As a white nationalist, I just can't support the alt right movement. Way too many homosexuals,transsexuals, coal burners, non whites in the movement. Sup Forums do you feel the same way?
As a white nationalist, I just can't support the alt right movement. Way too many homosexuals,transsexuals...
Other urls found in this thread:
Anyone interested in getting knocked up with the gift that keeps on giving?
No, I hate nazi larpers, all you do is infight. Please go to another forum
>Le based minorities xD
>Gavin, Milo, Breitbart, Infowars Alt-lite/Alt-kike
Pick one, faggot
Good. Fuck off.
All neo-nazis do is fuck up everything they touch. You are part of a self-defeating ideology and the only thing you can do by associating with the alt-right is to REDUCE the support it gets and weaken its political influence.
The real world effects of neo-nazi ideology is indistinguishable from that of the progressives. You drive people into their grasp and discredit anyone who is effective in opposing them.
You. Are. Not. Helping.
>le gibs me whitebux daddy
Nah, I like both. You're both infighter shills.
Fuck off, JIDF.
>posts pic of the alt-light and referring to said alt-light as the alt-right.
This must be the most sophisticated shilling I've seen today.
>Alt Right
The Proud Boys are an explicitly white supremacist gang.
While the tolerant homosexuals you describe are the alt right, we want nothing to do with the new KKK that is Gavin McInnes and the Proud Boys
>Be white supremacist
>turn your entire face black with tattoos
You sound like a social justice warrior to me
>The real world effects of neo-nazi ideology is indistinguishable from that of the progressives.
LOL. This has to be kikery. I cannot believe anyone would authentically be such a grossly idiotic counter-signaling faggot.
Nice edge, I thought you faggots were all about making your memes neon fag club posters now. What happened? I guess that's not "trad" "fash" now lol you bunch of fucking queers, you even cut your hair like homos.
Daily reminder that JIDF shills are paid to agitate this board.
punching right makes you at par with a shitlib. be supportive faggot.
Arguing with Jews about White nationalism is like arguing with CHEKA about the merits of the free-market.
Fuck off, kike.
>The Proud Boys are an explicitly white supremacist gang.
No they are not.
As a Confederate American Nationalist, I just can't support germanic trash in any form. Way too many non-Christians, non-Anglos, and non-Celtics. Sup Forums, do you feel the same way?
Name a real world effect of neo-nazi ideology. What have you actually accomplished beyond petty vandalism and assault? Because being a bunch of destructive hooligans drives people away from you and any cause you publicly associate yourselves with.
If your actions drive people away from causes you claim to support, then you are effectively aiding the progressives.
That's true. There's no point in talking with the Jews. Hitler put it quite good:
>The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.
>Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck.
>I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying.
That's what they do for show. The actual initiation ritual involves them beating someone up until he names 5 Jews he'd like to kill.
wow no one's seen that quote before, do you post it every day? You people are like cultists, it's cringy as fuck
Gavin Mcinnes and Ezra Levant's legion of controlled opp shabbos goyim are nothing but mercenaries for Zion. They are simply the next generation of the worthless and ethno-masochistic Boomer cucks via Fox News and talk radio.
They're all traitors who deserve the rope until they STOP LYING.
It's really not that complicated.
Gavin McInnes is a clown. Anyone who listens to him is an idiot.
Look up the daily shoah you got dam kike.
Wtf are you talking about
Gavin is a kike and a leaf
Mein Kampf described them to a tee, brother. My own experience has repeatedly confirmed this.
We don't ANY TIME to FUCK AROUND and pretend like these kikes aren't strangling us to death.
The time for prevarication is OVER.
Into the ovens with this kike
As not a white nationalist, yes.
You people really are vermin. Utterly incapable of moral introspection.
And you only have yourselves to blame...
>>Name a real world effect of neo-nazi ideology.
Sup Forums
I agree with you that 1488 larpers/stormfags can be pretty degenerate, but there needs to be an outlet for their ideas to influence the broader right.
I want what you're on.
Alt-lite entryism is overall good. Many will graduate to true WN, pic related, read it.
Funny thing is I hate jews as much as the next guy (besides spencer who loves them), I just hate you collectivist cult fags who are always biblethumping around pol
Once you've argued with one of them, you've argued with them all. All of their third cousins, to be accurate.
Having "argued" with several of these animals on the Internet, there is one thing they all have in common.
NONE of them will openly admit they're Jewish. These Jews are a sentient virus. Their behavior is astonishing, beneath contempt. They must be treated like the animals they are. Only way.
>Sup Forums
Bullshit. Sup Forums is not one person. Neo-nazis are a minority here. And none of Sup Forums's real world effects have anything to do with neo-nazi ideology.
Riddle me this, has Stormfront, an actual neo-nazi website, ever accomplished anything like what Sup Forums has? No, of course not. Because neo-nazis are a tiny fringe minority of societal rejects. Useless and impotent. The only thing they can do is aid the leftists by ruining things by association.
While i do not subscribe to civic nationalism and lean more towards ethnic nationalism i find their purpose as pure entertainment value. Alot of Sup Forums cringe at the sight of them however, those same people bring out the worst in the commie left and shows normies their true colors.
If you hate kikes them stop shilling for them you fucking kike.
Civilization is a collective, nations are a collective, race is a collective, you dumb fucking kike. How is MUH individualism worked out for us?
Go peddle your merchant poison on Reddit the Donald, faggot.
Sup Forums is a collective of ANONS, dumbass. We are ANONYMOUS.
90% of us "neo-nazis" who have studied history enough harbor sympathies for Hitler aren't goose-stepping retardedly down the streets of their parent's neighborhood.
Stop being a beta faggot Alt-kike sympathizer.
useful idiots and cannon fodder, a low priority enemy for now.
Sup Forums believes in truth above all.
we do not submit to social platitudes because of collective group think or emotional appeal.
the alt right has some good ideas but i do not agree with all of them.
neo nazis have good ideas however i do not agree with all of their ideas as well.
i believe in honesty, transparency, and truth towards the world we are in the world we are creating for our future generations.
this is why i am user.
Nah, we don't want you anyways stormfag. Go do your own thing.
>And none of Sup Forums's real world effects have anything to do with neo-nazi ideology.
I doubt that. We wouldn't be reliving Weimar era LARP if it wasn't the neo-Nazi influence bleeding through.
Stuff like JQ, race realism, anti-feminism, anti-PC, anti-sexual degeneracy, etc. is all relevant, and although you do not have to hate jooz or whatever to be a good Sup Forumsack, imho, you still have to realize the importance of moving the overton window to the right.
I'm in the Proud Boys and it fucking hurts.
I'm forced to either sit idly by and feel guilty about my inaction, or to associate with a bunch of "based black guy" libertarians. The guilt became too much to bare, but now I just feel like an autistic larper.
I wish we had more high-quality groups to interact with.
Are you new, faggot? Sup Forums is a patently pro-white board. Being pro-White without being antisemitic would like being pro-Nazi without being anti-Marxist.
Are you new, a paid kike shill, or just retarded?
t. stormfag
They are not the Alt-Right, they are the Alt-Lite although to be honest I too have been having second thoughts even about the original movement. Nevertheless for unity sake I try to back Spencer and co.
I wanna join identity evropa, but their applications are slow as shit.
(((Alt kike)))
Or you kike or shabbos goy, faggot?
>Do you feel the same way
No pinching right. Don't fall for this jrw.
>the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
support them for now and move the overton window right. once we start getting the leftist beat out we can fight over semantics
There is no reason for the Alt-lite to exist after the Trump campaign.
We have the Internet and are highly visible. Rightist sentiment would be absorbed by the Alt-right without these charlatans obstructing our path. They are not a detour, they are an obstacle.
WE DON'T NEED blatant controlled opposition Jewish trash at the Rebel (((Ezra Levant))) and InfoWars (((Rob Jacobson))).
This does not cause people to be red-pilled, only more entrenched in their previously held and parents' cuckservative civic nationalist stupidity they've heard their entire lives of MUH FREEDOM MUH MUSLIMS MUH ISRAEL and MUH FREE-MARKETS.
Did you see how The Rebel audience responded to their "white nationalism is stupid" video? They fucking hated it. Even if it wasn't Ezra's intent, he created a gateway to the ethnonationalist right.
>All neo-nazis do is fuck up everything they touch.
>Sup Forums
Kek fuck off
Would you call Fox News a "path to the red-pill"?
Of course you wouldn't. But what is the real difference between the Alt-lite and Fox News?
The subscribers to the Alt-lite hold those figures to be authoritative on political matters. These figures have repeatedly denounced us, refuse to interview us, and are hostile to our views. Therefore, they are hostile to our race and its civilization.
The idea that the Alt-lite is somehow useful to Alt-right is ridiculous. We don't need these fools to further our objectives. We are far more capable than they are in every way.
They impede our progress. that is what they want, and that is all they are good for. Let's stop pretending these imbeciles and self-interested snake oil salesmen are somehow useful to us. They're not.
There is a diference between degenerate neonazis and proud aryan national socialist you pleb
Stormfags btfo again and again. There is no place for you guys because everywhere you'll go no one will like you.
Instead of living alone and filled with hate only talking to other stormfags on the internets, why not just integrate? Give up your pointless and sad fight.
Go prep your Arab bull.
That is a meaningless victory compared to the damage controlled opposition outlets have done for our cause. They lead us down the false ideological paths and create religious feelings for individualism, Israel (Muslims r the real Jews), and capitalism. All three of these controlled opposition religions are inimical to our movement and our only salvation. Keep in mind these are IDEOLOGIES. They assume a religious dimension that becomes irrational and is hard to persuade people out of. MUH COLLECTIVISM as one of the previous shills posted.
Plus, the overwhelmingly negative reaction probably came from people in the Alt-right who are subscribers to The Rebel and have this delusion (like many do, including yourself) that the Alt-lite media are somehow fellow travelers or /ourguys/.
(((They're))) not and never will be. They only play footsie with us because we are a large, formidable movement and they want to make us think they're with us and to validate the misconception that they somehow facilitate and are "leading up" to our movement.
If I'm wrong great, but I'm only wrong when these Jewish mercenaries stop thinking "me first" and vocally supporting our TRUTH.
A path to the redpill is the alt-right, and its more moderate outreach faction, alt-lite, having good relations with the conservative movement i.e. Fox.
We still here race realist national socialists, dont get confused
>That is a meaningless victory compared to the damage controlled opposition outlets have done for our cause.
Like what? I never knew who Tommy Robinson was before The Rebel started promoting him, but it seems to me like they're investing money into rehabilitating the image of far-right organizations that gotten written off over the last 10-15 years. That's a good thing.
When I recently argued with an user about this on 8/pol/ (Sup Forums was down), he just claimed the EDL is controlled oppo too, but that just goes to show how 1488 larpers are often act like controlled oppo themselves. Purity spiraling is as bad as punching right.
It is not "purity spiraling" to make the argument that these LITERALLY FUCKING JEWISH ZIONIST ISRAEL FIRST MEDIA OUTLETS who are categorically hostile to our movement do not advance our movement. Jesus fucking Christ.
You can respond to my argument about them creating false ideologies (individualism, capitalism, Zionism) that become strongly held and absolutely contradict our interests and not just isolate some experience you had.
Like what? How many people on the MUH MUSLIM "right" can you talk about our AIPAC Israel-First foreign policy rationally and substantively with? Do you think that just happened by cohencidence or was that the fruit of controlled opposition Israel-First outlets like Fox, The Rebel, and Infowars? Do you think that just may effect their reluctance to touch the JQ?
>punching right.
>muh muslims are bad
>muh Israel is always right and our greatest ally
>muh free-market capitalism is always right and our greatest ally
>muh dems r the real racists
Dude, if that is the right then we are well and truly fucked.
I am punching the false prophets who are holding our people back. YOU are the one punching right.
I'm not punching right, and I call out people who do. But I don't see what spergs who derail e-celeb threads have to add to the right-wing movement. It's no better than punching right because it's just concern trolling. Rebel and InfoWars do a lot more to lead people to the JQ than you do even if they (((cuck left))) to stay in business. And people who do touch the JQ still get accused of being Zionist shills or evil 1488ers if they go too right, so it's obviously not enough to stop you from being controlled oppo to a schizo.
LOL oh you kids and your infighting.
It is a creation of the media and (((journalists))). There are only nationalists and globalists.
Why do people always say he looks menacing in this picture? Its looks to me like he is about to crack a smile upon realizing he is having his photo taken.
>Not wanting useful idiots
You can respond to arguments and stop evading or fuck off, faggot. Or, are you just a Jewish troll? In which case, I don't argue with Jews. I never said that controlled opposition is 100% bad but aggregately it has a negative impact for Whites and our nations.
Since you don't seem capable of critical thought, just so the board learns something:
The effect these controlled opposition outlets (Breitbart is big one and was literally founded to protect freedom and Israel lulz) have is to hamstring people into a comfort zone where they can feel like they are standing up for Murica what they know is an evil society without being cast into the pariah status of being "antisemites" and "racists" AKA the worst things in the world, even worse than pedophiles. In reality, they accomplish nothing.
The Breitbart/FoxNews/InfoWars lemmings are some of the most pro-Israel, anti-racist, and anti-Nazi people in this country. These outlets have intimidated these people into those positions.
Do you think that is a result of controlled opposition or do you think they were just born that way, moron? Charles Krauthammer is great for red-pilling people on the JQ, guise!!!
And if the Alt-lite is leading people to the JQ, that is down to US, not to them.
On principle, I'm not giving these people any credit for being fundamentally lying money grubbers and moral cowards.
> alt right
> "movement"
Reminder that the media picked up and distributed the alt right label to create an enemy for progressives who were losing internet arguments to teenagers
It's easy to throw spitballs at the back of the classroom, but I don't believe the "alt-right" would be half of what it is today if it weren't for Breitbart. Does it mean they're a 100% perfect institution? Of course not, especially after the campaign. But all these more moderate right-wing groups provide a pipeline between the hard right and the rest of society. REEEEEing at them because they don't fit your 14/88 purity tests just doesn't sound like real criticism to me. It'd vague, unspecific and doesn't actually explain what any of them are doing wrong.
this. what is up with the concern trolling today? there's no way its organinc. I smell some sort of shillery
saged just in case
The alt-right has pissed me off so much that I've started to defend Muslims. All those fuckers can do is insult Islam, but right after they will tell you about how kikes are based, about how niggers are the best, about how the LATINOS4TRUMP were very important for his victory, etc.
The alt-right truly is cancer and their memes are fucking terrible.
That's the alt-lite civic nationalists you're talking about. Alt-right means ethnonationalists.
>>The alt-right has pissed me off so much that I've started to defend Muslims.
White Muslim kills 2 neo-nazis.jpg
This is gonna be you in the future.
>Breitbart Jerusalem
>According to Breitbart, founded to be "pro-Israel"
>Breitbart - Jewish
>Infowars - Jewish
>FoxNews - Jewish
>DrudgeReport - Jewish
Maybe I just have standards, faggot? We do not need Zionist 2% minority kikes having a monopoly conservative White people how to think and what to believe in and getting us into more wars for Israel that LITERALLY DESTROY FUCKING EUROPE. This is aggregate BAD for us. Seriously, are you a kike or are you just fucking thick?
What I'm saying is not "vague" or "unspecific". You're just an arrogant bitch unwilling to concede any ground, which is why you haven't addressed any of my points "specificially."
It's time for people to grow the fuck up and address the EASILY VERIFIABLE REALITIES of our situation. How hard is it to look up who owns the media, Hollywood, and international banks? How hard is it to look up racial IQ and crime statistics? When exactly will you stop apologizing for Jewish media and say enough is enough exactly? War in Syria? War in Iran?
>What I'm saying is not "vague" or "unspecific".
>"muh jooz"
Pretty vague and unspecific. You forgot to mention Richard Spencer is a Zionist Bush family shill. /s
No, you gigantic racist faggot.
The alt-right exists to include homosexuals and non-whites.
Btw how is infowars even Jewish? Just because they say "globalist" instead of "Jews" doesn't mean they're some kind of evil sellouts. There's other channels that focus on JQ issues more intensely, I have no problem supporting them or trying to raise their profile, but if Breitbart/Infowars/etc. disappeared overnight and got replaced with 1000 David Dukes, you'd be delusional to think that's when we'd suddenly start "winning".
How about you just quit because nobody wants you faggots in the group anyway
Again, a clear example of how retarded pol is right now. Unironically thinking Gavin is Alt Right is comedy.
These are Zionist outlets who support (and will never protest) the Zionist AIPAC foreign policy that has ravaged the United States and is destroying Europe through the consequent migrant crisis.
Please tell me how that is vague and unspecific, faggot. And while you're at it, please tell how that is good for the Alt-right.
Hope you've enjoyed the Sabbath!
Rob Jacobson is Alex Jones's boss at InfoWars.
>You forgot to mention Richard Spencer is a Zionist Bush family shill
I'm a big supporter of Richard's. In fact, I've communicated with him several times and he is receptive to my thoughts on the Alt-lite.
After all, I did come up with the expression.
I don't see any evidence of that. They're pretty united in covering mass migration as a Super Bad Thing and they were the first to get in front of the "anti-war" movement condemning the MOAB and strikes on Syria (which, desu, I didn't even think was all that bad, am I a Jew shill too?).
In the case of (((Ezra))), yeah, he may be a Jew, and counter-signal slightly to his right, but between Tommy Robinson and Lauren Southern (who I imagine he still has ties to, while she's covering G.I.), he's pushing out more pro-white journalism recently than I can see from most other center right organizations. I don't see any specific examples you've mentioned that makes Rebel Media clearly controlled oppo and bad for the movement, except for, wow, whoopie, he's a Jew.
And don't get me wrong, I understand the problem with not wanting Jews to dominate our organizations. But RM isn't even our organization. If someone's a Jew or another non-white and wants to be some sort of ally, I don't see much point sperging at them for being a Joo when that's not really the point of race realism, as I see it. All that does is make us look bad and fracture the movement.
It seems to me like presenting a united front is far more important than ideological dogmatism. That doesn't mean cucking or refusing to criticize people, but it does mean that anything that we don't want the right to fracture or eat itself. As I see it, the "alt-right" forms the core of the RW right now, while the "alt-lite" makes it look bigger, gives us a platform, and helps us apply pressure to other groups. This idea that these 2 factions are fundamentally at odds just seems like missing the big picture to me.
It's why I love the kekistani stuff so much, since it perfectly encapsulates that alt-right/lite playing off each other strategy.
user, Gavin Lauren southern and chernovich all rode the wave of the alt right, then when the election was over they declared themselves alt-lite. All those coal burning degenerates are alt "lite"