What Would a Black Ethnostate in the USA Look Like?

What would it be named? Where would it be? Do blacks even talk about this kind of thing? Or are they against it?

A prison.

detroit. fpbp


nu afriqua

nu afriquanza*

Its called inner city Detroit.

Imagine Detroit, but onthe wrong side of 8 mile, and with no sanitation service or EBT cards. literally fucking nigger hell. they tried this in Liberia. look at that country's wiki page then consider that niggers are now wise to the fact that they are 100% dependent on the altruistic and industrious Northern European soul in the US.

good bantz but i assure you niggers lack the cleanliness, sense of pride, and ingenuity needed to maintain a prison.

>Do blacks even talk about this kind of thing? Or are they against it?
Are you fucking crazy ? They don't generate revenue, if they can't leech off others like parasites how could they survive. Are you seriously this retarded ?

not everything is about "revenue", young retard. people lived and prospered before the whites imposed their system of strictly profiting at others' expense to survive.

>Massive poverty
>White USA blamed for not providing enough to the upstart nation
>Lib tears reintegrate country into USA and we're back where we started

Google image Port Au Prince.

Most nig kingdoms had economies centered on slavery.

It would be called Eboniqa and would be ruled by Kanye and have rap as its national anthem and dis battles for presidential debates. National bird: a fried chicken.

It would slowly but surely devolve to look exactly like Africa.

They don't behave much better here in Florida. I know y'all have some issues with Haitians as well. (I've heard multiple Haitians bitch about how poorly they were treated in the Bahamas, lmao)

Slowly over a period of 2 weeks.

Are you talking about the barter system ?

Whites didn't invent trade nigger. It is a old as civilization itself. And regardless of the system, people need to work for it to function with or without money.

Niggers have proven they are not capable of doing that. Look at Zimbabwe for example. What happened when they "gave it back to the niggers"
Mass starvation and impossible to survive without foreign aid.

Face it niggers are a complete liability and serve no real function as a whole. They pull the whole world down with their privative intellects.

It could work if you reset back to the 1800's

the modern american negro associates hard work and intelligence with inferiority and negativity. If you carved out any chunk they would fall apart with in a month, maybe a few blacks and half-n-halfs would be ok but they would be killed by the violent entitled mobs.

Look at Africa many countries could have succeeded if it wasn't for the general population being unruly or the leadership being incompetent





This place is paradise compared to that hellhole they created.

>many countries could have succeeded if it wasn't for the general population being unruly or the leadership being incompetent
you mean niggers

Freeport is quite nice

>black ethnosate
Personally find such a concept flawed but I would not participate with my own on this. Too many hateful niggas.

>doesen't know "Gangsta's Paradise" by Coolio

The Congo. Blacks will slowly return to tribal groups and compete for position and resources. Machete sales will skyrocket.



>what would it be named?
>where would it be?
>do blacks even talk about this sort of thing?
I doubt most of them even have the mental faculties to understand what an ethnostate is. The ones with any sense would probably be against it so they can keep getting welfare from whitey. The few that are actually hard workers would probably be glad to push the nigger problem out of the US so they could live without such a bad influence around their kids.

It's not like this would fix anything though. After the 10 days that it would take for this experiment to break down into mass chaos, the blacks would just flood back into the US.

Haiti Dominican border. Exact same climate, terrain, resources, etc.

Dominican, lush rich greenery a veritable paradise.

Haiti, rip down all trees and never replant. Get value for the timber once and buy some fried chicken, then starve. Typical nigger shit.

Underrated as fuck

Liberia OH WAIT


Have you even lived in the South? It would look like Louisiana

it's not a new idea since we already have the example of liberia.


I haven't been to Louisiana, but it could also possibly look like Georgia, without the wealth obtained via rap music.

Top laugh

Those aren't cockroaches ffs.

Hahaha you are one funny rapist.

liberia, haiti, or some such thing

Ba dum tss

Is this shit real?

Kangistan, no one has to work and free shit everywhere.

It would probably be named "United Hoods of Niggerica". Due to blacks not being the majority in any US state it would probably look like a loose federation of neighborhoods and cities. The Capital of the UHN would probably look like something out of the planet of the apes.

>Kangistan, no one has to work and free shit everywhere.

Yeah, that's pretty much any inner city in America today.

just sit back and make babies so you get the bump in benefits.

Dominicans are only slightly less nigger than Haiti though

I want to see this. Malcolm X was right about a couple things.

Yeah, to the point where Haitians are illegally crossing the Haiti-D.R. border to chop down their forests for more charcoal.
>People calling out D.R. for deporting thousands of Haitians years ago, even though the Haitians did absolutely nothing to contribute to D.R.

Is it really that easy to just avoid working and abuse the system like this?

It'd be named Detroit. It'd probably be set up in Detroit. Blacks only talk about their dick sizes.


>Is it really that easy to just avoid working and abuse the system like this?
Be black.

Collect welfare.


And how substantial that slight difference is in practice


It was advocated by the NOI back in the mid-20th Century (would be located somewhere in Georgia) and previously by the likes of Garvey I believe, but they eventually abandoned the plans as unrealistic.

Honestly, given how many black folk lean left economically these days, it would be an utter disaster.

I wouldn't call the difference slight. Dominican has over 100B GDP Haiti has around 13B, this given comparable climate, Natural resources, and terrain.
mixed 73%, white 16%, black 11%
black 95%, mulatto and white 5%

They absolutely destroy them in every measurable standard of living.

I agree Dominican is no super power but I wouldn't put them in the same category as Haiti.


It's only like 5-10% African American, and it's been political chaos since the natives gained power.

There used to be a screencap floating around, explaining the method. The keystone is pumping out a lot of niglets. That gets you the food stamps, and has a high-chance of getting you the section 8 housing. And it's vital for step three, getting one of the niglets declared 'developmentally challenged', not a hard task given that their average IQ is gonna hover around 65 and if you spawn enough of them plain statistics will get a really low outlier.

Once they've got a retard, the money starts flowing. The thing is if you're on enough public assistance it acts as a prerequisite for more public assistance, and if you get the "EBT/Section 8/Retard Kid" trifecta, it's basically winning the ghetto lottery.

That's kinda fucked. Anyone got the screencap?

Your problem was nigs in Florida? I couldn't get around all the fucking Cubans that smell as bad as their cigars. Fuckin Ohjays kept cramping up the clubs, didn't even go out after the first night.

Blacks working welfare isn't just a meme or stereotype. There are families of blacks where not a single member has earned a paycheck in 3 generations. Large families.

This is the shit that is destroying America, and the voters the Democrats depend on for reelection.

Idk but blacks always seem to me like they have no feeling of self-worth. They will literally take anything anywhere if the opportunity is right, no matter who is disadvantaged in the end.

Different perspective when you live here. Miami is pretty much not an American city. Cubans are a mixed bag, but pretty much alright. Haitians are fucking garbage, though.


You should know what you're kind looks like

>not everything is about "revenue", young retard. people lived and prospered before the whites imposed their system of strictly profiting at others' expense to survive.
>peoples lived and prospered before the white imposed (((their))) system
>He think its whites who invented I.O.U. when there is a group of guys running around whose ancestors got their shit wrecked by their patriach because they worshiped the a golden calf meant to symbolize the glory of that method of calculating wealth, literally thousands of year before mints were an actual and widespread thing.

Yeah, I suppose its true that peoples lived before, and I suppose it is also true that they had their own moment of prosperity, but to go as far as to say they were better off before is foolish ignorance disguised as thoughtful wisdom. They were neck deep in shit and horrible diseases, just not realizing it because they had been living in it forever and it was the way of thing as far as they knew.

blacks are a burden on society. I wouldn't mind giving them Louisiana and Mississippi. Spics go back to Mexico and Asians go back to Hawaii (but we keep Hawaii)


>blacks always seem to me like they have no feeling of self-worth.

Black ego is a mystifying thing. They wuz kangs, but will destroy their own neighborhoods, act violently if "disrespected", and take pride in ignorance.

Their own self image is more important than any reality. Spend 2 thousand dollars on grills, but not a dome for actual dentistry. Their cars will have 6 thousand dollars of sound systems and wheels so they can drive around and show off, but their kids won't have clothes that fit. They'll spend 2 thousand for a pair of the latest Jordans, and kill someone if they get scuffed.

I can see that. I was just taken aback by how they made me feel like a foreigner in America.


Literally an African American ethno-state.

>The Republic of Liberia began as a settlement of the American Colonization Society (ACS), who believed blacks would face better chances for freedom in Africa than in the United States.[7] The country declared its independence on July 26, 1847

The Republic of Liberia began as a settlement of the American Colonization Society (ACS), who believed blacks would face better chances for freedom in Africa than in the United States.[7] The country declared its independence on July 26, 1847


Detroit after being colonised by Roach-nigger hybrids,which would be immune to nukes, thus devouring the world

>black ethnostate

>free gibsmedats makes the state go under in less than a month and they move away to some other country offering free gibmedats like the fucking locusts they are.

until the african american elite were killed and replaced by the natives.


I try to be as little of a racist as possible but they kinda make their whole kind seem like retards themselves so I can't help it. I've got a story here. I used to work as a cashier in a market, and the guy from the vegetables and fruits area gave me basket of loose bananas. Told me i could give them to people as a little free snack or whatever. Ever black person I got asked if they could take everything and I couldn't help but notice a trend. The fact it were bananas made it double the fun but after that i kinda started questioning if we were really equal.

Liberia is the second oldest black republic, second to haiti, there would never be a black "ethnostate" without the help of europeans

The gibmedats only really began in the 60s, when MLK began shilling socialism and LBJ hooked them on welfare. New Deal economics took a hell of a toll on their economic autonomy, as it did with everyone really by hurting their ability to do business.

There was a significant upward trajectory in the hundred years preceding the Great society, after which things came to a grinding halt. Then the drugs and gangs began to show up.

They say it's easier to create entitlements than roll them back unfortunately, making restoring the pre-welfare zeitgeist extraordinarily difficult. Though Clinton's welfare reforms demonstrated it's doable to some extent, and may even have near instant results.

You mean they wanted to take ALL of the bananas? greedy cunts

>The gibmedats only really began in the 60s

The Gibmedats were a combination of "great Society" and Mayor Lindsey (NYC) paying blacks not to riot.

After meeting with "Civil Rights leaders", NY became the welfare capital of the US, and other cities had to follow because racism.

If Biafra had won its independence we might have seen the first high-IQ black ethnostate, and it might have even been right-wing judging by its allies and the Igbo inclination to dominate the regional economy.

>how would a black only state in the US look like
any shithole in africa with uncannily similar murder and crime rates, which is already the case with majority black cities and neighbourghoods in the US. It's the same old story, the continent literally has everything except people who give a fuck about utilizing it. Not often do you encounter people who for millennia have given so little of a fuck about the massive wealth that is everywhere around them. They barely know how to dig it out or what to use it for, medieval metallurgy they haven't even mastered yet. It's a fucking travesty really.

An africa developed like europe would look amazing.. But instead it looks like pic related because the majority of them are incompetent or don't give a fuck the moment they don't have to. Helping themselves to improve their situation without someone literally demanding it of them doesn't seem to be a motivational factor.

Even in the US they somehow manage to get in a position where they almost starve, it's impressive really, but not in a good way.


I know it sounds kinda dumb like it's just bananas, right. It's just that they don't think about if maybe anyone else wanted anything. This was what i meant in my post about, they'll take the shit no matter who is disadvantaged in any way.

Also, they love Trump to death, and he invited their separatists to his inauguration. Their demonstrations in support of him were violently suppressed by the Nigerian government though, and I think a few were killed.

Maybe we might see a peaceful referendum in the near future. But I wouldn't count on it.

>I know it sounds kinda dumb like it's just bananas, right. It's just that they don't think about if maybe anyone else wanted anything. This was what i meant in my post about, they'll take the shit no matter who is disadvantaged in any way.

It's classic, i've heard many stories exactly like that from people who've been in africa, and then they ofcourse run out of food and then they're all fucked in that little village or whatever. Instead of saving some or sharing them etc. They don't understand like to support the collective village or whatever, just about themselves and instant gratification, but you can't build a society or an advanced community on that obviously. It seems to them it's more natural to steal/take the whole thing they can get a hold of and horde it for themselves, than it is to produce and share or atleast barter in the normal sense.

Not underrated enough..

Americans should create a black ethno state between Mexico and the US. Would put two borders between you guys and solve a huge problem.

westernized blacks are much different than african blacks.
different set of values and morality, albeit both are in the piss.
westernized blacks would quickly murder eachother over territorial disputes as greed/materialism/degeneracy disguised as survivalism runs rampant in black communities.
i'd give them a few years, best case scenario, before gun violence has destroyed all of them and it devolves into actual civil warfare like most sub saharan african ethno-states.
not to mention without white government handouts (welfare state) the statistics show that the the black family (70% single motherhood in the past 30 years) would completely collapse.

blacks need whites to be in charge of them.
slavery didnt go anywhere.
whites just removed the leash but left the fence.

Any African country probably.

Why do African tribes never take like a day of time to move their shit to the water supply they need dearly, instead of walking to it constantly or waiting for whitey to build one for you. I've never seen them do it, it's always like "look at these sad people walking a shit ton for water". Someone fill me in on this, this should be obvious.


>What would a Black Ethnostate in the US look like?

Detroit, Oakland, Baltimore, D.C., Camden, Newark, South-Central L.A., , Bridgeport CT, Brockton, MA,, Chelsea, MA, Lawrence, MA, Holyoke, MA South Providence, RI, New Orleans, Tampa, FL...
Should I keep going?!