MSM is attacking KeK

MSNBC is saying Kekistan is a rising internet threat

Other urls found in this thread:

Go back to T_D se we can discuss a counter-attack! Damn cucks, amirite my fellow centipede ;-)

Fuck off, let the MSM attack you pathetic cringelords, no one likes you, left, right, and center. Holy shit get a life.

Kekistan is the worlds first Virtual Nation-state.

this is the internet hate machine all over again

>what was Israel pre 1940s?

This shit dont belong here any more. Take it to Sup Forums

We have learned from the best...

if kek doesn't form the kekistani state encompassing Greater Israel, Syria, some of Iraq, Northern Egypt, Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon and make their capital Constantinople they are fucking bitches.

ive never seen news more fake

well they're right about traps

We're not leaving. We're expanding.

Typical corporate media. Lazy and wrong. Who is stupid enough to believe a single word they say?

>bacon is a hate symbol
>'snowflake' is code for 'black person'
>'sjw' is code for 'stingy jew'
>'cuck' derogatory for 'men who love obese women'
>'trap', which means 'hot girl I want to rape'. MSNBC trying to troll us? You can't miss the mark by that distance unless you're aiming at a completely different target. Is this meant to be bait?


We Byzantines now?

>that definition of trap
I guess traps arent gay after all thanks MSNBC

Good, meme the fuck out of it.
>use the CORRECT flag tho
>pic related
Let's make those Alt-Lite usurper cucks prove how committed they really are to "free speech "

They got the tyrone "Normies get out!" video, they got Snowflake and SJW as niggers and jews. Fucking glorious.

The one thing they were not wrong about, traps really are hot girls I want to rape.

Holy fuck, MSM, get your shit together.

intense cringe
it's because of things like this people won't take us seriously

This is a joke or bait material right?

>There is no kek, only Sup Forums
I'm tired of this bullshit. your shitty wannabe meme flag doesn't have a right in history

This kekistan thing is getting cringy, Dont get me wrong, I am not one to spout blasphemy to our lord Kek but these Kekistanies look like retards. We can either disband this Kekistan meme or take it to another level and maybe reform it not look so autistic.

I'm not even sure at this point.

This timeline is off the rails. Memes have ascended reality.

MSNBC has stooped so low, that people can't distinguish this satire from a legitimate news report

Conceptually its a hilarious idea, the only reason the preppy oldfags dont like it is because Sargon of Akkad is the one who came up with it, and theyre miserable faggots who cant separate the idea from the speaker.

I want reddit to leave

I am puzzled my self. Surely they are not so fucking stupid right?

4d chess?

this is the best timeline

I can't believe this is real


Fuck off

>SJW is code for stingy jew

when did the media get so redpilled ?

where can I view the video of the black guy telling normies to get out ?

guys i just noticed something about the kek flag. give me a sec, its not totally obvious at first

This is satire, but I could totally see the MSM airing something like this

see? Isnt that weird, it looks almost like an Illuminati flag

>we are living in an actual timeline in which Donald Trump is President of the United States and kekistan is being critically examined by the media

It isnt




That MSNBC coverage is fake, you fucking faggots. Goddamn.

Top notch Kek

did they really say shitposters on the news lol?

Lmao that's what i thought as well


This is like Knowyourmeme tier faggotry yet it's on the news for some reason.
>self-described Kek priestess

Reminder that this is satire.
The fact that it's so hard to tell though, says a lot about the MSM.

This is fake, but its a damn good fake.

>It is the brain child of this man, Sargon of Akkad

That is really well done, Fuck. Its funny shit though, msm is not too far of from this

Youtube newb - The Meme Jihad

I wouldn't say that. If it's blatant enough we immediately go "Are you trying to ruse me again?", then it can't be (x)d chess. Poe's Law dictates we must wonder if they're sincere, but if we aren't convinced outright, it's failtrolling.

That was really good.

A while back when anons were discussing the plans to create an enclave on reddit I said this would happen. I don't know of the oldfags care hard enough to beat the shit out of r/T_D for being a bunch of faggots and embarrassing everyone, but by god, this has to stop. NOW

If you don't see this is satire then I'm not sure you should be reading POL.

>Trap is a codeword for "hot girl I want to rape."

thafuk m8 i didn't know sjw meant stingy jew
isn't that paradoxical?

Jesus on a cracker that video was hilarious.

I can't imagine what normies think when they see that.

Praise Kek!

They will think it is a real MSNBC story and ost likely Wolf over on CNN will be citing it as FACT within the week.

I'm concerned about the number of people here who don't seem to realize that this is blatant satire

Here's the channel it was originally uploaded on:

Ok fags...

I just read through the thread. Kekistan is good for a giggle. Nothing more. Chill the fuck out.

One of you retards even said "this is why no one will take us seriously"!

Who the fuck do you want to take us seriously? You should be either researching pizzagate, Seth, whatever, submit anonymous tips to FBI, hack/break kiddie porn servers. I need a fucking giggle break every once in a while with Kek and related tomfoolery.


I was blessed by Kek to watch the creation of piss gate, here in the glorious halls of chan, and then later seeing it on major news networks. This is the best timeline.

And once again, you whiners (waaa I hate Kek) should just shut it. I've spent 5 hours of my Saturday researching the metro police dept looking for DNC ties and corruption. What have you done besides bitching about how Sup Forums isn't as great as it used to be?

Ok fags, now you've got me ranting. You pissy little stuck up whiners (waaa I hate kek, its undignified)

I spent last week pushing this fucking petition on SM every spare moment, before work, lunch, after work, after dinner, until it finally took off.

A glorious user created this
original thread

I was number 35 to sign this. It's now up to 26,000, KDC tweeted it. I found the thread just before it died because you fuckers weren't entertained by it and let it die. Sure the petition won't do shit but that's not the point, the point of all of this is to wake up normies and bring this 1984 One World Order bullshit to light.


I don't get it either. They fucked it up so bad that it must be on purpose.

>I was blessed by Kek to watch the creation of piss gate, here in the glorious halls of chan, and then later seeing it on major news networks. This is the best timeline.
I was there that night. It was glorious. Submitting fake shit to media outlets lol....

Does this mean that Buzzfeed leaked the info to russia, and somehow got a secret dossier outlining this absurd piss fetish became a national headline?

Sorry user, I don't know the details. I was just lurking on pgate to take a break from pizzagate research.

>Sup Forums successfully takes pepe back by turning him into a hate symbol
>this just makes him more interesting to edgy faggots
fuck pepe was doomed from the start

why are you guys so gullible? this is obviously edited

This has to be a parody.
There is no official post I can find by msnbc.

>obvious trap

>tfw you cant tell the difference between MSM and this

>people won't take us seriously
>wanting to be taken seriously
>le lejunn praise kekold
I've never been this disgusted

>I am not one to spout blasphemy to our lord Kek
either give in to your convictions or dont say anything shit like this is gay. Kek or whatever gay shit that was around during the elections DIED right there when he won, this is just us seeing the rotting corpse

>tfw kekistan is recognized by mainstream media as a virtual nation state
what fucking timeline is this??

What did (((they))) mean by this?

Man, just when I thought it was impossible to ruin Kek even further than that quadroon commie Sargon did, this shit happens. How the fuck did Reddit even get a hold of this in the first place? They don't have post numbers so gets were alien to them. Redditors aren't religious so it could never be anything they would do with any real sincerity. Fuck, I bet they decided to push this kekistan shit because trying to replace Kek with their shitty forced "Thoth" meme failed TWICE at that point and boy did they fucking succeed in killing Kek.

>What have you done besides bitching about how Sup Forums isn't as great as it used to be?
not waste my time on a dumbass conspiracy theory on a japanese anime imageboard and have delusions of Grandeur that im doing something that actually matters like some chanology fag

I swear to fucking God I'm going to drink myself to death, reddit was a fucking mistake.

They got all of the codewords wrong


it's fake you fucking retards i swear you're worse than the kekistan cucks

so glad this frog meme is officially dead now that's it's gone mainstream.

I can't believe how left behind you all are. You stopped enjoying esoteric kekism just because it became too popular. If Christianity was being formed now, and Reddit found it, would you guys stop worshipping the Jewish carpenter?

>radio host
>is actually Tyrone
MSNBC is even more left behind.


who is cringier, MSM or Pepefaggots?


This isn't even a well edited video

Fuck off with your false flag

you're fuckin gay dude

i support all things the media hates.

Things change when Reddit touches them. It stopped being hermetic or esoteric when Reddit adopted it. It just became some shitty t-shirt slogan. They never studied memetics or psychology and never had any real understanding of what kekposting represented.

> the good
> shows obongo and hillary
> the bad
> shows trump
why do they make their bias so ridiculously obvious?

It's fake, guys. No one else is talking about it but us and the /r/kekistan reddit.


You fuckers realize this is fake right? Right?