I'm seriously moving to canada. Trump is so full of shit with all his bullshit executive orders. The guy is a real moron and anyone who supports him is a cunt. He's basically a racist against jews. Most of the anti-semites who support him are on this very board. I've been studying kabbalah, you're all fucked....
I'm seriously moving to canada. Trump is so full of shit with all his bullshit executive orders...
Why does his face triggers me so much, I can't understand it?
It's jooish and wrong.
This nigga teeth are fucked
He's an alium
have a gret time in canada brudder!
We won't miss you, pussy
what's good rare?
No, I mean seriously, I just dislike him so much and I don't even care what he has to say or what faith he follows.
Because you assume someone who looks like that would be full of hate and low confidence, not putting themselves out there for the world to see
America enjoys being dumb.
Like pigs in shit.
Kys Faggot
Jewish inbreeding. Natural defense mechanism the goyim have to identify dangerous xenomorphesque (((parasites))).
So fucking ugly
People are hardcoded to dislike ugly people, and Casey Neistat is amongst the ugliest people on the planet.
The reason he almost always wears sunglasses
fuck off we're full
>People are hardcoded to dislike ugly people
I didn't know about this, why so?
>tfw when he looks like Shadow Run street scum
Fuck off we're full.
go to mexico or youre racist by your own logic faggot kill yourself
so you're going with justin "if you kill your enemies they win" trudeau instead?
Disease detection. Ugly people carry genetic and contagious diseases. Either way associating with them has a chance to lower your own reproductive fitness, either by transmitting the disease to you or any children you have with the ugly person. We evolved this defence mechanism before the decline of virtue ethics, the rise of mass narcissism, and the sexual revolution, so now good looking people are actually more likely to be riddled with diseases.
Will attractive people be the new ugly people?
Seeya. Take ur boyfriends with you.
says the leafs whos country legalised bestiality
>racist against jews
> daughter is married to a jew
>kushner is trusted advisor meme
Seriously, what the fuck are you talking about?
Why not Mexico, OP?
You wanna be on the receiving end of U.S. foreign policy while Trump's in the WH? LMAO! Enjoy the last 3.5 years of your life, fuck nugget.
You are literally the dumbest mother fucker I have ever seen to want to move to canada.