CANADA YES! Syrian Refugees get $408,333 from JUSTin Trudeau!

JUST a friendly reminder that Syrian refugee families get the equivalent of $408,333/year in gibs thanks to Cuckdeau. They also get free Dental (Canadians do not get this) and Platinum health care with everything covered, no fees and immediate access to a family doctor (Canadians have to wait 5 years or so to find a family doctor). They also get free prescriptions, but I'll exclude it from the Refugee Gibs Matematics model.

Model Input: Mohammed, 2 Aishas, 10 Mohammeds (13 members)

>Refugee Gibs Matematics

Gib Housing: $5000/month (for house in Toronto to house 13 family members)
Gib Government Refugee Money: $2000/month
Gib Canada Child Benefit: $500/month/kebab
Gib Free Dental Platinum Plan: $2000/kebab/year
Gib Free Platinum Health Care: $2000/kebab/year

Illiterate Syrian Refugee family consisting of Mohammed, 2 Aishas, 10 Mohammeds = $12,000/month
*12=$144,000 + $52,000 = $196,000 tax-free

Assuming 52% tax rate = $408,333 pre-tax

They also get free food, employment training $$ despite less than 5% getting a job, etc from government-funded settlement organizations. Many work on the side in kebab shops.

>Syrian Refugees literally get $408,333 pre-tax from Cuckdeau while a White Canadian down on their luck gets $8K (taxable lmfao) and a disabled person gets $12-15K/year. Poverty Level is ~$30K and the average Canadian earns $29K CAD (22K after taxes or $16K USD).

>Yes Canada does sponsor multiple wives, see pic

>Muslims claiming cash for numerous wives

>"Canada is a very liberal-minded country," Ali said. "Canada is way ahead of Britain in this respect."

>Muslims claiming cash for numerous wives

>"Canada is a very liberal-minded country," Ali said. "Canada is way ahead of Britain in this respect."


Oct 5, 2015
, Last Updated: 5:35 PM ET
Hundreds of GTA Muslim men in polygamous marriages -- some with a harem of wives -- are receiving welfare and social benefits for each of their spouses, thanks to the city and province, Muslim leaders say.

Mumtaz Ali, president of the Canadian Society of Muslims, said wives in polygamous marriages are recognized as spouses under the Ontario Family Law Act, providing they were legally married under Muslim laws abroad.

"Polygamy is a regular part of life for many Muslims," Ali said yesterday. "Ontario recognizes religious marriages for Muslims and others."

>Councillor Rob Ford said taxpayers' money should be spent on education and schools instead.

>"This is wrong," Ford said yesterday. "They should put a stop to this immediately."

>be me
>be apart PSAC
>35k a year
>taxed 7k
>130 dollars back
>instantly hate this nation
>going to kill as many people as I can at work soon

/satire/ maybe

JUST another friendly reminder that Cuckdeau plans on flooding Canada with 80 million of these Syrian Refugees

Now that Scheer Terror stole the vote from Mad Max with 51% to 49%, Cuckdeau is guaranteed a majority for the next 8 years.
>Minority vote
>Refugee vote
>Female vote
>Mentally ill vote
>SJW vote
>Ayyy weed lmao vote (which will never happen, but he'll use it again)

why fellow cucks instead of pigs

but it would be only ... 60 miliion... dont?

because you already have 40 million

I dont want to sound anoying but canada, if you want to ever be free and able to challenge the us, you need more population

I dont know.. import more chinese

How is this not treason?

Why dont they insensitive having children instead of inporting shitskins that will be on gibs for generations.

any actual stories of this? any links to actual statistics? i'm curious