CNN hates this guy. Explain to me why I should too

CNN hates this guy. Explain to me why I should too.

Other urls found in this thread:

B-Because he's a dictator
He hates gays

He's just bad

he's a Islamist

Isnt being a muslim and a roach reason enough?

CNN hates him because the Jews want Istanbul. Every one else hates him because he's successfully flooding Europe with migrants, fucks with Russia, and encourages Islamofascism all while being part of Nato.

Because he is a muslim

Discount dictator who will destroy his own country in the long run, oppresses Kurds

He's an Islamist
Enough said

CNN hates anyone with any autonomy from the Jew World Order


because he's a roach

Because he helped ISIS to undermine Assad.

Because he created a fake coup to consolidate power, using Islam as windowdressing.

Because he fucks with our countries using his supporters and security forces abroad to cause riots.

Also fuck Turkey in general. Last I saw, polling of Turks showed that something like 1/4 of them admit to sympathizing with ISIS and their goals.

hihi guess wie hier is om zijn plan uit te voeren

See, I don't believe he really is. I think he's just being pragmatic and manipulative.

Wrapping his cock in Islam and the Turkish flag, so that nobody in Turkey will complain when he fucks them with it.

lol give me a proof please that you saw that 'something like 1/4 of us admit we sympathize with isis' u dipshit american, dem isis monkeys commit bombings in turkey and 1/4 sympthize with them? mehmet out

Ain't the Kurds just browner more hairy Turks?

WHAT DID U SAY? THEY ARE MOUTNAIN TURKS NOT KURDS, (just joking btw). Nah man actually yes but they are not turks they are a persian people. This video explains it better

Cucks want you to hate him because MUH EBIL DICTATOR INTOLERANT MUSLIM

He's awesome and he's the leader the Middle East needs. Long live Sultan Erdogan

he faked a coup in order to take the power away from the military that prevented Turkey from becoming an Islamist shit hole in the past.

Then he purged (fired, arrested, killed or 'disappeared') anyone in any small position of power or public service who was not a supporter of his.

No here we are.

He is a piece of shit, and helping arm ISIS and other terror orgs by buying oil from them and selling them weapons.

Fuck him.

>the gulen movement and the pkk really are insanely dangerous, way beyond anything any western country has
>a lot of his supporters are normal people, the economic boom in the 2000s was huge, basically transformed the country
>he actually did make politics more "democratic" after all the coups and the seculars basically purging anyone who was too religious

If he hands over power peacefully he'll be remembered very well. I guess you can think reagan/thatcher, and how they divided society, how people don't like them (for valid reasons), but they mostly helped the country

You need context to fully appreciate this.
Do you want to know the context?

Remember that whole period when Turkey wanted to join the west and the EU?
He flipped east and hooked up with China and Russia.
So hes evil now.

Btw he also got press ganged by the west to engage in stopping trade with Russia, which really fucked the Turkish economy.

he is islam

>liking erdogan

Fucking idiot leaf do some more studying

Hit us up

that's why we hate him, not why CNN hates him

He is an Islamist roach king who wants to flood Europe with his roaches and other shitskins. Is this not enough for you?

He wants to bring back the Ottoman Empire and invade Europe with Muslims.

Do you need a reason to hate a turk

He was talking to his followers about the treatment Turks receive from European hosts.
He then goes onto how you guys don't have replacement levels of birth and mocks you for it.
He then says have the things they can't have. HAVE KIDS. LIVE IN GOOD BUILDINGS.That will be the best revenge.

This guys knows the fate of Europe and he is mocking you openly.

>This guys knows the fate of Europe and he is mocking you openly.

Who cares? Good riddance I say. If Eurocucks can't have kids and want to live degenerate lives let them die out. Erdogan is right. Love your leader man

It's cruel though...

The empire part is not happening. Turkeys economy is at the mercy of Russia and China

They were part of the failed Gulen coup attempt last year
Designated coordinating media (US)

His moves & motives directly threatens Israel.

That's why.

WTF Does this have to do with liking Erdogan you Americunt.

"Hey man I'd love to get in some of the trade route action in Turkey since they are the gateway into EU but man I don't like Erdogan."

No wonder Amercunt is doomed.

>hating gays is bad

Probably people on Sup Forums are too young to remember, he was frequently praised by mainstream western media in early 2000s. He was portrayed as a true democractic leader which will reform Turkey to get rid of its archaic Kemalist System.

Then he made a move against Israel in 2009. He insulted Israeli president. Then the Gaza Filotilla thing happened. Turkey severed ties with Zionist state and all the western media started to shit talk about him.

Not the point, you said that Erdogan sides with Russia, this isn't the case at all. Russia hates Erdogan because of the whole pipeline with qatar thing and the groups that Turkey supports in the syrian civil war. They aren;t allies you dindu nigger

I guess but he's not wrong. I think a strong Turkish state led by Erdogan will actually force the west to build up their militaries and strengthen their countries, but I'm not sure if there's any hope for the eurocuck countries anymore

Balkans seem to build fences and such so they will survive.

Hopefully Erdogan doesn't suffer the same fate Qaddafi and Assad did. I don't think this will happen because Trump and Erdogan seem to be on good terms but who knows

Eastern European countries will be ok, the West is fucked. West deserves it though

Wouldn't that be bad for you America?
Balkans will seek Russia support since there is no bigger power to resist them in Europe anymore.

Possibly. Russia surely would love that to happen. I think all this stuff between the U.S. and Russia is ridiculous at this point though. U.S. and Russia would be great if we could work together, I see no reason why we can't

He is such a hypocrite when Kurds have overwhelming higher birth rates than Turks. If this trend continues Anatolia will be majority Kurdish in one generation.

Wrong. He on board with the Russian pipline.
Turkey envolvement in Syria was initially to appease western pressure but he realized the west was potentially going to help the kurds solidify their presence along the Syrian Turkish border. This is another reason why he flipped.

CNN hates Israel

>Hopefully Erdogan doesn't suffer the same fate Qaddafi and Assad did.

Hopefully he does, he is nothing like Gadaffi and Assad, he directly threatens Europe

>he was frequently praised by mainstream western media in early 2000s
He probably made good contacts with the people behind (((MSM)))

>treatment Turks receive from European hosts.
they can do whatever the fuck they want and receive generous wellfare without having to work. their greatest fear is having to give up on their "host citizenship" so if you really think they are treated bad you are a fool.

its just that many people dont like immigrants that absolutely refuse to integrate even in the slightest and are even proud of that, you turks would treat immigrants like that much much much worse.

fake it till you make it

wtf i love (((cnn))) now


Careful Amerika.
Your free speech won't save you from being beten to death.

They hate him because he's not a total cuck
You should hate him cause he's a roach

Beten? What is that?