Fact: You can be transgender and still support white nationalism
Fact: You can be transgender and still support white nationalism
Fact: OP is a faggot
also fact: you can support white nationalism and still get gassed
you can, but only if youre not white
Fact: You can be a White Nationalist and unironically fuck traps.
yes those things could support it, but they will not be allowed to live in a white ethnostate
Glad that's settled.
Yes, you can have a mental disorder and have another mental disorder.
Fact: no, you can't.
Fact, this isn't politically related and is instead a baitpost to try and trigger a thread fully of tranny/trap bullshit.
I like to sprinkle my pasta w/ some nice sage.
Tranny here, you are fucking retarded.
Fact: Trannies will be the first ones gassed in a NatSoc society
>tranny here
nobody cares faggot
I'm a trans woman myself you fucking asshole, you clearly don't know what you're talking about
its still a man
Ethno nationalism makes sense. You can be anything else and still realise this.
Yea you can support white nationalism, but being transgendered? You've still be jewed.
Why would transgender people be white nationalist we literally despise mental ill people
Cock or GTFO
Than why did you reply, straight fag?
That's right, they can kill themselves.
tfw no white nationalist tranny GF with the spider web tattoos and everything
If you are a national socialists transgender person than you are mentally challenged.
So no religious people allowed?
Fact 2: You can also be GAY and support National Socialism.
>you can still support the truth while living a lie
Herein lies your error
>Hated by national socialists
>Hated by gay and transgender people
Great combo.
Transgenders weren't a thing during Hitlers time, so I'm willing to call a mulligan on it.
Fact 3: You can like lolicon and still support white nationalism
Of course you can, trannies and gays all despise themselves and are secretly begging for the gas chamber
I'm a national socialist who happens to have a cute white nationalist trans gf. She's not even white!
That's true, love me some lolis
Get to cover lads!!! Shariablue's trans division is closing in...
what the hell kind of insult is this?
Fact: You can be brazilian and still support white nationalism
Please gas me last
A normal one.
boipussy or gtfo
now srsly, just grfo
I guess you're right.
being a tranny white nationalist is being an incredible hypocrite. you cannot be a white nationalist yet not even try to have white children, it's sickeningly disgusting to act so contradictively
shush you know nothing of the future
Ive hit on a surprising amount of
feminine lesbian women in my life, idk why but thats where ive been lead.
Maybe im a butch dyke in a male body?
Simply not true. Effete gay men are looked down on though.
>faggot here
nothing will piss the lefties and liberals off more than homosexuals joining NatSoc.
you bet on it
In an Ancap society who builds gas chambers?
Meh, the national socialists would fuck anything like most other men. If they like traps than they fuck us in the butt. They just will hide it from their friends.
Just a disgrace if this person supports a type of social conservatism that calls for their own death. I may not be a liberal but I have a backbone.
>straight fag
I know you're mentally ill but that's not how it works.
>muh4chan grammar convention
No one cares, pervert.
The free market of course
But jews always dominate the free market.
im sure you really believe that
Welcome to Sup Forums new-friend, where everyone is a faggot.