How did humanity deal with deflation for the thousands of years predating fiat currency?
How did humanity deal with deflation for the thousands of years predating fiat currency?
Gold has never lost value, what the hell are you talking about?
i think he's just being a smart ass
I hope so.
Life sucked for them
Real hard
But then again money was really only needed for paying taxes or when traveling to the city (Doctor visits/Legal council and such)
get the fuck out of the thread retards
OP wants a discussion about how fiat is bad but everyone smart already knows thisTHERE I RUINED IT FOR ALL OF YOU
Jews used to shave the edges of gold coins off and collect the shavings.
......deflation also includes the adding of gold to market
no everything I've read has implied that fiat is superior to gold-standard but I want to see what the rebuttal to this is
Periodic revolutions and jubilees.
Superior for whom?
the economy since it encourages spending and risk in order to increase your capital value
Economies can be imagined out of existence just as easily as they can be imagined into existence.
so what is the ideal economic system in which deflation will cause prosperity?
None. Deflation only causes concentration of wealth. Steady-state economies keep it moving.
Deflation is a positive force of currency because it means it's backed with inherent value harder for a state to manipulate. It's a stabilizing balance of natural trade outside of bartering. It serves as its own check and balance against the state. If you were led to believe otherwise it's because you probably were brainwashed by right-and-leftist-Jewish-supremacist "economists" telling you otherwise. Their religion is to essentially hate things they can't control.
Your question is like asking how people survived for thousands of years drinking active nutrient-rich raw animal milk that made them strong and immune to many health problem, only to now have grown up living in a corrupt age or processed chemical junk served with convenience. You should ask how we're still serving with 100 years of this madness even though the answer is obvious because there's no turning back without a global war reset.
Modern currency (((policy))) and later moving away from standards binding like gold is a core design of globalists to consolidate power. It means they can manipulate any nation's economies when they want with almost no accountability. It's key to the long game of their New World Order.
>*serving=surviving, and a bunch of other typos but so it is
By hoarding money (gold) instead of loaning it to stimulate the economy.
That's when goods and services get cheaper and people can buy more for the same money as before
Saving becomes attractive because for the money saved you can buy next week more goods and services than this week, thus you spend less and businesses have less income
Force people to spend their money with a date of expiration on money
Date of expiration? Are you out of your mind? If people hoard their money products became more expensive. This is because more people will pick up farming and products as cars or computers raise in prices. Deflation always leads back to inflation and vice versa. If you had a function that represents the economy and take the derivative find the limit of the new function it leads to zero. Suggesting that the economy is all but fake and of no real value. Currency is nothing more than a trick kings or emperors used to get rich quick.
Starting wars to get more gold?
This is literally why we can't have nice things.
>Currency is nothing more than a trick kings or emperors used to get rich quick.
>what is a standard of exchange
"Money" is just a medium we have invented to represent "work", to exchange "work" with each other without having to actually do physical work.
The car you buy has a certain monetary value representing the total amount of specialized work which went into its production.
To have a car you of course could go into an iron mine to get some ore, melt it and forge it into a motor, educate yourself how to do mechanics and electronics etc to create a car. Or you use the funnily colored pieces of paper you get for performing one kind of physical work at some place for someone else.
>Deflation is a positive force
5 words is all we need to see you're a complete retard
In a deflationary economy, incidental purchasing declines. The dollar you don't spend now will be worth more later, so purchases get deferred habitually, with frivolous and luxury purchases hardest hit. This doesn't stop people from buying shit they actually need or want on a regular basis like groceries, clothes, toilet paper, supplies for actual hobbies, drugs, household appliances, basic furnishings, but it does make them more likely to hesitate before buying every piece of degenerate fadshit that comes along. It also rewards them more obviously for not buying the gaudy luxury kit, too. So, of course, deflation is completely screamingly unacceptable to the creative zombies who rule us. They'd have to compete better with the great span of human potential, and they don't take deals on those terms.
Yes it is. The only currency that the government doesn't control is bitcoin. And guess what? It's almost at the price of gold. Suggesting currency can be anything at any time. If currency can be anything then it's nothing. People have bartered for thousands of years with a lot of different things. The le currency is a better echange for goods meme is garbage.
>a thing that has no physical form is at the same price as an arbitrary amount of material goods
I was saying that deflation isn't a problem, unlike how you assumed it was.
>repeating my comment in green text is not an argument.
>pointing out my meaningless comparison doesn't matter when it's green
Annnd you miss the point