Why do liberals and normies get so butthurt over the U.S. defense budget...

Why do liberals and normies get so butthurt over the U.S. defense budget? We have a GDP that is almost as large as all of those countries combined, 3 trillion under it, so why shouldn't spend the equivelent on our military.

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>he doesn't know that the defense budget of the USA is so high because since they defeated tha nazis they're the only one waging one against ETs
where did you think all that budget from the pentagon that's unacounted for went?

What are you on about?


In 1972, a scale of measurement was established for alien encounters
This scale consists of four kinds
The first kind: sighting
Around the world, UFO sightings have been constant
Even permeating the upper echelons of power
Evidence gathered from around the world points to extraterrestrial visitation
A secret memorandum called this "the most highly classified subject in the US Government, rating higher even than the H-bomb"
With verified evidence by pilots, astronauts and cosmonauts coupled with overwhelming tangible evidence
It was determined that flying saucers undoubtedly exist

At the end there's a vid of pedosta admiting to shipping underage children into other galaxies for pedo aliens (on code ofc), which makes it Sup Forums related i guess

What costs more in america, a tank or a heart transplant?

Because they don't understand our military, it's function, and why the US defense spending always has to be leagues ahead of other countries.

First of all, unlike the other countries on the list, our military is purely an expeditionary force. We have the national guard as our home defense force, but they go on deployment all the same. We have no enemies near us and any and all military actions taken by the United States must be brought across the world to the country. Our expeditionary military relies on a massive supply chain that requires a large navy, aircraft carriers, a shitload of aircraft and supply shipping, and that's one of the largest parts of the system we cannot get rid of.

Second, after the Clinton science budget cuts, the DOD and every branch have gained a large amount of budget to run research and development projects in all areas.

And third, we have defense agreements with many countries and pour money into their defense. This leeches so much money from the system, and strains supply lines even more.

China in numbers has the largest military, but most of that is due to the fact that the Chinese PLA is mostly a Policing organization. There are few troops trained and dedicated to actual military action, and even that is based more in defense than it is expeditionary in any way. Russian expeditionary forces only have to go a short distance to meet their threats. Britain and France have the US and NATO to rely on in order to help them have a proper expeditionary force and naval presence.

>And third, we have defense agreements with many countries and pour money into their defense. This leeches so much money from the system, and strains supply lines even more.

This is the main problem. We've been subsidizing the defense of our allies for so long they now treat it as an entitlement.

Yeah, why you do that in the first place?

What's wrong with keeping the military to maintain the country's integrity?


Because the ability to attack any target in the world is what makes the US a super power, and makes Russia only a regional power.

But Russia IS a superpower, all they had to do it's start launching nukes and we all blow up, honestly anything more it's just mindless overkill, that only makes sense if you are the army's contractor.

Russia launches nukes and then Russia becomes a glowing crater. Conventional force is still necessary to be a superpower. Russia can't intervene easily in the affairs of random African or Asian countries, it even has trouble intervening in the Middle East and Ukraine which is right on its doorstep. Though, the main reason Russia is a regional power is because economically it relies on the West more than the West relies on it.
Maintaining alliances is necessary to remain a superpower; however, the US should start demanding more from their allies instead of just being the World Police.

Based reply senpai

I don't really mind it, even though I'd wish we would just have our own big military but you can't use GDP alone for such an example.

The USA has such a high GDP because its extremely wasteful, it doesn't show how "wealthy" or not the country is as a whole. For that you would need numerous other factors to consider.

Russia cannot invade Mexico, or regime change in Brazil. The US maintains military bases all over the world, and has a quick strike navy.

youre a retard. off yourself.

Russia doesn't want to invade Mexico, that pointless, what should they want to that if their economy collapsed with satellite countries that border them.

In practice america doesn't even has an empire, they have countries that are waiting to backstab them at the first chance, all the extra money used in the military means that they can't afford stuff for the population, if they had a less retarded foreign policy they could be ten times more rich than what they are now.

> shitskin talking about what another country can and cant provide

so laughable

You have so little faith in the free market, that you actually believe you need all that military spending to enforce it?

this is a country of over 300 million people. with multiple assets and resources. we are proactive and not reactive and aim to deter. if you think we should just sit here cooped up like sitting ducks youre an absolute retard.

Works for Europe they just sit there and attack nobody and they get everyday richer, the only issue they have it's when they start picking fights with the rest of the countries.

It's even more obvious for Japan.

>Works for Europe
>they just sit there and attack nobody
>get everyday richer
not me (ಥ﹏ಥ)

>20$ trillion in debt
>most political and bureaucratic corruption ever seen on the face of the earth
>considered normal politics

only shills and retards dont see the larger issue at hand here

europe looks to us for guidance and intel, theres a reason for alliances, sharing information and operational readiness. out of the 50 eu countries there is only ~13 with a population over 10 million. thats the population of NYC alone. you are a complete and utter retard. and have quite literally no idea how anything works.

oh, and japan damn well patrols their waters and watches for the encroachment of others. the japanese are very serious about maintaining their soil. dumb fucking banana republic shitskin che commie fuck

Europa HAS to ask you for intel it's part of the post war agreement and the Morgenthau Plan.

Without it they will develop their own defensive strategies, not that they need them so much, whitout american foreign policy the world will be a lot safer.

Yes the army maintains the country integrity, that's what I said.

Because it's spent like a bull in the China shop. Remember 9/10? Where the Pentagon said it misplaced trillions of dollars? They can't account for most of the money.

youre a larping russian sympathizing retard. do you remember that whole soviet union thing? countries got steamrolled because of lack of mobilization and arms. lived decades under decrepit rule and some are still generally shit and still struggling to catch up to modern day quality of other eu countries in comparison. but a mule pulling a trailer is normal to a larping commie fruit picker like you. dumb commie rat.

What the fuck, in what part did I defended russia?

I'm telling you, this apparently expansionist foreign policy it's what get the country in problems, the problem it's that you aren't expanding, just act like you are, and spend money like it, but in practice you just fight proxy wars for other people.

Trump said very clearly during the campaign, he talked against this, and he even said that the objective was to care of america first, somehow your attentional deficit made you forget that part, and now are defending expansionist strategies again.

Because the excuse for every social program is we don't have the money.

Kill your enemies and they win

He was proposing a hypothetical Texas, Russia can't project their military might, so if there was a point in fucking with Mexico Russia wouldn't be able to. They can only fuck around in their region, thus they are a regional power.

America has a quasi-empire. We meddle in the affairs of the rest of the world for our own benefit, things like economic pacts and backdoored military and economic alliances. Not to mention our constant protecting of the Petrodollar. America could be better off with a more intelligent foreign policy, but we are a dying power with a string of incompetent foreign policy makers.

My whole point it's that all that foreign meddling it's not for your benefit at all.

If you didn't get into the ME someone else would have to, and by that you could profit a lot more by just having the finger in the button, everytime you put boots on the ground you lose something in the US, be the respect of other countries, liberties or the soldiers themselves, it's a waste of resources, that it's a misdirection from what you could be doing.

>My whole point it's that all that foreign meddling it's not for your benefit at all.
I believe you are focusing too much on the Middle East and ignoring how much we fucked up there. Our efforts at containing Russia were successful, which protected our status as the world superpower. Our efforts in South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan have effectively created a impassable brick wall in China's way. Our efforts in Europe have ensured a certain degree of economic cooperation, same with most of the Americas. We consistently meddle in the affairs of the Southern Hemisphere for our own benefits, in places like Nigeria, we dick around in the Southwest Pacific. Our foreign policy looks bad because we have had incompetent people in charge of foreign policy since Bush 41.
>If you didn't get into the ME someone else would have to, and by that you could profit a lot more by just having the finger in the button, everytime you put boots on the ground you lose something in the US, be the respect of other countries, liberties or the soldiers themselves, it's a waste of resources, that it's a misdirection from what you could be doing.
This is what I mean, the US could allocate its military resources more efficiently, but the US still has to intervene in the affairs of those countries as a way to show it is the superpower. If the US were to set the precedent that "anybody could just roll right over us and intervene anywhere" we would be fucked in the long term. It is an inefficient use of resources, but we couldn't just hold the world hostage with nukes either. Then that would lead to everyone secretly developing nukes and everyone with nukes extorting everyone without nukes.

tl;dr Foreign meddling CAN be to our benefit, but most of the foreign policy makers are incompetent today

You realize that Germany it's also percieved as a superpower, and definitely it's an economic superpower, without all the military spendings, no one feels safer because you fight proxy wars with Russia on the contrary, you can make better bussiness if you just kept on making free trade agreements instead of making places impossible to live or trade on.

Germany is a perceived economic superpower, but it lacks the teeth necessary to stop those that don't completely rely on them economically. Germany is an EU superpower, like France. Germany doesn't spend on its military because it doesn't need to (due to NATO). And I wasn't just talking about proxy wars, I was talking about East Asian Containment and our actions throughout South America and Africa. People like to think we bomb the shit out of most countries because we are trying to make the world safer. In reality we are just trying to keep everyone else in check to maintain the status quo which benefits us so much. That is why we are the superpower, and we use this status to ensure free trade agreements that are favorable. Military spending is necessary for maintaining the status quo, combined with the fact that we have to send armies across the world to do anything and we often use military as a proxy for other spending.

You'll still have the free trade agreements without the interventionism, you have a market of 300 million people that just fucking loves to buy no matter what, you reduce that market by desestabilizing countries,this result in the benefit of other foreign markets that are usually not the US, like the chinese, that after anyone wanted to deal with the US anymore, enter peacefully into the african and south american markets.

Of course we would want to deal with China, cause they don't chimp out when they don't get what they want, it's safer and more stable in comparison.

He's right when he says pretty much everyone is waiting to backstab you, but I think that's the prize you have to pay for doing all the things you did to get where you are. When you are so big and strong and have fucked over so many people it's only natural to want to protect yourself. Just look at the roman empire