6,033 people have been killed by firearms this year in the US (1)
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Oliver's right. The lack of gun control in America is astounding that they'd rather keep muh automatic calibrated assault rifles than save the lives of innocent lives. It's already shown that by implementing gun controls you'll result in less gun deaths/murders, but America rather live out the wild west than to be a functional society.
How many deaths by race?
OH? Too afraid to reveal THAT section? Too bad; gun crime will still be high.
How many were done by niggers?
Why these bags of shit don't apply that logic to Islam?
14,889 people killed in 2015 in automobile accidents, ban cars when?
Switzerland would like to say otherwise.
Except taking off your shoes in the airport is easy enough to prevent future shoe bombs. Taking away millions of weapons is not only a fool's errand but won't happen.
mostly niggers killing each other, who cares?
How many are suicides? Like 90%?
>introduce shoe-checking
>no more shoe bombs
>make guns illegal
>only criminals have guns
Great job.
America needs common sense gun control including the stoppage of sales of assault rifles to civilians.
Subtract suicides and nigger violence from that and you will see how low that figure really is.
Mostly dindus doing nuffin, so what's the problem?
Sixth millionth nigger shoots someone with a gun. What happened? Something about poverty? I'm sorry. My apologies.
You convinced me!
Ban food, causing more deaths in America than anything else.
Just checked the first 10 incidents on their list, 6 were black, 4 were mexican.
I have a question for you OP;
Why is your site so racist for emphasizing minority shootings? What are you, a Nazi or something? Fucking bigots, go back to plebbit, your bigotry isn't welcome here.
Because you blame the perpetrators, not the weapon. Mudslimes are perpetrators, as are niggers (hence the gun violence). Regular people still deserve to be able to defend themselves. Guns are inanimate fucking objects. Thats like banning cars that *might* speed.
Niggers are the reason guns cause so much violence, they should be banned
Also schools have police officers and metal detectors just so niggers can't cap eachother in the hallway
Btw in Brazil and Latin America in general, guns are much harder to get legally. But the crime rate is much larger than it is in the US.
Niggers (and some mestizos too) are the problem
One of those deaths was caused by my roommate when he shot a spic coming onto our property with a pistol to rob us. It was fun watching that spic die.
>If you ban guns it cuts down on gun related deaths!
The most retarded argument the left has ever shit out from between their boney, hairy, effeminate asscheeks.
I wonder why...
Kills by race is even more interesting, and looking at both statistics turns any thinking person into a conservative.
>White (Hispanic)
>nation of over 350 million
>6000 people killed
>"better subvert the right to self-defense for the entire nation, huh guys?"
That is such a disgustingly dangerous and dishonest belief. Get raked you filthy human waste. Fuck Canada.
>i shouldn't be able to defend myself and my family in our own home
>because of a bunch of niggers
>because liberals have let them breed nonstop with welfare aid
>because those same niggers kill each other
>because liberals have made them into animals by doingeverything they can to break up traditional family values and any sense of personal responsibility
>those same liberals are the ones trying to take away gun rights
Sorry lefty guns are not going anywhere. Guess what? the left is anti gun and anti police so good luck in the coming conflict.
You gotta pump up those numbers kid
It's a culture/nigger issue. By most of the world standards, Canadians are heavily armed, yet we have very little gun violence.
Get rid of the niggers is what I'm saying, basically.
They don't allow guns at airports or schools. So that's pretty much a shitty example.
Do they check your shoes at school?
The constitution doesn't ensure your right to wear shoes.
If you took away cars there would be less car-related murders. So what? It doesnt say anything about decreasing total murder. People will find other ways to kill people
Everyone alive right now will die at some point. Thoughts?
It's interesting to note that the country defends the right of the citizen to wear shoes. The need for security at a specific location was not used to pass invasive laws that enslave the entire population. Leftists make the worst memes.
maybe we should update the constitution to say no security firm can demand you to take off your shoes.
or does that stinky Brit not know about the American constitution?
Several thousand people were killed by Islam last year.
Yet we still haven't banned that.
One of the largest redpills is realizing that the vast majority of gun murders are related to gang, drug, and other criminal activity. You look at your average CCW holder and they're typically model citizens.
One school shooting and the MSM is trying to ban guns
More people die because of smoking each day and *no change* in the regulation of smokes
What the fuck is his point?
Pools kill more kids than guns.
>one failed attack and we all have to take our shoes off
>thousands dead as a result of numerous Islamic attacks and we still allow Muslims in the country
Really makes you think.
The truth is that Americans just don't give a shit. It would objectively be better to either A) keep guns out of the hands of irresponsible and restrict the ease with which they're distributed or B) train everyone in the use of firearms via something like mandatory conscription like Switzerland does, but Americans insist that EVERY option infringes on personal freedoms. So gun violence goes unchecked because you have a double-whammy of open gun distribution and an irresponsible and ill-educated population.
>there shouldn't be any gun rights because guns are so dangerous
>free speech shouldn't be protected, hate speech is DANGEROUS, and hate speech is any speech i deem it to be!
>forget indictments and trials, any white male racist should be put to death once an accusation is made!
>we should kill or ship all white, CHRISTIAN males to Antarctica, they have no place here in OUR country!
>the federal government should control anything, why should states have any rights that makes no sense!
it's actually horrifying how much of the bill of rights liberals absolutely hate. and yet they can't just leave the fucking country.
burn them all i say
ah, you see the shoe bomb fear cuts into the profits of airlines
but gun legislation cuts into the profits of the gunmakers
hail corporations, dog bless amuriga
Didn't you post this this morning? Here we go.
Fuck you.
The only way I'd agree to the stoppage of sales of assault rifles to civilians is if the government started handing them out for free.
More people were killed last year by stones in afghanistan. Ban stones as well?
Fast food
Sports cars
Swimming pools
Lots of things to ban.
I won't be living in that country
Carpe Diem
This quote is fake news.
He can't be right.....because he never said this in the first place.
Do de do de do...
Ban schools. They're unsafe and unfit for purpose anyway. No schools, no school shootings.
Of which over 4000 would be suicides. They're probably going to kill themselves anyway.
That just leaves 2033 homicide victims, of which around 1800 would be black perpetrators based on ethnic crime rates.
That leaves 233 homicides committed by whites, asians, Hispanics and native Americans. A number that is in line with other countries around the world.
America doesn't have a gun problem. It has an "inner city" problem.
Zipity do da. Zipity ay, my oh my, what a wonderful day.
>America doesn't have a gun problem. It has an "inner city" problem.
this isn't said often enough
Putting aside OP being a huge faggot. Most of these are suicide. Or nigger on nigger (which isn't really murder).
> Still can't bring guns onto airplanes.
> No new regulations on shoe ownership for law abiding citizens.
OP is perpetuating a retarded fucking argument.
Many times more children are killed by swimming pools each year than guns.
guns are officially banned in all schools
checkmate dumb brit
Putting two graphs on the same plot doesn't make them correlated. The homicide rate falls at a rate that isn't matched at all by a similar sudden increase in handgun supply. The handgun supply increases at a constant rate. I'm all for gun ownership but this image is retarded.
This sign caused some liberal butthurt.
Just made this from the "cause of death" data tool on the CDC website.
Take from it what you will, some fun things to note: tool automatically turns the homicide death toll for blacks sideways because it's so
high, despite being a smaller population than hispanics or whites, which it still displays horizontally. Homicide doesn't even show up on the top 10 for leading cause of white deaths, it's something like 15.
All data verifiable here for the black apologists:
Answer: feminism.
Boys without fathers grow up to become lunatic school shooters. Feminism supported integration too.
The FBI/DOJ mix whites and Hispanics together to try to make white crime closer to black crime.
It proved that an increase in gun ownership doesn't cause murder rates to go up. Any other conclusions are conjecture.
Acceptable losses.
fucked up.
>Hispanics - 55 million people - 32,000 firearm murders
>Whites - 197 million people - 46,000 firearm deaths
>blacks - 44 million people - 103,000 firearm deaths
One of these things is not like the others, one of these things is significantly higher than the other two combined.
If the contention is that more handgun ownership in the population results in more handgun homicides and suicides... the graph certainly proves that that is simply not happening. It's not about saying why, or how, or making some argument... it is simply showing two facts:
>There are in fact more guns,
>There are not in fact more gun deaths
You can completely and logically draw from that that more guns in society has not resulted in more gun deaths... because it hasn't.
Now, you can go on from there at your own risk. I'd say that increased gun ownership seems to be responsible for lowing the gun homicide rate - but THAT is a correlation that the data doesn't support. THAT would just be my opinion. Nevertheless, where gun ownership rates are highest - gun violence in all forms is lowest. The places with the highest gun restrictions in the USA - Washington DC for example, have much higher rates of gun homicide than any given city in Texas or similar. You can match city sizes, you can match income, you can match all other variables... and you'll still find that gun ownership being higher means less victims. Sorry if you don't like that.
>Threads like these always pop up
>Gun violence is always correlated to having a problem with law breaking minorities
>"But think of the children! Haven't enough of them died because of guns?"
Wouldnt the correct analogy be to ban shoes?
>/k/ does self defense
>Black Population
here ya go leaf
Funny hmm... guess that's why your country had 3000x (literally) as many gun dealths as mine.
>Caring about gun deaths
>Not the overall murder rate
false equivalence, they didn't ban shoes
Dear faggot,
Fun fact: The US population is 3200x the size of Aruba's, so what you're telling us is Aruba has more per capita gun crime, how retarded are you?
Save a ______, bin that screwdriver.
Get out of the crossfire.