Previous 2 threads:
Gather here brothers, keep it comfy just like it was.
/balkan/ thread cont. - comfy edition
Or how about you fuck off back to Sup Forums
The burgers were ok and contributed to the conversation. The threads were filled with political subjects, don't make a bad reputation for your countrymen.
it's too late now m8, 03:40 here. probably everyone went to sleep at this point.
i'm a half serbian half american girl
everyone in america is fucking ignorant about every country in the balkans
>am serbian
>people assume i am good at ice skating
>serbia is not siberia
>literary austrian kangaroos tier situations
idk what that means and idk how to reply bc i dont know how Sup Forums works
mother or father serbian?
just click on post number if you want to reference it
father from serbia, mother a good ol southern american gal
You should get back to Serbia when shit hits the fan in the good ol US of A
>southern american
white or not? i know you have a plenty of blacks and mexicans there
by southern american i meant southern US, white as hell, my mom is a german descended ginger
nice, can i come over? i need those papers to stay there :^)
Why the fuck is there so much Ex-Jugo and Latino/Latina mix.
I've met 10 individuals that are this mix what the absolute fuck.
Including me.
because latinas are hot?
reeeee stop making confused children
yeah it must be weird af to be born as a mix of two entirely distinct ethnicities from two distant parts of the world. i mean you can't classify yourself in the either of the groups, since you're half-half. man, that sounds not so right...
/brit/, this and all the other generals need to stay on Sup Forums. That place is nothing but lame generals.
I'm dating a Mexican girl and I often think about how our kid could potentially be an unhappy misfit.
stop telling me the TRUTH
well at least you got the best from the both, right? :^)
I don't know my whole family is fucked.
My siblings are a mix of white skinned and blue eyes, white skin and brown eyes than me darker skin with hazel eyes.
but your siblings are purebred croatian (or mexican from the other side), right? or they are also mixed?
They are also mixed, sister got black hair and blue eyes and straight up PALE skin.
Other sister has like Portuguese skin whitish with brown eyes.
I'm darker than my mother and have hazel eyes.
well i suppose it's just a genetic roulette. some got more croatian, some more mexican dominant genes or both equal, apparently
Yep looks quite odd.
any partially white person who is noticeably another ethnicity even slightly always chooses to identify as the minority.
and always wants to choose the ethnic sounding last name if they can
Its bad to be white nowadays
Am I /balkan/ enough?
So they put the Balkans under South Europe? Well, damn.