How did he live to be 102 years old? Did he drink the blood of infants?
How did he live to be 102 years old? Did he drink the blood of infants?
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what nutrients does kiddie blood have to offer? what race would he go for? age?
doesn't drink public water.
An insulin pump that was filled with HGH/Testosterone. Very expensive...
Well shit, he does look like a vampire
By consuming human hearts.
i don't fucking know but S to shit on his grave.
he looks even fucking scarier but i didn't want to save the images onto my hard drive out of fear
he had something like 6 heart transplants. his most recent was when he was 99
Well, well, well, what do we have here...a little anti-semite.
Depends if the infant was in a state of panic while the blood was drained
>barely any wrinkles on forehead'
hes pretty much this
Did you ever ask yourself where your foreskin went when the kikes stole it?
That puppet looks to humane to be him.
He literally had heart transplants at very old age. He tried everything, but still his empire outlasted him. He's too dead to enjoy it now.
i see
Neither of these things are expensive. They're just illegal. You can get them for dirt cheap on the internet, as long as customs doesn't sieze it in a random search.
notice how his skin is smooth and mostly the same color yet the most recent photographs of him before he died showed that on some parts of his face the flesh was literally DETERIORATING. like a zombie.
its terrifying
i truly wonder what they pumped into him
this is a reptilian
Rich people have access to stem cells.
Oy vey, don't want to sound like an anti semite now do you? Good goy.
the blood of the innocent
Blood transfusions
Nine hearts have been in his body if you include the original. I don't know how god feels about that but I know I don't like it.
Being from the second most important family on Earth certainly makes things a lot easier.
if he was so rich how come he's dead?
literally an organ harvester
reminds me of orochimaru
they also use penguin adrenal gland.
those little fuckers have got swim for their fucking lives from gruesome deaths