someone didn't gift/loan you some.

Why don't you try to get legislation passed that says doctors have to treat people for free or they will be jailed.

The 6th Amendment:


In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

Forcing someone to work for free is slavery.
Forcing someone to pay your bills is larceny.

You don't have rights.

People don't deserve healthcare.

You know your example is a hilarious one to make.

#1 - still doesn't change the root wrong which are rights to force people to do things for you is immoral. An appeal to tradition or way of doing things doesn't change why it's wrong in the first place.

#2 - public defenders are shit and they're the worst possible service possible when it comes to defense (probably worse than defending yourself)

In short, your taxes will have to go up to support it.

It will also mean a real crackdown on food/substances deemed unhealthy.

Courts are mandated by civil society, therefore representation is a right under the law.

Death is mandated by God, send Him the bill.

Because taking care of the genetically less fortunate through the state prevents natural selection and actually reverses it as the healthy sacrifice for the sick.

You know, Im not actually making a case for just pointing out that "you dont have a right to the professional services of someone" is not a valid argument in the face of the 6th amendment. Just make a different argument.



You have a right to access these basic services that your tax dollars pay for as a citizen.

Healthcare is no different (as shown in every other part of the industrialized world)

Because you don't have a right to someone else's labor.

Doctors are not your slaves

My tax dollars pay for EMS, so I have a right to ambulances?

An attorney's time and work isn't free but you are still entitled to one if you cannot afford one, and they don't seem to be enslaved - more like adults who chose their occupation and recognize its duties. Positive and negative rights are a false dichotomy.

And look how well that went. Most public defenders are in cahoots with the prosecution and will recommend bad plea deals. Kind of like how doctors will recommend you not get cancer treatment because you're old and it'll be too expensive.

But anyways, public defenders are necessary to prevent an out-of-control predatory court system. Since a court system is kind of a requirement of a civilized society, public defenders are necessary to prevent illiterate people from being completely railroaded by malevolent forces.

this image is mandatory for 'muh healthcare right' threads

Healthcare is a service, it requires human labor to be provided. You don't have the right to anyone's services, because that ultimately means you believe in slavery.

again, see

its only a right if its affordable, importing hundreds of thousand "refugees" ensures the nail in the coffin for any chance of state funded healthcare.

You cannot guarantee something that requires highly specialized labor without someone footing the bill
Rights are guarantees made to the people

From what I heard they don't get paid well, they're overworked, and they do it because they're either required to or because they're pursuing a career path in the government side of the legal system.

it is

Because rights are LIMITS on what the government can do, not powers that it grants.

>You have 10 seconds to explain why healthcare is NOT a right.
Because white Americans should not have to work to provide healthcare to outdated farming equipment.

The US can't implement universal healthcare since there are way too many people living there not to mention a huge percentage of them are obese

Your taxes would go through the roof paying for everyone else healthcare. The majority of Millennials can't even fund a safe social security nest

As the other person said, it's necessary in this case because the court system is mandated. You can't force people to use a court system without giving them right to counsel for obvious anti-tyrannical reasons.

But even then, excusing something because it was done in the pass is a logical fallacy. It doesn't change the fact that someone is forced to be an attorney.

This is true, but their workload and pay are a different conversation. The principle is that their service is provided at public expense and they're not slaves because of it.

a right is never anything that requires someone else to act. a right is always something that requires someone else to not act.

do not kill me = a right
do not steal from me = a right
do not blast music when i am sleeping = a right
do not tell me what to believe in = a right

give me free services =/= a right

A fair response.

because you're not entitled to someone else's labor

You are FORCED into court by the government. If having your crimes judged were optional, counsel wouldn't be necessary.

The right to counsel is a limit on the power of the state, not a arbitrarily awarded luxury.

Because there is no slavery.

Anything that requires someone else to do something is not a right.

Nothing is a right you dumb fuck

It is. That's why every American has access to it.

"""Free""" money to buy services isn't a right though.

You need water and food to survive. Guess what... it's not a right.

Rights are only those things which can be taken away, but not given, by a government.

A government cannot give you liberty. You naturally have liberty. A government can only take it away.

A government cannot give you freedom. You are free. A government can only make you not free.

A government cannot give you life. You naturally have life. A government can only take away your life.

A government has to give you healthcare, there fore it is not a right.

Cause no one should be forced to pay for your health other than yourself since its your health.
That be like me forcing you to pay for my car just because i cant afford it myself.

It must to be payed and requires some people to be servants.

I don't like the decorations, but the architecture of this argument is pretty damn good.

where is my government provided gun?

you only have a right to counsel because it is wrong to convict someone on charges they cannot understand. In this case, the state is prosecuting you so they have to make sure you know what they're doing. in the case of healthcare, the state did not make you sick.

Are you really going to reply to stupid thread?
Don't do that guys.

First post, the best post.

As long as someone is willing to provide it, you have a right to health care. But if the provider refuses, you have no right to force them to do something.

You have no right to tell me what to do
You have no right to tell me to buy healthcare for myself or someone else

When I trip over and bump my knee and no one comes to coddle me my rights are being violated.
Who gets sent to prison?

i dont give a fuck if it is or isnt

Then how are people going to get killed off? It's okay to be a right, I just don't believe in universal equal rights.

Because you want free stuff, what's there not to understand? Or why not implement a right to be a millionnaire? I mean everyone has the right to have a happy life?

>Either we can have a minimalist safety net, or homogeneity.

We're paying either way. What do you think would happen if we cut police budgets in half? Private companies would have to pay way more for private security and normal citizens couldn't afford to live secure lives. Literally the same thing is happening with healthcare in the U.S. except it's even worse.

Because its too subjective of a thing to be labeled a right

Because you can't force a doctor to treat someone. Just watch how many doctors quit or retire early and how the quality of med school candidates plummets if single payer is ever passed.

you are actually too stupid to be here

kill yourself commie rat

Healthcare is not a basic service. Your argument is fundamentally wrong.

2 expensive 4 me

I could've sworn it was more of a left thing

You have the right to do as you wish, until that right infringes another's rights.
You infringe upon my right by taking away a good amount of my income to support another person I have no ties to.

If some dumb fuck wants to specifically pick a career that involves punishing manual labor, if some hamplanet thinks they look good at any weight and live a life of gluttony, or if some jackass wants to cut off their schlong because it doesn't feel right, I should not have to pay for any of it.

When the government is not there, humans step in. When a problem is given funding, it actually increases. In California they discovered this with anchor babies. I met a Mexican woman who had 8 kids from 5 different fathers. She was taking aide from the government along with child care for each of the kids from all the men.

Before the American government gave so much aide to unplanned pregnancies, churches gave aide to unwed mothers.

When aide to meals on wheels was recently cut off do you know what happened? Their number of volunteers boomed.

Universal healthcare is demonstrably sustainable. Handing out a million dollars to whomever asks for it is not sustainable.You're comparing two completely different things.

Funnily enough though, the U.S. hands out millions in tax breaks to the 1% instead of providing basic services to it's citizens.

Nobody is going to be conscripting doctors, and making them treat people at gunpoint. In a single payer system, the doctor's attention is focused on patients instead of insurance overhead. Doctors are adults and know what they're getting into.

Might makes right, getting healthcare from the government is dependence, therefore its a priviledge

lolbertarians are fucking retards

National healthcare should be for the nation

An attorney doesn't have to take your case.

Negative rights. Google it.

Great argument.

How is it not a basic service?

I want affordable stuff. Taxes pay for it, it's not a free ride.

What healthcare did mankind have before hospitals? This is the healthcare granted to you as an inalienable right by the creator.

Just because someone else has something that you want, does not mean you have a "right".

Your sense of identity is broke.

As long as it is someone who is an American citizen I don't give a shit.

The illegals problem though... Surely there comes a point when you are basically an a American? You should be surprised how fast people americanize even in the cities. The anchor babies forget their parents jumped the border very fast and just think they're american despite mammy crying about the heritage.

>Person breaks into your house, rapes and murders your wife, abducts your children.

Police Department/Criminal Investigatory Agency: Sorry, we don't need to have our investigators look into this, you have no right to our services.

See the problem?

I think you should have a right to basic health care and emergency care. I don't think you have a right to doctor visits, specialists, or special snow flake unnecessary bullshit like gender reassignment.

I was born and raised in Japan and you know they're a very homogeneous country and their healthcare is an absolute disaster. Something like 70% of Japanese doctors write scrips for traditional shit like acupuncture and dehydrated mushrooms to make into a broth, it's fucking embarrassing. When my father went into end stage liver failure, I personally paid to have him flown here for treatment, he lived a good 15 years after and had he stayed in Japan, he would have been dead within a week.

I don't know what the problem is, anyone can receive treatment, the prices are set by the government, it's basically a Japanese version of the Western European healthcare model, but the actual treatment is fucking garbage.

I don't know anything about why certain models fail and certain models succeed, I just know that healthcare should be a human right, you should receive what you need, but claiming that homogeneity will ensure its success? Bullshit.

>You have 10 seconds to explain why healthcare is NOT a right.
you have no right to my labor.

They didn't agree to be a part of a single payer system so they don't "know what they're getting into".

I think you need to differentiate the 1% from .1%. Making 350k per year is not equivalent to someone pulling in 10 million a year. I agree with your general premise though.

Too many parasites within the us society.
If every citizen was a taxpayer, I would have been perfectly okay with single-payer.

Costs go through the roof without competition and innovation halts and this might slow down money saving innovation. Or are you telling me people who are employed by the state work as hard and fast as people in the private sector?

>You have the right to do as you wish, until that right infringes another's rights
>You infringe upon my right by taking away a good amount of my income to support another person I have no ties to.

Same thing could be said about our military, you fuck.

>Call self a Socialist

>30 Seconds Later

I can't wait to see how you try to explain this one.
>inb4 there's a difference
There is a difference: You agreed to the wages your employer pays you, the doctor did not agree to anything and would have to be forced to serve you--or else wealth stolen from others without their consent would have to be used to pay him.