Forgive me for my ignorance, but why did not a single fire sprinkler go off in either WTC on 9/11? Where was all the water? People were dying of smoke and dehydration.
How did you check them all?
I mean anyone in those buildings was just a useless pencil-pusher for the jews so who cares anyway
There is no records of the fire sprinkler system kicking in on 9/11.
There are no records of millions of holocaust victims.
in any case, find me ONE public building record where the fire system did kick in. no?
How many business fires do you see where the line"[sic] sprinkler system went off [sic]" In most places the system gets a yearly check for serviceability. On top of which, if smoke is thick or heavy enough or the fire is hot enough, there's not dick a sprinkler system can do.
-t. State inspector
Hmmm who knows huh. I would ask you to experiement if extinguishing fuel fires with water works well. Good luck!
OMG 9/11 was not real cuz
>muh sprinklers
Im not saying it would extinguish the fire. Imagine running down from floor 80 to ground using the stairs. It would really help to have water to offset the smoke and hydehydrate you.
Sprinklers wont do a damn thing to modern explosives or thermite
You're overthinking about that moslem attack.
It was 20 moslems.
With boxcutters.
>It would really help to have water to offset the smoke and hydehydrate you.
Pull it.
Jet fuel can't melt water!!!!
Think of a sky scraper like the human body, its really hard to get blood to your head if you get hit in the neck with an airplane.
Get out, Satanic Retard
Sprinkler mains were cut by the impacts of the planes. water could not get to the upper floors on fire.
>CIA posting the "there were bombs in the building" psyop again to distract us from connecting the dots on the Saudi-Israeli links to the plot
lol, I bet there is some scheming kike out there still wringing his hands over that contract. 45 million in 1981 is like 300 million now.
Holy Mary....dat username tho
Hmmm I'm pretty sure it doesn't work that way.
Also I'm even more sure that if sprinklers go off on one or two floors most in the buildling wouldn't go off.
I lold
>ID: 666F0Ont
>trips in id and post number
what did he mean by this
Thats not how it works, water is already in the pipes ready to go. Its checked tested and flushed periodically, depends on state laws, usually every 6mos or a year
Means this thread was started by a false prophet of satan.
trips in id (666)
and in post number (000)
most of you don't even know how fire sprinklers work. they should've went off in the WTC big time.
I don't know when I realized that (((9/11 truthers))) were a psy-op distraction, but I'm convinced that they are.
best analogy ever
you have no idea what you're talking about
>State inspector
faggot larper.
Whether or not they did it isn't the problem
The problem is we have a government that we wouldn't be surprised did it if we found out.
They had the means, motive, and opportunity. They have a history of doing this kind of shit.
The CIA needs to get defuned ASAP and all agents active and deactive put on close watch lists for illegal clandestine activity.
It's called a fire suppression system for a reason. It's not going to extinguish a fire of that capacity. Sprinklers struggle with bin fires.
>american education
Because jet fuel can melt water pipes.
Jews benefited from 9/11 with:
>massive amounts of money in counter terrorism funds from the USA
>Iraq,one of their biggest enemy in the region, being destroyed + All the other muslim countries; with Iran constantly being demonized and on the chopping block
They even wrote out how they would take countries out in PNAC in 1998.
>turn the entire American public against muslims for a decade or more
Would you kill almost 3,000 people to get billions of dollars and destroy your enemies? Of course!!!! Jewish Bolsheviks killed millions upon millions of Christians (dont hear about that in the history books) so 3,000 new yorkers is nothing to them.
The Jewish elites are rats. There's a reason why they've been kicked out of 100+ countries throughout history and why Jesus booted them out of the temple.They control the media,politicians,hollywood and the banking system.
The sprinklers were never installed. See pic related.
Except leeches are useful bloodsuckers in medicine. Jewish bloodsuckers are only useful for firewood. ;)
Fire sprinklers work because a metal plug in them melts at high temperatures. They aren't activated by smoke or anything. Anywhere that was not on fire would not have the fire sprinklers activated. Not the mention that the plane probably severed the pipe system supplying them