I work for the DNC infiltrating pro-Trump groups such as Sup Forums
ask me anything.
proof incoming, gotta wait until the boss leaves for the day.
I work for the DNC infiltrating pro-Trump groups such as Sup Forums
ask me anything.
proof incoming, gotta wait until the boss leaves for the day.
Other urls found in this thread:
Is that why I see all these cancerous threads on Sup Forums today?
Monitoring thread like a shit hawk
Sure you do. Any proof?
Ever think about doing the right thing and sabotaging your globalist shill masters? Because any decent human being would.
Why do you guys promote and facilitate the spread of Islam? Honestly. What is with the blind adoration you have for it?
what a shitty building
chan isn't a secret ooga booga club
You aren't infiltrating shit, you're just trolling you dumbass
gib intel pls
how many of you are there?
what does your command hierarchy look like?
how much is the dnc spending on this?
do they have small cells spread out across the country or is it centrally located/coordinated from somewhere?
show us your office
proof, Sup Forums + date in image
There's no grand conspiracy, these retards just don't want to admit they were wrong about islam, they also don't want to concede that minorities are capable of atrocities, they were taught only whites can be evil. It's a mess.
Why are you guys so bad at memes?
>he works infiltrating pol
How does one infiltrate a public forum?
- literally anyone can post on Sup Forums
*slow clap*
>1 post by this ID
What's the boss's security detail like?
saging until proof
none of us are in the DNC offices; they have satellite offices, but that's all I know. I'm in Seattle with about 6 others. our office is called "zone 30"
I don't know how many other zones there are, we don't communicate.
we get our "approved narratives" and basically improvise from there. we have copies of photoshop and basically just get to shitpost all day to sow division about Trump or other right-wing policies.
but here's the fucked-up part: we also post against things like single-payer, $15/hr, etc.
here in Seattle we are also posting on news sites like thestranger.com and seattletimes.com
I get paid $90,000/yr and get to shitpost all day, why would I ruin this???
His boss can look that up too.
Why do you condone this you fucking Jew? Why do you think this kind of shit needs to happen? Why don't you want to see a prosperous world?
Oh yeah its cause youre a fucking hellspawn kike who has a thing against the world on account of your Mohel chopping off your dick and molesting you as a child.
IDs are different in every thread
maybe "infiltrating" is the wrong word, but our job is to post believable FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) posts to "turn the tide"
never claimed this was my photo. I can't whip out my cell until the boss is gone. we're not supposed to bring phones to work.
Post history ofc. Infiltration includes getting mod spots. Have you audited your mods today?
many of us are janitors or higher
one of the goals is to get moderator or other control on Sup Forums and other forums
so far I'm just a lowly shitposter, I only started last month
my biggest thread was the Seth Rich one
>ID's are different in every thread
No shit.
this is poor, poor, poor
you simply must try harder
tell that to your boy
I will share one thing; we're also heavily involved with antifa posts on Facebook and Twitter
don't trust these people
>why would I risk my $90k a yr job.
Good question faggot.
Do y'all use any special software to help manage the shilling? Custom or off-the-shelf?
nice reddit spacing retard.
I call bullshit.
off the shelf
mgmt has some special shit we don't get to touch but I think it may just be analytics tracking our posts somehow
the machines we use are heavily locked down and basically just have chrome and photoshop and a shared folder with subfolders like "b" and "pol" full of templates
What's the point? We are not weak minded fools here and are immune to your shill mind tricks.
$15/hr $90k/yr
Do you even Math?
do you always assume two random numbers are related? I get paid $90k per year, the DNC is not for $15/hr minimum wage
> narrows identity down to one of 7 people
and here's how we know you're full of shit
I did the Math for you. That would be around 18hrs/day working 7 days a week. Get bent larper.
Does anyone who could and would report you to your bosses check your work here? How likely will this get you caught if you're who you say you are? What consequences await you if that happens?
>time stamp
Fake and gay
>maybe "infiltrating" is the wrong word, but our job is to post believable FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) posts to "turn the tide"
And you're okay with this? Do you realize what the end game is? wow. Talk about whorin. Not to mention subversive.
Hmm I misread. My bad. You hiring?
WHAT the absolute fuck is that!
Nice cp folder degenerate
nobody outside of this program knows anything about it, so good luck ratting me out genius
fuck you morons, I was going to share the crazier shit but it seems like you'd rather suck each other off
How'd you get the job?
Common posters here have right and reason to be skeptical. If you're worth a damn you don't need to get in petty sidelines with the shittiest of shitposters
Uhhhhhhhh is that who I think it is?!?!
That disappeared quickly....
Are you redpilled?
Hey buddy I've been attentively watching your thread for like an hour. Could you share with me the biggest thing you're willing to? Something nobody really know or has never come up.
>this is what a communist palace looks like
almost as creepy as a planned parenthood building
What do you make of the fact that you are advancing the agenda of pedophiles
Your bait tactics won't work here.
>hurr I have this super secret intel that I WAS gonna leak to you even though I'm still loyal to the Dicksucking National Comittee
>Dicksucking National Comittee
Don't you mean "Dickers of National Children?"
>get paid $90,000/yr
bullshit. if you were smart enough to make that much, you would be smart enough not to compromise yourself. get bent.
Kek, your's is more accurate.
> The DNC makes their black ops payroll public
Try again leaf
hello AWAN
are all your brothers still collecting mass data from congress and the gop?
continue being DWS minions and you will burn in the fire with her
or give up what you know about Seth and the DNC
How about an example shitpost? Make up a new one.
no proof
op is a larping faggot
that's your colleagues at ctr/shareblue
I'm not op
Fake and gay.
>Do you even Math?
Do you even english?
I like the shills. They are part of the fun here. They teach one to stay focused. Its a real change of consciousness. Thanks shill, and don't forget to buy some gold and silver with that 90k.
>I work for the DNC infiltrating pro-Trump groups
what's it like having to wear white hoods or dress up like inbred yokels in order pass among their ranks?
have you got the southern drawl down yet?
what does moonshine home-brew taste like?
how hard was it convince your sister to have sex with you...?
Shilling pays $45/hr now? Jumpin Jesus on a Fucking Pogostick, Sup Forums is Serious Business
How many times a day do you check your white male privilege?
Is "there" end game civil war/uprisisngs
Your entire postsounds as if you're either a 70 year old trying to be funny by using jokes from 40 years ago or you're a 15 year old "the TV and punk rock tells me what to think" pimple faced effeminate faggot.
How much cihld pron do they pay you in?