Why is free health care bad?

Why is free health care bad?

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Wait times
Fat asses
Homeless people




What is gonna stop the prices from rising once medical companies are garaunteed to be payed what ever they ask? Same goes for college.


Cause judaism have allowed degenracy to extreme level in whites and shitskins have trillion kids without supplying to the system, in a general sense, there are of course outliers.

Kill all high finance jewish families, ban jews from making movies, ban private banks, usury and then have good role models to lead society.

Nationally subsidized heathcare is quite reasonable (and I am a supporter of it) in a country that isn't packed full of self-killing fat cunts and borderline retarded niggers. It's not viable in the United States.


""""""free healthcare""""""

Free healthcare doesn't exist.

It isn't [free].

This. Americans don't engage in enough physical activity to justify it. It would be too burdensome there.

>medical companies are garaunteed to be payed what ever they ask?

That's the case with private insurance.

With universal health care prices are usually either set by the government, or the contract is awarded to the lowest bidder.

If something is free there are no price signals and resources are inevitably misused.

This makes the system less efficient and when you are talking healthcare this will inevitably cause unnecessary deaths.

Look at the inflation in healthcare and education costs over the last 50 years. Compare it to inflation in other products and services. Could it be that the more something is subsidized the more expensive it becomes?

>no culture of healthy life styles
>culture of ACCEPTING ppl as being fat. U r beautiful no matter what etc.
>unrestricted immigration would give foreigners more reason to come here and make me subsidize them.
>health ishurance =/= health care

Nothing in life is free. Tax payers would have to pay for it, and free healthcare would cause illegals from all over the world to flock here for the free gibs, which in turn would destroy the middle class and turn the US into a socialist shithole where everyone is overly reliant on hand puts from the government, which in turn gives them a lot more power over the general populous.

If we weren't inundated with low skill migrants and extremely unhealthy natives it would work very well. I recommend people to look at our national budget and how the majority vs other expenditures is for benefits. Once a society has benefits they are impossible to remove, we call social security the third rail for a reason.

This brings in the question of what is your government for. To do the fundamental basics or to be a nanny state. So it's a deep question with a lot of factors.

In order to have affordable healthcare for everyone, you need higher taxes and limitations on what drug companies can charge. The limitations stifle innovation. No pharmaceutical company is going to spend billions developing the next new wonderdrug if they can't profit off of it. You need for profit medicine or the world standard of healthcare will never improve.

There's a reason why the US produces most of the world's medical innovation.

For America, it is bad. America makes the majority of the breakthroughs in terms of medical advancement. Why? Because a lot of it's privatized, which spurs competition, which spurs medical progress, which costs more money than normal (which would need to be funded by the tax payers instead of insurance companies if we were put on "free health care").

Now, other countries such as England, France, Germany, Australia, Canada, etc. don't really have to worry about any of this because they piggy back off our success. Americans are the one making the breakthroughs, not them. They just need to make sure that their citizens can take advantage of our breakthroughs (which there's nothing wrong with). That's why THEY can do "free health care" (socialism) and we can't. For the rest of the world, Socialized healthcare is a good thing. For America, it isn't.

>F R E E




>going to post without sage
look, here's the bottom line about healthcare

Healthcare is a fantastic thing, it commutatively allows a collective group of willing individuals contribution’s monies into a collective pile that allows people to do fantastic and wonderful things with current medical technology.
Here’s the kicker – you have to be able to afford the pay in to get the payout, and you have to understand that some people don’t get sick enough to ever need the payout. This is the way any insurance works. You pay a little to get nothing until you need something, and when you need something you get it all, because you paid in.
Universal healthcare is not the same thing. This is robbery. This is me paying the state to misappropriate funds into different donor pools that do not get distributed to the proper channels in order to provide for doctors, nurses, or ill people. The state takes the money and chooses at will where it goes.
I will never adhere to universal healthcare, and for the reasons above, I believe the mass majority will never adhere to universal healthcare in the cultures that base their economic prowess on Capitalism.
I don’t much care for faggots and Communists, and you, OP are both.

>Be healthy
>Work hard
>Hardly ever use the system
>Get taxed the fuck out
>Your taxes pay the heart surgery of some fat fuck who eats 5000 calories a day and has no real job

>Why is free health care bad?
Why is this the highest level of thought-complexity you have obtained? Regardless of which nuanced position any of us may have in respect to health care and taxation, you should be ashamed of you mental laziness and/or retardation.

He fell for the meme.

It's not free, you pay for it with taxes. Which brings us to the problem with introducing it to the US; do you trust your lawmakers not to fuck everything up?

Seriously? America is the home of pay for healthcare and was the First Nation to spawn landwhales, what's your point?

It's not free

Hey Sup Forums here's a probably retarded question

If we had no medicare AND no insurance companies, would healthcare be affordable for the average person?

As it stands prices for everything are sky high because people don't care about how much they're being charged - "just bill my insurance company/the government". If people had to actually pay out of pocket for everything, they would actually shop around.

Also if everyone paid for their own healthcare instead of paying an insurance company to pay for them, then we'd essentially be cutting out the middle man (the insurance company) along with their share of the money.

Am I missing something here? Are insurance companies really necessary? is insurance actually a scam?


Nothing in life is free, someone always pays

Yes, insurance protects their monoply.

There's no such thing as "free"

The healthy and strong would be paying for the sickly and weak.

In a perfect world it would make sense and be the right thing to do but in OUR world people eat themselves into sickness, people lies about sickness for free money, people get pregnant for free checks from the government etc.

We live in a society where altruism is punished by being taken advantage of and sloth is rewards by government checks.

That's retarded and unsustainable.

Free healthcare doesn't innovate for shit. In the long-term it produces sub-veterinary results vitalized by the crass economic calculation of what tax cattle are worth. Special treatments under "free" healthcare systems are only available for the very wealthiest and most politically connected, stratifying the healthcare market far more extremely than capitalist systems tend to.
Unusual treatments are often unsupported under regulations by "free" healthcare systems, even if they have solid documentary evidence. Even if they are supported on paper, in practice you will often need to know someone who knows someone in order to get them. Novel treatments are simply not supported at all under regulations by "free" healthcare systems. There is no room for a bureaucrat to authorize "novel" without potentially getting fired, so there will be no "novel" in a socialist healthcare system.

Socialized medicine is end of history bullshit promulgated by people who for some incomprehensible reason think mankind shouldn't strive to improve medical technology any further. "Free" medical provision only makes sense when all the problems are solved and no further advances are possible. That's ignorant in the world today. People still die in massive numbers, all around the world, and diseases as ancient as senescence are still waiting to be conquered. We've got plenty more ground to cover in medicine if we will stop insisting on living as tax cattle and claim instead our own responsibilities for our own health in all its variations.

The anti-free heatlhcare meme is a Sup Forums psyop started by insurance companies who have become insanely rich since obozocare.

Sup Forums is mostly made up of mooks in their early 20's. Odds are most of them are healthy, therefore health care means shit to them.


It isn't, until you hit critical subhuman mass, and it all goes to shit.

No such thing nigger.

Medical care would still be expensive as fuck even if it wasn't overpriced. Also markets for medical supplies are often difficult to enter for a new company, because of how complex it usually is to fabricate the stuff, so medical suppliers can still overprice their shit because of how hard it is to compete with the established suppliers.

free healthcare isnt free, you pay for it in ever paycheck, u already pay over 30% of your income to the govt. the price of healthcare in the us is so high that your taxes could see a 10-25% increase over what they are now. if you think finding a place to live is hard now wait until u live in a place with "free" healthcare

It's not free. It's state funded. I know commies will tell you otherwise but that's because they have absolutely zero idea on how money or basic laws of nature work.

You have any source for that, or it's just your general impression about free healthcare systems that have worked for the last century, but you obviously know nothing about.

Why is feeding the ducks bad?

Because it's not free.

holy shit idk that boogie was funny

Why is other people's health my responsibility?



Why other people has to respect your private property?

Because a law says so?

Therefore if the law says you pay for other people health that's the only argument you need.

No. People must respect private property because the owners will kill them if they don't. Law is designed to prevent this escalation by offering a peaceful solution.
Keep strawmanning though.


Okay. I will kill you if you don't pay for my healthcare.

Offer me a peaceful solution.

>That's the case with private insurance.
Wrong. Private health insurance (at least here in the states) sets up contracts and fee schedules with doctors. I.E. : we will pay $XX.XX for procedure 99201 (new patient exam). if the doctors are not okay with the deal then the insurance will not pay that provider. health insurance and providers negotiate rates ALL THE TIME. Its a contract between 2 consenting parties and the government should fuck off.

If the doctor won't accept the cost then he likely won't get patients that have that health insurance. On the reverse, if a health insurer has a low amount of providers they cover people will not buy insurance form them. Thats the free market.

Someone kill that ugly creature!
Likes the one in should die. That's why

You pay yourself.

I wish I at least had the choice to pay or not pay that ridiculous tax.

I only went to the hospital once, for stitches to my left hand which was unnecessary. I could have left it alone or done it myself. Down 800$ and sat for 3 hours in a waiting room just to get 2 stitches. "Canada's got amazing healthcare" go fuck yourselves, leafs.

no but i don't have the money. i might die if i don't get healthcare, and i will kill you if i don't.

offer me a peaceful solution.

There are plenty of pharmaceutical companies to choose from user, the invisible hand of the free market will sort things out.

Also eugenics will solve the problem.

>The laws of economics invert when you utter the "healthcare" incantation

He'll kill you first. You're dying, I doubt you have much fight left in you anyway. Just give up.

Paying is your peaceful solution.
If you can't pay, there's charity.
If you resort to violence, I have no reason not to buff your health complications.

>Undeserving Danecuck detected

Too rotten a person to have friends help you out? Or are you a sociopath who wants to feel morally righteous while you rob people you don't know by proxy?

nothing is ever "free"
under "free" healthcare, guess who is paying for all the obese people, poor people who dont take care of themselves, and smokers?
It sure as shit wont be teh upper class who know how to hide their money
it will be the middle class, which is already over taxed
as a middle class, non-smoking person who works out 5 days a week, I will be paying the most while reaping the least benefits.
we are to the point where if you are an adult in america, actions no longer have consequences
you can only overload the shrinking middle class in this country with entitlements so much until the whole system collapses.

It isn't actually free, and like all government programs it's stupendously inefficient. A substantial quantity of the money forcibly stolen from individuals is wasted on paper pushers and useless boards and committees.
It's stealing, coercive taxation is stealing, anything payed for by coercive taxation is an institution or structure sustained by theft.
Due to government incompetence, it offers slower, poorer quality service than private enterprises who must constantly fight to remain competitive.

>free health care

you giving me your money is the only peaceful solution

i can't pay, so you will.

tl;dr your "law is designed to prevent escalation" argument is shit and you don't know the first thing about law

Have after. To what issue will this come?

when you get older and start realizing that you are paying way more than what you are receiving in exchange you'll know

Singapore has a good system which is a mix of subsidized and free market.


Countries that have it have 60% tax! hello?!

that can't work in American because 48% of people don't work or pay income taxes, and we are much larger than EU countries that are homogeneous as well.

And on top of it you cucks want us to pay hundreds of billions on fucking illegal aliens?!!!!


how do you have free health care when we can't pay for the one we have today?

Feels weird not having the moral high ground, doesn't it.
My money is my property, just like your money is yours. Your desperation is your problem, not mine.
If you try to take my money and threaten to kill me if I don't give you my money, I will fuck you up to the point where you want to die, then I'll rape you.

In the end it doesn't matter anyway, because theft isn't peaceful and that's your only angle. You reject the established means and seek to enforce your greed.

So how do healthcare providers gain income?

Are you that weak that you go to the doctors all the time? So, when you break your ankle that I should pay for it? Maybe I should break your nose so you can live with it?

It subsidized sexual-reassignment surgery

because then doctors have no incentive to be a doctor. they become employed and paid by the government essentially.

I grew up with immigrants. They barely pay into the system and then they'll lie and cheat to get to the front of the queue.

Not to mention the muzzies that complain about gender. They really are just feminists.

Because it's not free you retard

you know that random uncle- we all have him- who smokes and drinks all day and couldn't find time to take care of himself if his life depended on it, and will probably kill himself or die randomly before 50? yeah- him. he's why