How do we fix white women?
How do we fix white women?
Let the woman fast. She needs it for allah's sake.
Regain control of the media
Women are slaves to the expectations society places on them.
The Media has spent the last few decades mind-fucking what women think society wants from them.
Why do ugly women put their faces on the internet?
>>Muslim convert
>>cuck shed
>tfw what has become of my life?
>Be grateful, the comments will benefit you on the day of judgement
What did she mean by this?
why don't you leave her alone
Reddit please go
They seem to think the more people insult them the more likely they are to go to heaven or get their 72 virgins or whatever the fuck things like that think they'll win in the afterlife.
Explains a lot, when you think about it.
Whats going on here?
she has a personal trainer and she's fasting AND she's removing her degeneracy.
I see nothing wrong here.
this poor thing is so so so desperate for acceptance it is painful to watch
>removing her degeneracy
nice doublethink, dengenerate.
>calling me degenerate
t. ahmed
Jesus... Why is it with Texas and Islam? I dated a lot of girls when I was in Texas...
Muslim youtube is... interesting
>How do we fix white women?
>250 mg/dL
You don't.
>Im an amazing woman and deserve an amazing man
Did this bitch just assume my gender!?
Miy brin is malteng
plz sund halp!
How do we make her see the light, Sup Forums? Does she know that every single one of her islam friends would spit in her face if she took off that disgusting hijab?
Oh wait... that second girl is Estonian.....
Well, I am a slav so not my problem.
>that hijab color
>that voice
Muslim Meg?
they believe they will be given the good deeds person who insulted them on the day of judgement