Migration isn't just about cultural Marxism, it's actually a net negative on the human race as a whole.
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Female refugees have their own benefit...
Quit being a pussy, and say what you really mean. You hate non-white people. The thought of more non-whites in your country frightens you because it means you will lose your power to subjugate those with dissenting views.
You take in refugees for THEIR sake not for YOUR sake moron.
It's a charity thing.
A person who travels half way across the world is not a refugee. That is an economic migrant.
These men should be fighting for their homeland, not abandoning their country in its hour of need.
Women and children seem refuge near to their homeland, men fight.
They are not refugees, they are traitors. No loyalty, no sense of duty.
This is exactly why I view Mexicans as cowards. Their men are fleeing in rapid numbers while the cartels continue to spread.
Instead of organizing an effort to initiate a rebellion or revolution they are running.
How can they allow these sick people to murder, kidnap, and behead their people without a fight?
They can be helped by sending food/building infrastructure etc. Most of these countries would be better invaded and with a government made up of the invaders.
>you don't hate people who seek to illegally enter your country and cost your economy billions of dollars
>you just hate (insert illegal immigrant ethnicity here) people!
try again pussy
>Increase in crime
Immigrants are on average less criminal than citizens.
>Increase in police presence/police state & surveillance
Aren't those generally increased to keep people out that want to immigrate?
>Wages stagnate
Immigrants tend to be liberal, which means they tend to liberalize where they live, which means where they live will tend to pass minimum wage increases. Besides, birth rates require some degree of immigration to keep our economy going period.
Not an issue. Fuck's sake have you seen how much land is just held by the government doing nothing? And I'm not talking about parks.
>Increase in disease
Valid complaint...if you're not vaccinated...in which case you are part of the problem.
>Restriction of speech
Good looking people
High iq STEM educated workers
I'd rather live with migrants than the rural and suburban retards in my city.
>immigrants are on average less criminal
The other points are mostly Sup Forums tier crap, except the wage ones.
The more workers you have, the more competition there is to fill a job and ultimately, it's worth less because more people can do it. This is why skilled immigration is not always a great thing, unless it's absolutely needed. I dont understand why someone would like to create an environment where they are competing with 500 people to flip burgers at mcdonalds.
Put this under BENEFIITs:
>Eternal life in Heaven for following Jesus' teachings to love & help the poor, the destitute, the downtrodden
The benefit is cultural enrichment, of course you want that don't you?
I bet the globalists are angry at themselves for pushing the atheist meme for the past 80 years.
If the west was strongly christcucked, there'd be no struggle convincing everyone to import a billion niggers overnight.
>You hate non-white people
Mostly, yes. Non white people are barely above apes.
They tend to be liberal, but most "liberal" politicians aren't. Immigrants don't protest anything at work, and wages can stay low. That's why Facebook & friends like them so much.
In most countries around the world large population doesn't always equal strong economy.
Makes you think...
>Increase in police presence/police state & surveillance
Increased police presence most likely refers to refugee camps and areas where there is higher crime due to the poor living conditions/lack of proper settlement.
>Immigrants tend to be liberal
The average person from Syria which is of much higher socioeconomic status than countries in West Africa/East Africa is not well educated/trained, and level of education generally correlates with political ideology positively with liberalism:
"In 2010, the average Syrian had less than six years of schooling, less even than Egypt, according to the UN Development Index. Women were systematically subordinated: Only a quarter of Syrian women completed secondary education; only 13 percent participated in the workforce. Few Syrians will arrive with the skills of a modern economy, even apart from the language gap."
>Overpopulation isn't an issue
Overpopulation isn't a problem in most of the world, but overcrowding is definitely an issue present in refugee settlement areas. The countries want to let in refugees/illegal immigrants, yet there is no effort made to properly accommodate them. The reason for this seems to be because they want to get as many in before their country's citizens see the harm it does.
>Restriction of speech
There have been multiple instances where lesser forms of Sharia police have tried to enforce Muslim ethics as law in majority Muslim areas, and this gets worse with refugees who are far less accommodated to Europe in comparison to the average Muslim citizen of Europe. Countries with a sizable population of Muslims also are much more likely to implement hate speech laws, which are by definition against freedom of speech and the press.
The problem is that countries are accepting refugees/illegal immigrants without this process being democratically considered or implemented.
Immigration nowadays does nothing to help those in poverty - it only sucks the best and brightest from the struggling country and brings them to the first world where the destroy the job market for our impoverished. It's lose lose and serves only to stroke the left's self-righteousness boner. It's disgusting. It used to work well for America back when we had loads of unused land we needed filled. Well, we've filled it now so the only option left is to tell them to man up and fix their own damn country.
well non-white people are pretty shit ...
A few fight but.........the government took their weapons.
It´s like a sick joke because there´s a lot of narcs in the police and the army.
My country gave them hell and unlike them we armed the natives
I know it's corny as fuck, but when I feel a bit despondent about the future I like to listen to old folk songs. Always been a fan of the Irish ones; knowing full well they had no real chance and sometimes far from their home they never gave up. Sorry to my fellow southerners, this one is from a union soldier, but I liked this one a lot - bravado before battle despite far from home, dying, but dying bravely a hero, and knowing that his sacrifice would never be forgotten. I just wish my countrymen weren't so shortsighted and spiteful as to deprive that right of his southern brothers.
>but user, those were just the bad apples
>they just want to be a part of your country
Do you want to know why western governments are so desperate to take in immigrants?
It isn't cultural marxism, it isn't an NWO conspiracy, it's not even led (for the most part) by a misguided sense of empathy.
There's a massive housing crash on the horizon, and govs are taking in anyone who will work a slave wage and rent.
All property in the west and far east is so over valued right now because of the chinese wannabe investors buying up any property they can get their hands on. When this crash happens, and it will, it will be bigger than anything any of us have seen in our lifetimes.
They need these immigrants because they're trying to protect the market from the results of this crash. (keep housing in high demand from sheer overpopulation).
Ever wonder why it's countries with the biggest property bubbles (like Canada) taking in swathes of immigrants?
This is the blackpill about immigration.
Your politicians have chosen to destroy your culture and race because they don't want to be the people blamed for the economy crashing.