Imagine: a world without white people

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace, you
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world, you
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one

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so who exactly lives on the top of these buildings?

What a great world that would be honestly.


that's a world without jews, jew.

Funny since as a person who went to Kenya they have more technology and better cities than the best part of Europe. They have subways they have roads they have police force they have skyscrapers.

Enjoy your ban anti-semite

Actually, nigger shitposters in this thread aside, imagine that. European technologies never invented. Humanity is still in India and Africa, shitting on streets and each other. Would say sandniggers would rule the world, but Islam wouldn't exist without Christianity being as popular as it is due to whites. Guess we'd all be niggers in the bushes.

Just go to Detroit and look around, that's a place where white people suddenly vanished

Leaf, are you lost?

Europeans stole everything from Islam and China and India. Whites never invented anything sorry you have no culture. Sorry you have no culture

>banning antijews
>on Sup Forums

You don't have to imagine nigger. You can see it for yourself right now.

No I'm on Sup Forums a civic nationalist board who is against political correctness but does not stand for hate speech. Are you lost?

Sup Forums bans everyone who posts anything other than an infowars link.


LOL looks pretty advanced in my mind.

they wouldn't even have most of what you see here without white people

...what? Citations for anything you said? At all? Anywhere?
The fuck you saying? Honestly? This board is political discussion.
Again, the fuck you actually trying to say? Also, nice cherry picking on that image. "Oh, hurr durr, ignore the trash heap full of pigs and niggers, there's a skyscraper in the background"

>what? Citations for anything you said? At all? Anywhere?

Yeah actually it's historic fact.

>The fuck you saying? Honestly? This board is political discussion.

I'm trying to say this isn't a Nazi board

>Again, the fuck you actually trying to say? Also, nice cherry picking on that image. "Oh, hurr durr, ignore the trash heap full of pigs and niggers, there's a skyscraper in the background"

That whole image is cherry picking. "HURR DURR im going to post the poorest place on earth that happens to be black and show how bad blacks are hurr durp"



You're actually a really bad troll, part of the reason im having you banned but mostly because your bad at your job.

This leaf believes the best part of Europe doesn't have technology, subways or skyscrapers that are better, or at least as good as the ones in Kenya. This can't really be your thoughts. You should be concerned about yourself.

I just cannot understand why leaves are such disgusting trash. Did you guys like collectively agree to act like idiots online? Because no group of human beings could be this unironically retarded. I swear, where there's a thread there's a leaf making an add of himself.



And you believe that all blacks have IQs below 70 which is by defniition racist

You're disgusting trash. No on is actually racist, i know it's mental illness

Ok trolll

First of all where did you get that from? Second, if it's factually correct how is it racist.

Not all dumbass, you can't into statistics, the median on the bell curve is 70 , outliers exist but on average Black's are dumbasses cia nigger

Well where did you get the idea i think europe doesn't have skyscrapers? DURRR

i wonder...


Most of the Italian stuff was from the Moors invading Sicily

You're a faggot, but John Lennon was redpilled and racist


Kys leaf

That's literally not what I said but sure.

haha no
look at the time period (1400-1950), that's like 300 years after the arabs were defeated by the normans. It was the beginning of the renaissance

sure you didn't buddy, sure.

A world with no white ppl? You'd still be living in a mud hut

Thanks for proving my point you piece of human waste. Get fucking raked.

Only a legitimately stupid person, a failed troll, or a gaping anal-bitch would speak like you do. So which one are you, you fucking faggot? Slice your throat.


Didn't you fucking say that Kenya had better tecnology, skyscrapers and subways than the best part of Europe? You jumped to some fuckery about IQ but I want to know if you genuinely think your first statement is true.
> kenya: 115 out of 151
top kek

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