Suppose you are a woman living in Canada in 2019

Suppose you are a woman living in Canada in 2019.

It is election time.

These men are running for Prime Minister of Canada

Who do you vote for?

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Who do you think?

>Hey Chang, I'm taking your sister and cousins out tonight. Sorry, bro, we don't have any room in the car for you. Maybe you can tag along next time. Don't worry, I'll bring them back in one piece. See ya later, bro! Don't forget to vote Liberal.

>Hey Abdullah, I'm taking your sisters out to the mall. Don't worry, they'll be safe with me. Unfortunately, we don't have enough room for you in the car, but maybe we can catch up next weekend at the barbeque. Later, bro! And don't forget to vote Liberal.

>Hey, Dimitri! I'm just at the parade with your sister. It should be finished in another few hours, but afterward we might grab some souvlaki for dinner. Don't worry, I'll drop her off later tonight. See ya later, man! Don't forget to vote Liberal.

>Namaste, Pajeet! I just had a great lunch meeting with your sister. She had a lot of interesting things to say about Indian issues. Anyway, I invited her for a dinner meeting so we can get some more work done. Maybe next time you can tag along. Take it easy and have a great weekend, dude! Don't forget to vote Liberal.

I'm not memeing btw. These are literally out top contenders

>Yo, what's up, Jonathan! I just ran into your sister and her friends. What a coincidence! Anyway, we all decided to head out for some drinks later to discuss women's issues. Maybe next time you can come along. Anyway, talk to you later, bro! And don't... forget... to vote... LIBERAL!

I'm up there with muslims and chinese

I vomit a little in my mouth and vote for Trudeau, because I know that the other two alternatives will be shit: one (if he gets in which he never will) will just make conservatives look even worse, while the punjabi motherfucker will enact sharia law. Trudeau may be a tard but at least he's a tard. He's not smart enough to ruin Canada in a meaningful way.