who here /queer4scheer/?
Andrew Scheer - Canada's New Not Prime Minister
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I am not Joe Clarke.
You'll be Shoeless Joe once Trudeau's done wiht our country in 2019+
What bugs me out about the BC liberal party is that they're conservative. Why the fuck to they call themselves the liberal party
>conflating quebec liberals with federal liberal
Hes already won.
I'm only an Amerifat, so what do I know, but maybe they mean classic liberalism?
He's not Mad Max but I guess he'll do
Literally hopeless against Trudeau.
Our only hope is that some commie runs for the NDP and splits the liberal vote enough for the weedman to lose core voters, and then Scheer the queer comes outta left field and takes parliament.
It's early so don't assume anything
Pretty much this. He won't win, he's just a neo-con conservative. I have no clue who he is, I'm not even sure how he won.
Scheer is probably a decent enough guy but he most certainly does not have what it takes to become prime minister. I'm pretty pissed at the party right now tbqh, I was looking forward to having the Bernier government in power during my prime earning years.
Ranked ballot
Same way Alberta Ed "Literally Who?" Stelmach, triggering the eventual decline of the PCs and bringing us to where we are today.
Also Nenshi's not that bad. He's barely Muslim at all, and because he's a queer Ismaili a) he won't breed and b) the other Muslims want him dead twice over and he fucking know what it, so he has even less time for their shit than the average whitey. (Nenshi's lowest electoral support comes from all the browns out in the NE. They don't like him.)
Hopefully, we'll just go broke before the election
Can we meme him in?
Dairy farmers infiltrated our voting system because Bernier told them to stop price gauging consumers.
>memeing a jew into office
You fucking serious kid? It's well past bedtime.
Well fuck I don't want 2019 to go to JT cuck bag
Face it
Bernier was a weak candidate
he lost because the frenchies didn't vote for him and the 2nd and 3rd choices broke to sheer over otoole because everyone considered him the safest bet
If bernier couldn't win quebec conservatives he would not have done well in quebec in the general
Quebeckers are the most fickle fuckers on planet earth
Like seriously one minute their all separatists, then they're all hopey-changey socialists, and then suddenly they're all a bunch off zenophobic traditionalists
maybe they're just everything at once
tl;dr I do not understand Quebeckers
better a conservative Jew than two marxists. I don't even think the NDP even allows white males to replace outgoing candidates, or maybe I'm getting confused with the BC NDP
No. I will vote in the marxists. I'm fucking done with this country and want it to rot.
This desu.
Scheer might be a cuckservative but it's still better than JT, but his only chance is if the NDP divides the libtard vote enough to take away from Weedman's voter base.
We need moldylocks for NDP leader if the conservatives are going to win, essentially.
I put Scheer as #2 behind Bernier and I wanna fucking kill myself
you're the reason canada is and will always be beyond cucked
You didn't cause it. They were the last two candidates.
People who put Scheer above Bernier are to blame.
Then write JT and very nicely suggest that he's already saved the family business and it would be better for his personal brand, and the party, if he endorsed Marc Garneau for leader in 2020.
That's about the only thing that'll work. Scheer is a literal who to most of us.
BC fag here. The Liberal party is literally the most conservative party and the hippie commies get veto power with only 3 seats
Scheer isn't Jewish ya fucking hosers
Guys, I had put all my hopes in Mad Max...
Be honest with me, how fucked are we now?
I thought NDP was run by the same people nationwide
you do realized how ranked ballots work right?
your ballot only goes to #2 if #1 gets eliminated
ie you voted for screetching kelly #1 and scheer #2, your ballot would have moved to scheers pile when kelly got knocked out
since bernier never got knocked out your ballot never left his pile
Where's the guy who suggested redpilling the green party? If enough people come out as druids in the same chapter we could get something decent going.
Treebro if you're lurking and near Ottawa, check out the Green Wizards.
We need full force memes 24/7 until the day of election! :/
Wouldn't it be better to keep the Green Party left wing so that we can split the left-wing vote more?
We're not.
Scheer will
-join the bombing runs on ISIS losers
-scrap the carbon tax
-get rid of HST on hydro
-pull funding from post secondary school that suppress free speech.
The only thing you'll be missing out on is the reformed gun laws, which I wanted.
Fuck off neocuck shill. This country deserves its own destruction. Give me a good leader and I'll vote for him. Give me your prepackaged garbage for the goyim and I'll spit it back in your face.
Die in a fire because I will burn my country to the ground before I let controlled opposition parade my own party around in front of me like I'm a fool.
not overly
Scheer is basically Harper 2.0 with personality and charisma expansion packed pre-installed
At least he's promised to fuck up the carbon tax bullshit
>tfw I'll never get to shoot my AR in the woods
What's Scheer's policy on removing RCMP legislation on guns and removing mag size restrictions? Those were the two best Bernier gun policies for me
I can't find this guys positions anywhere on his website.
Just a blog post about being pro-pipeline.
I think you guys are over-reacting
after reading through scheer's policies he actually sounds like a better candidate than max
The ONLY thing max had over this guy was appearances. And likewise, the ONLY thing trudeau has over this guy are appearances.
He's actually got a fucking excellent stance on pretty much everything and was all-around superior to max. So I've gone from being pessimistic to optimistic. It's now up to this guy being a better public speaker than trudeau even with a biased liberal media attacking him for every slip up.
He's in favor of doing both of those things
I truly have no idea what you want user
>wah wah my candidate isn't a stormfag so ima vote for marxishitskin
t. shill
How is he on immigration?
Damn, doesn't sound as good as Bernier, but it's better than I thought
I'm pessimistic because I worry about Scheer's electability, but I'd be perfectly happy if he won PM
How disappointing
I had him somewhere in the middle of the field, he's better than Chong and Raitt at least
Weedman has every possible superficial advantage over him and Canadians always fucking vote for stupid shit than policy. Trudeau will win the women's vote because he has nice hair.
Mad Max was the only conservative candidate even talking about reducing immigration, we're still getting more shitskins.
>The only thing you'll be missing out on is the reformed gun laws, which I wanted.
why is everyone so ignorant of his funs policyreminded ----> Scheer is a licensed gun owner and prairiefag
because nobody knows who the fuck he is
>candidate is not a reasonable conservative who has a chance of winning
I won't vote for your pudgy boy fuckbuddy, and neither will anyone here.
Scheer doesn't mention opposition to overnight gun grabs. That is troublesome but hopefully an oversight and will be implemented.
>Supporting Israel
WOW what a GOOD goy looks like I'm a #queerforscheer now
His stance on magazines specifically mentions the 10/22 magazines, which while very fucky on the RCMP's part, is not a question of removing magazine restrictions entirely.
Which is why I was hoping for Mad Max. Immigration is the most important issue for me. Looks like we're getting cucked.
The more I read about Scheer, the better I feel. He responded to Jordan Peterson on Twitter regarding free speech on campus.
He likes Leitch's policy on immigration, but believes it was delivered poorly.
The dude is solid on policy and more likeable than Bernier. He's also squeaky clean (unlike Bernier).
To those crying about Bernier winning Quebec, Scheer almost BEAT Bernier in Bernier in his riding. A Conservative is never going to turn Quebec blue.
How shit is scheer on immigration? This I need to know some I voted for leitch then bernier
he specifically brings it up in this article:
>Q:How do we protect property rights, especially when it pertains to firearms?
>A: That is a huge, huge issue. I was very concerned when I read those reports (2013 Alberta flood firearms seizure by the RCMP) – the Conservative Party spoke out against some of those actions. I believe that property rights have to be entrenched in the constitution, I believe we need greater protection on property rights and I think that would apply to not only entry into a home but also taking something out of a home.
Bernier wanted 250k immigrants, same as Harper, which fucked us in the first place.
He will triple Islamic integration into your community. Enjoy.
I posted my ballot in the mail for Bernier did I fuck up? apparently i gotta go all the way to montreal to post it.. fuck that
That's JT you cuck!
That's because farmers there are mobilized behind Scheer who campaigned in the county to preserve supply management.
He liked leitch's stance, but I don't think he had anything either way officially.
quit being so fucking butthurt holy shit
He has not provided a policy on immigration yet, but he has expressed support for Coptic Christians, and when asked about Leitch's immigration policy, the only negative thing he said was the messaging was weak. He seemed to suggest that the actual ideas were good.
>The more I read about Scheer, the better I feel. He responded to Jordan Peterson on Twitter regarding free speech on campus.
>He likes Leitch's policy on immigration, but believes it was delivered poorly.
>The dude is solid on policy and more likeable than Bernier. He's also squeaky clean (unlike Bernier).
>To those crying about Bernier winning Quebec, Scheer almost BEAT Bernier in Bernier in his riding. A Conservative is never going to turn Quebec blue.
Bernier lost when everyone believed he would win because he performed surprisingly poorly in Quebec
One-term PM's are extremely rare in Canada. Trudeau was always going to win.
No you didn't fuck up. I also voted for bernier, which means you, like me, put bernier first
And since it was down to bernier vs sheer, your vote never went into sheer's pile, which means you voted for bernier.
My god how do people not understand the CPC party voting system? It's simple and intuitive as fuck.
Bernier is a fucking idiot to make supply management a wedge issue. No-one outside of Quebec gives a flying fuck either way. I literally do not care that I have to pay $2 more for milk and eggs.
What's the best country to own a gun in besides the States? (not opposed to the States, but as a precaution in case I can't live there for whatever reason)
Ideally not an African shithole where they have no gun laws as a consequence of having no laws at all
>and then Scheer the queer comes outta left field
I mean he was able to do it tonight. Why not In 2019?
I wonder what Andrew Scheer's October surprise will be
Pretty much this. The second Bernier pissed off farmers (read: 90% of conservative voters in Canada), he lost. Also being a frog didn't help.
>Wanting to flood the market with fucked up American milk
>Wanting to discourage small-scale, family farming in favour of mega farms owned by corporations
>Wanting to get rid of the only incentive to live rurally rather than urbanize
>All this just so that you can drink cheap milk
It's like you don't even like your country
Queer4Scheer? Maybe Hans Moleman can finally be gay for him
Switzerland, ironically Sweden, Finland, Czechoslovakia (or is it Czech Republic now?), maybe denmark, norway, and russia.
I would put czechs and swiss at the top of the list. You won't be able to get into switzerland unless you're a richfag though.
finally, someone seeing through the 'doom and gloom'
Scheer is a good choice
At least he was talking about reducing it while everyone else(except maybe Leitch) was just silent on the issue. At least Scheer was one of the only candidates to oppose Bill C-16, so that's something I guess.
>more likeable than Bernier
Really? I don't know much about Scheer but Bernier is smooth as hell.
>What bugs me out about the BC liberal party is that they're conservative
Classical Liberalism does not exist in BC. The Liberal Party appears to be "conservative" based on the Communist nature of the BC populace that would never allow anything but leftardism to rule there
Canada is fucked
I'm going to look to become American because there is no hope in Canada
I was thinking of Czechs actually, but are they weak on immigration? I assume not, since it falls under the sort of Eastern Europe curtain
>tfw we could have had a BC that had a whites only policy
>Quebec overturned it
implying theres any in america
at least we still have remnants of a culture
i despise america
>muh we hate French
Yeah, that's a forced meme.
Harper and Trudeau already sold the dairy farmers down the river with CETA.
It's the range-voting system the CPC uses
It is actually a very good system for collecting votes and I wish it was used federally. Other systems are basically "Well, you voted for candidate Z and they lost, so your opinions on the country go in the garbage".
Max has that father-figure appearance that would've been able to compete against Trudeau's gay-fuccboi schtick. Scheer doesn't. I really don't know how scheer's going to win with the way he looks and talks. That's seriously what I think will do him in. His policies are great but he doesn't have the superficial charisma to beat trudeau.
We'll see if I'm wrong in the coming election, I guess.
watch some videos
he comes across very happy and maybe even 'fun'
he just might be able to pull it off
I must say, if his CPC speeches were anything to go by, he can be pretty funny and entertaining for an audience; not like Reagan funny, but enough to make him likable
They're semi-cucked. I don't think they're targeted with much propaganda/pressure like poland is, but if poland caves czech's probably will too.
That said, they're a damn sight better than most of Europe and I don't think they're actually big on accepting refugees right now.
>Max has that father-figure appearance that would've been able to compete against Trudeau's gay-fuccboi schtick.
this is why I voted Bernier
he really did have the perfect personality to combat Trudeau
oh well I guess now we will give Scheer his chance
any videos of him and nicehair debating in the house?
>said the 100% cucked leaf
did scheer really win?
RIP my guns
Canada never was a real country in the first place
Canada has always been the globalist's playground and testing ground for use against the USA
Unless there is a grand solar minimum to thin the darkies out of Canada, Canada is a wasteland of service sector jobs to service service sector government employees.
not me