Redpill me on Jeremy Corbyn.
Why do so many people on Sup Forums support him?
How is he any different than Sanders or Macron? Isn't he pro-Islamization like the rest of his shitty party?
Redpill me on Jeremy Corbyn.
Why do so many people on Sup Forums support him?
How is he any different than Sanders or Macron? Isn't he pro-Islamization like the rest of his shitty party?
Genuine and honest guy. Seriously. there are almost no politicians with his level of sincerity.
Sadly, his policies are dumb.
He's a very old-fashioned Communist. Best way to think of him is as a caricature student that never grew up, like Rick from the Young Ones. Other leftists have moved on, and can at least hide behind a veneer of modernity. Corbyn is still living in the 70s.
Poor guy about to be stumped by Theresa may.
At least Rick was a college student. This old cunt has no excuse, whatever facebook has to say about how "down to earth" he is.
Interesting. I always assumed he was a champagne democratic socialist like Sanders. But why does that make him a good choice?
Why arnt britsin voting ukip..they want britain.for.brits
Macron is a Rothschild capitalist Jew though, comrade Corbyn is a legit lefty.
It's like a shit rerun of the Heath vs. Wilson years
He's popular on Sup Forums because Corbyn supporters from reddit are making a concerted effort to push him.
He is an idiot socialist who will ruin the country.
His shadow cabinet is full of marxists and anti-white idiots.
He openly supported the IRA, is an outspoken republican, and wants to open diplomatic talks with ISIS.
He has never had an interaction with a working man in his life, and the only reason he has support is because idealistic young people want free shit.
Almost every communist leader or intellectual in history was a hypocrite with a wealthy background. Nothing new here.
He is the worst mix of traditional Marxist fiscal policies and SJW-tier social policies.
He's anti-Saudi, unlike May.
Well shit boys, I guess we have to elect him then. Surely him being anti-saudi is worth the 70s era Socialism/Communism that got Thatcher elected
>Sadly, his policies are dumb.
Then why do the other parties keep pinching them?
>The Tories’ agenda mimics Labour’s manifesto
No he is going to see Presidents Mays majority reduced
Only politician who never sacrificed his principles for a shot at a cabinet position. Supported what he believed in and broke party lines when he felt it was right.
Given that political parties are the cancer of democracy, I can fully get behind that.
Anti Jew
25% lead dropped down to a 5%
At this rate, the bitch may well lose.
I always assumed they were just shills, like those people who were pushing for Schulz a few months ago.
But actually supporting the IRA and British republicanism is too far. That's just treason.
>diplomatic talks with ISIS.
I guess he's also a retard.
He's a properly transparent communist.
The Labour leader could have been one of those globalist cucks that you can't ever predict, instead the Anglo gets someone they can trust to fuck up the country following simple patterns.
But mostly his double election into the Labour leader seat has pissed off shitloads of lefties because his beliefs come from the time when communism gassed faggots and trannies.
He's not a kike.
Pro hezbollah
Pro wikileaks
I don't support him. I only want him to succeed because he's been such an underdog and laughing stock.
All I've heard from him are comrade Corbyn memes and that he wants to tax people quite hard. I even heard his own people used to hate him and he became leader of his party by pretty much luck. If that kind of walkover can challenge May on any level I must support him at least partially.
he wants to tax the (((rich)))
You can see from his face that he doesen't even believe in himself. So someone must believe in him. I don't give a fuck if he loses, but if he wins it's huge entertainment value because he is so hated and memed.
1-2 monhs ago our medias had articles about May ordering new elections for more support. It's at least pretty interesting if Corbyn manages to win when May had so much confidence in her party.
does anyone think that Corbyn as PM would implement free speech laws? serious question
Teresa's campaign is so bad it makes him look appealing in comparison.
thing is May has very little party support from her MPs, it's just money talking
she thought she could ride brexit to a safe dictatorship but everyone is beggining to reee at how robotic and autistic a puppet she is
no he would bring in state enforced blasphemy laws
he would clamp down on "hate speech" also fuck him
He is one of the few politicians in the west who is against Israel/Saudi Arabia/foreign interventionism. And of those politicians he is one of the closest to actually get into power. That is a HUGE thing which nobody is talking about.
We can't have May the pathetic spineless bitch leading our country. We need a man. We need Daddy Corbyn. Daddy Corbyn will lead the nation to righteous glory through the Brexit negotiations. Weak May will sell us out. Daddy Corbyn knows the values of liberty and peace. He knows how to solve the terrorist problems. He knows how to save the NHS and how to bolster our education system. Vote Daddy Corbyn! If you vote May, you're a pathetic little faggot Jew cuck.Even the Jewish media hates Corbyn! He's OUR GUY!
>Against Israel
>Is a communism
Daily reminder that the Tories will import more Muslims for businesses than Tony Blair could ever dream of.
Because his policies appeal on an emotional level, but that's not how you run a country
Although I'm pretty much on the complete opposite side of the political spectrum from JC, I actually feel kind of bad for what's about to happen to him. June 8th is going to be an absolute fucking bloodbath.