Has anyone seen this? Has anyone seen the evidence that it provides towards non believers?
Is this sufficient evidence to prove to the rest of our population should believe?
Has anyone seen this? Has anyone seen the evidence that it provides towards non believers?
Is this sufficient evidence to prove to the rest of our population should believe?
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God has never spoken to me and is always silent to me. I want to believe but I have never felt his presence.
I urge you to watch this video. It shows scientific explanations to the stories in the Bible.
If it takes an hour and a half to talk your way into "proving" something exists, it probably doesn't exist.
>Minute 1
>Jew shows up on screen
and I'm done.
That;s probably one of the dumbest thing's I've ever heard. There are some math proofs that are hundreds of pages long.
Bible code is nothing more than the work of the devil itself.
You need to be exposed more on the mysteries of life.
The bible code stuff makes no sense considering the stories have been written and rewritten hundreds of times. It's one of those, you can force anything to fit a pattern situations.
This picture makes me furious. These poor kids never stand a fucking chance
>Literally explains in the video this exact thing and its reasons why it doesn't matter.
He's not wrong.
>never stand a chance
I know they'll grow up to be strong Christians with several white offspring they'll raise to be strong Christians. Meanwhile you won't.
No it doesn't. I saw that same video a long time ago as well as a counter video where someone made a similar program to find like sports scores or something and it all lined up.
Skeptics used the same code to find hidden messages in many other works of fiction and newspapers. It's one of those nostradamus things where if you look for it hard enough and do enough gymnastics, you can find a complicated pattern somewhere in this 1,000 page book.
Yeah, but within it are a little bit more than just that. There are patterns within it that are more advanced than just looking for words.
And yes, it does I am re watching it right now.
There is no message.
It's all hogwash.
Also, how does it account for the assasination of the Israeli Prime Minister. It only appears once in the first four books of the Bible. It provides the location and date. I don't think anything else does this.
I bought 2 books on this shit. The first one said thr world would end in 2001; the second one from 2002 said that 9/11 was totally the start of the end of the world, and it would really happen in 2012.
I did not purchase the 3rd book in the series.
There's a program to look at bible codes here
if anyone wants to feed "blacked" and whatnot through the mathematical process.
Apply statistical analysis to determine whether it is random or not.
The problem with the children being educated like this, is that it advocates religious fanaticism and darkening of the theories subsidiary to religious dogma.
While it may seem appealing to have children answer such as this, it's no different to the indoctrination of Stalin, or the caliphate's bidding, or the shilling of false progressiveness.
If they're going to have a Religious History quiz, even if it's fourth grade, at least have them provide religious text passages or something.
Well, that is a seperate book claiming knowledge on the future. It specifically says not to do this. There is room for error. It is better applied for past events.
the bible was written with an advanced computer by extraterrestrials.
IT was not made by god. So called god dictates it to abraham.
A true god does not have a personality nor it can dictate. It cannot give 10 commandments.
Please learn basic life principles.
>the bible was written with an advanced computer by extraterrestrials.
>Please learn basic life principles.
"Only in the bible does it provide consistent coherent information with odds of 10 million to 1."
Dude this is 2003 History channel level shit. I like it.
The god of abraham is an impostor.
A true god cannot have those attributes stated in the bible.
Them most logical explanation of the bible code is that it is made from an advanced entity with access to advanced technology.
Where does it state that in the Bible? And not only that, why does it necessarily need to have advanced technology. That is just a term to label it as something. Can it not be advanced intellect or wisdom?
Let me know when someone makes a correct prediction using the bible code.
I mean the answer to question number 7 isn't wrong. Gorillas have sharp teeth but don't eat meat.
>When the stupid goyim actually bought your book twice
there are ways to prove that the bible has a super natural origin outside space and time, but whats captured here is sad... the old testament is behind the sophisticated science of kabbalah
please pleas PLEASE do NOT mistake the Towrah and the Talmund
alot of people cannot distinguish between what is true and what is not.
not necessarily adv technology. it can be advanced intellect or wisdom. But it also doesnt mean its a god.
what is good introductory material to kabbalah?
Are you the niganon from the other thread?
fuck off nigger
Pic warms my heart desu
Also she has a nice butt
I'm not, the old testament has a super natural element, and the methods applied in the kabbalah can be used to validate Jesus Christ as messiah by name. and the techniques in the Kabbalah are things you can use to prove the old testament has origins by the creator of t he universe and exists outside space and time.
Amen. Thank god
based inside out oreo
>a fucking youtube video
great "evidence" fuck knuckle
>videos can not contain evidence
>"Is this [video] sufficient evidence to prove to the rest of our population should believe?"
listen and believe, goy :^)
see link in
>more youtube videos
epic for the win my fedora loving friend
>doesn't realize it's clips from a documentary
The implication is that we have both free will and a fate?
stop posting her, she's a SPIC, A WETBACK SHIT SKIN and we're racist here. We hate none whites and other cultures.
fuck off back to T_D liberal
It's Judaizing nonsense made up by rabbis for protestant dupes who are always looking for a new interpretation of their pet eschatological viewpoints.
These are the same tier protestant nuts that said the pretrib rapture would occur in 1984, 1989, 1993, and so on (obviously, not an exhaustive list).
Bible code was made up by Jews who literally applied cryptography to pick out kabbalistic sequences.
"Contemporary discussion and controversy around one specific steganographic method became widespread in 1994 when Doron Witztum, Eliyahu Rips and Yoav Rosenberg published a paper, "Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis", in the scientific journal Statistical Science.[1] The paper, which was presented by the journal as a "challenging puzzle", presented strong statistical evidence that biographical information about famous rabbis was encoded in the text of the Book of Genesis, centuries before those rabbis lived."
It is superstition and paganism.
Yeah it was a thing in 2002, and the book asserted the world would end in 2006
numerology is complete horseshit