Turns out my little brother who's in highschool is taking cultures and religions (complusory course) said "ok now we're all going to make a donation to the SPLC, I don't care how small but at least a few dollars. We all have to show we don't agree with religious intolerance. He said he is watching who donates and he said "people who don't donate to the SPLC magically have their grades drop and end up failing the course, funny how that works isn't it? Just a heads up". So what should my little bro do isn't this political extortion?
My Brothers Teacher is Forcing Him To Donate To the SPLC
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thats really fucked up
Your nation is doomed. Give up and accept your fate as a cautionary tale to the rest of the white race.
On one hand I've been forced to donate to places in the same way but it was usually Terry Fox runs but this seems like political bias to me.
I don't get how Canadas economy is going up.
Donations by definition are voluntary, not mandatory. Report the professor but include some liberal bullshit like the fact that a mandatory donation discriminates against low income people or something.
File a complaint and threaten to sue the teacher and/or school.
Both good ideas, however I feel that snitching and threatening sueing is a liberal/leftist tactic. But i guess if the ends justify the means
>snitching and threatening to sue is a liberal/leftist tactic.
Hey, you didn't make the fucking rules, OP. She's the one who fucked up, and deserves some negative consequence for this bullshit.
That's illegal in the US, not sure about Maple-land.
That's the problem, i don't want to threaten to sue and look like a giant doofus when it turns out he's in the right.
it's not a "leftist" tactic, it's an authoritarian tactic, and as a citizen of an authoritarian police state you have very few options for recourse that aren't authoritarian in nature.
Donate a few dollars but steal things from the school of equal or greater value than what you donated.
Do you know why nobody here cares that Trump talked about fixing the tax loopholes that he used in the past? Because you play within the rules of the game. If you impose stricter rules on yourself than others, you're likely to lose.
They wouldn't hesitate for a second to snitch on a right winger and we know that because they always do it. "Not sinking to their level" isn't going to magically make them rethink their approach, so we need to use their tactics against them and more effectively than them.
Fight fire with fire fellow leaf
Well, you are in Leaf Country, so if there's nothing you can do, there's nothing you can do. A small donation won't matter in the long run.
True, i'm going with that one, going to research the law on that one tho
no hes not a criminal
Don't threaten to sue, but document literally everything. Litigation is the last resort.
You're dealing with a teacher who's already threatened to give your brother a failing grade in a mandatory course if he doesn't donate to a foreign liberal charity.
You've got to talk to a lawyer first, then.
just fuckin firebomb the prof's office liek holy hell you pussies
Record her with a cell phone and report her to the police.
Winning is the only important thing.
good for you, don't go ancap bro, that shit's for chimps
I dont have money for a lawyer
HIM and i don't think its a criminal charge just a civic one
And do at the very least complain about this cunt to the school or his union or the district, and any paper or blog that's likely to pick it up.
You should also blackmail him into getting an A, then report him anyway once you get it.
get hard evidence like email or recording of the teacher saying this shit, then take it to american conservative media like fox news and time the release with us so we can help make it go viral online
this will put pressure to fire the faggot
He should steal money from the teacher's purse and donate that.
Report to the district school board and the Canadian Civil Liberties Association
Tell that cunt to get fucked
donate blood
Take this as high as you can, it is illegal
oh and ive seen these sorts of threads before, OP posts something slightly controversial, no proof, no energy to actually put forth solving the problem, plenty of excuses. he
just keeps the thread going for 300 posts.
I'm pretty sure extorting children from a position of power is a criminal charge.
He should donate a few dollars to the SPLC. There are way better hills to die on. Get a good grade, get a good job and spend his whole life influencing society as someone in a position of power.
Talk to the dean you dumbass
Tell the principle that your teacher is forcing you to (((donate))) for a grade. If that doesn't do anything don't donate and see what happens
Call the police for extortion and fraud.
It's a hate group isn't it ? that's what I read.
The SPLC is one of the most vile propaganda machines in the world. Prove me wrong
>I'm gonna purity-spiral into my own doom!
...but at least you died RIGHTEOUS getting kicked to death by a bunch of sneering leftists as they shit, spit and piss on your dying, bloodied, "racist" frame eh???
That'll show 'em!!!
>pic related... your fate
Fuck you cunt
donate and then say that you didn't to your bank, get refund
use vpn so it looks even more fishy of a transaction
good, tell them to update the hate map. some of us are looking to join local hate groups
Report to the highschool's principal that the teacher is extorting his/her students.
Also why would a leaf school donate to an American institution?
the fact you even considered your actions means you are above feeling negative about going ahead with your plans. you are indeed a thoughtful human. no guilt man go for it.
kidnap the teacher and beat him half to death, then drive him out inawoods, cut his ballsack off and leave him.
He'll think twice about trying that again.
write a check and then cancel it the moment it's turned in by saying someone got ahold of the checkbook.
Fucking this. I live how easy it is to turn liberal arguments into a bucket of crabs
>Donate to fight intolerance
>But low income discrimination
>Stop poor shaming
>Implying poor people have something to be ashamed about
And it goes on
tell him to claim duress and he is unable to make the donation