MSNBC knows as much about kek as your grandma

Has anyone seen this? MSNBC did a story on kekistan in which they claim the term SJW stands for "stingy jew" and that Big Man Tyrone is Sargon of Akkad. It's even more cringey than you'd expect a mainstream media story on internet subcultures to be.

Fucking mainstream media cucking around like normal

This cant be real

Fucking cancer.

Is this real, or just a parody of msnbc?

>Hillary Clinton = Good

Hello fellow kekistaners.

Looks fake
Narrator is not trained
Font for the chyron text is not the same that MSNBC uses

The entire "kekistani" thing is next level fucking cringe.

Faggon of Akkadn needs to drink bleach if he actually invented it.

that was a pretty shitty parody

of course its fake retard

kek, how does this bitch sounds so retarded and condescending at the same time?

You made this?

I admit, you had me for a moment.

Once they showed like 30 seconds of Joe Rogan i realised this wasnt real.

The lamestream media always jumpcuts way to fast for you to get an accurate picture of the situation.

How the worm turns.

Just realised it's almost exactly a decade since that report.


They fucking thought Tyrone was Sargon of Cukkad.

I lost it at the Joe Rogan part

"What in the fuck is going on?"

My god I'm old

I approve of Tyrone being the leader of the Alt Right. Far more reasonable and suitable to the position than that faggot David Duke wannabe.

>This cant be real

It's not.

OP is a S.J.W.

There's no fucking way MSNBC would show a fat lady flying into the twin towers. This has to be fake.

.....I made this

holy fuck im dying

Whelp. This is going into the "news media gets Sup Forums hilariously wrong - again" folder.

Anyway, I'm loving watching this New Satanic Panic going down. Hilarious left wing news media acting as irrational and hysterical as the Christian Right Wing Concerned Mothers groups of the 80's.

>It's 10 P.M. - Do You Know What Your Son Is Posting On Twitter?

We wuz kangz

This is so obviously fake.


You can tell from the narration that it's fake. The actual composition is very 90's.

op is a fag as usual

Fuck NBC and there bias, selective coverage. Racism can be solved by "racial out-quoting" (((corrupt))) police departments and local assemblies. It hasn't worked so far, or ever, but thats a small price to pay when you're a spoiled kike. I'd actually spend the night in jail if I could get one teeny-tiny bitch slap on Cuckner just to hear him cry.

OP is confirmed faggot / putin cock holster

To be fair sjw could very easily mean stingy Jew bc they are largely jewish

>they claim the term SJW stands for "stingy jew" and that Big Man Tyrone is Sargon of Akkad

They are taking their cue from pol and running a disinfo operation.

64d chess

Good times

isn't this fake?

There are tons of people who really think SJW is an anti-semitic canard (and that's pretty hilarious, since it's a) accurate and b) saves us the hard work of being racist).

>Pepe starts off as a happy meme way back in the day
>Feels good, man!
>Somebody discovers an ancient Egyptian chaos god, the frog KEK
>After KEK replaces LOL
>KEK posting takes off
>Praise KEK
>Kekistan is born
>Autist retards go out in public with Kekistani flags
>News media picks up on this
>Calls us racist Nazis
>Normies see frog cartoon
>MSM discredited

This is why I actually encourage the Kekistani autists to go out in public.

Now then, which of you autists agreed to be interviewed by the reporter from MSNBC, because there is no way they could have gotten so much so wrong otherwise? Good work.

I want to trap that reporter.

That's the sad thing about it, MSLSD and co are so shitty that a report like this isn't too far fetched.

>trap means "hot girl I want to rape"


Same, "cringe" shills are concern trolls.

this is the reason mainstream media is so rapidly dying off - unless msnbc is trolling us then

Is this real? This must be fake.

"Normies get ahwwt! Raaaaaaaaaaa!"

still find it incredible that Sup Forums swung so hard to the right since then

had me there
brilliant trollpost

I'd like to see some of that folder, user...

I lost my fucking shit when Tyrone started to REEE

Fake and gay
Day of the chemo when?

i legit kek'd at the woman flipping into the towers


why didnt we think of that? Theyve definitely been kek'd by an "anonymous source".

ITs fake

I find it incredible that Sup Forums is still not only around but popular and gaining popularity. The Japs really created perfection with the imageboard format, its been around for decades yet still continues to mystify outsiders.

Sup Forums was basically in the middle at that point; all that it really cared about was fapping, animaymays, manga, lolis, lulz, trolling, raids, etc. It really didn't start getting political until Chanology when the moralfags arrived. It started swinging hard to the left with a libertarian bent after that and now it's full blown neo-con tier. I just want old Sup Forums back (before the politics permeated everything) but it won't happen. I only lurk Sup Forums and rarely post because it's the only board that still makes me laugh.

>Project Chanology
>Megaupload, SOPA, Kim Dotcom raid by FBI
>Guy Fawkes n' shit
>Anonymous literally a terrorist organization, every person on planet earth was afraid of them

God this website changed a lot in 10 years

That report happened before Chanology. Anonymous being an evil "hacker on steroids" was tongue in cheek then and not meant to be taken seriously.

Lol fake as fuck

MSNBC is crazy but they're not crazy enough to say shitposting on air.

MSNBC confirms, traps aren't gay.

Kids and their rock and roll! In my time we didn't have the U tubes.

Kek Foreign Legion, we are so proud of our volunteers.

This can't be real. The first I heard about "social justice warriors" was from a gay SJW himself. Conservatives didn't invent the term, who identified as an SJW.

It's not real unfortunately.
Just satire.

>frog cult
>sjw = stingy jew

they are coming for online boards

We need to make this happen irl.

They are trying to take over the internet. Control Free Speech under the guise of Social Justice. They cannot control the narrative anymore and they are trying to maintain their lies they have been using as propaganda to keep us divided. And the Left is falling for it. We are headed to a Police State World Wide, by the Gay Devil Worshipers. The Left is the hand that pets the donkey and the right is the hand that uses the donkey to build Civilization.

So traps aren't gay?

>the good
>hilary and obama
>the bad

how is this allowed? i am not even joking, how can tv take this stance labeling a party bad and the other good??

thats why you want to rape them. come one get your male privalge right.


The video is fake and its made by Sargon to undermine white nationalism with his kekistan bullshit. Sage.

jesus christ, it was fake.

man. you newfags are so autistic.

It's not. A pretty good parody though.

Mike Cernovich thought it was real he retweeted this, kek

we fucking didn't though
we've never been one way or the fucking other
ffs retarded newfags like you fucking infuriate me

oh god my sides


The enthusiasm is fine, but you're gonna wanna be able to pass off this kinda thing as a legit psyop if you hope to ever get paid. Keep shilling kiddo.