As a white woman, should I be dating asian men? They are better earners

As a white woman, should I be dating asian men? They are better earners

As a white man I wouldn't fault you if you did, I am also looking for an Asian qt3.14, they're more womanly

You should delete this thread and then kill yourself.

I can hear the stories now.

>ma-ma how did u and dad meet?
>well first i had to ask Sup Forums if i was allowed to date asian men for their money
>then what happened ma-ma?
>then i waited for them to respond
>then i made another shareblue thread

>as a white woman
>a dolla makes me holla

yyyyeeeeppp. checks out. Don't ever date a man with similar interests and hobbies. Men are just walking bank-o-mats.


Nice try manlet

Pretty sure you should plan for the future, my fellow shitposter.
I would advise you to marry an indian. Those fuckers will be a super power in the next 20 years. Can't go wrong with that kind of investment.

Kek at the cognitive dissonance about to happen. I don't blame you for being a woman and looking for men who might have more to offer

earners? why not an arab sheik?

better than a nigger

not east asians, just indians

hahaha literally this



You should date whoever you want. That's your right.
Everyone else will judge you on many grounds, including your poor choice in men. That's their right.

Let the asian man be your provider, but let a white man be your lover and child giver.

Jesus, I've never heard an Australian sound more like a nigger. Don't encourage adultery, or the dropbears will eat you.

As a white guy it's annoying that so many minorities asian, black, etc want to bang white women. Stick to your own. There is too much competition already. At least black guys are lucky that no race wants to bang their women.

White American male here.....

It depends upon which country that Asian male is from. Most are going to be top notch for sure. Not all. Education level also matters. But you're probably better off with an Asian male than a white American male at this particular moment in time. China is ascending. Just be darned ready for the cultural differences.

>as a white guy it's annoying that so many minorities asian, black, etc want to bang white women
get your white friends off of the asians first. shit's gotta stop.

Because oil may soon be worthless.


You again?

The Asian man and white woman is the patrician choice,


It's verified Eurasian Tiger? That nigger is a meme



Hapa girls are pretty and all, but hapa males are fucking train wrecks. There are plenty of white boys who make money.

Not that you're actually a white woman or anything you fucking NEET faggot.

Just like wmaf relationships, I'm fine if the dude has a good education, good physique and family, good job and personality.

Its only when the dude is behaving like a nigger or some surfer/arts hippie shit and the woman got into a relationship mainly because of the guys skin color

Then fuck off

Well it's your fault that Asian women whore out. You don't disciprine them.

He's the one posting these threads on the regular. Funnily enough shortly after these are posted the threads instantly die as he stops changing his proxxy and responding to himself to push them. Lays off for a bit and comes back to make a new one a bit later.

Take advantage of those honorary jews. After your first kid distance yourself from your husband so he resorts to beating you or cheating on you. Then you can file for divorce and don't forget you want to keep the kid so he pays child support.

I can't even fathom the butthurt that will come when the Western debt-fueled economy finally collapses and white women have to sell themselves to asian men as mail-order brides

Already happening now between korea and eastern europe

>As a white woman, should I be dating asian men? They are better earners

> Caring more about money than heritage and saving the white race.

Typical woman, all traitorous to the end. This is why women are inferior and shouldn't be given equality.

Hi r/asianmasculinity

9/10 bait

>White woman
>Interested in Asian men
>Based on how much they earn

Guaranteed replies

>see shitposting thread
>assume OP is Canadian
>he's actually Australian

you people are good but I'm afraid you're being out maneuvered

Next best thing to a white guy is an Asian. Worst choices are nigger, jew and muslim

Not so fast, fellow burger

I'm glad more people know it's him doing all these threads. I cottoned on to him almost a year ago. He has to be one of the weirdest characters I've come across online.

I'm a white woman too and I just love Asian men! They are smarter than white men, make more money, and take better care of their bodies. It seems like white men nowadays just drown themselves in video and anime, it's so pathetic lol.

Anyway, you go girl!