>Fails every time its ever been tried
>Hurr durr, lets do it again
Capitalists, everyone.
Fails every time its ever been tried
Awful "argument" leftypol
>implying somalia isn't fucked up because it's full of somalians
DNC shill slide thread
Only a nigger could make capitalism not work
Hmm funny how we were developing a hi tech economy while the mainland was starving after collectivizing agriculture under their new communist system... really makes you think...
>white country vs somalians
I do wonder if free market democracy is holding back africa
Maybe they just aren't ready for it like the middle east
Isnt the seychelles a tiny little island based off a tourist economy?
only national socialism is real socialism
You're Retard fattie faggot. Stop talking shit about my country you piece of diarrhea vomit shit
>buildings and bright lights are the capitalist metric for success.
can't make this shit up.
kys rat
t. Triggered nigger
>Money laudering in islands are socialist
M8 wot?
>Seychelles population: 12
>Somalia population: 10 million
The Seychelles is an archipelago of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean, off East Africa. It's home to numerous beaches, coral reefs and nature reserves, as well as rare animals such as giant Aldabra tortoises. Mahé, a hub for visiting the other islands, is home to capital Victoria. It also has the mountain rainforests of Morne Seychellois National Park and beaches, including Beau Vallon and Anse Takamaka.
Population: 92,900 (2015)
Can you at least try with your bait?
Commies are so autistic they can't even think far enough to realise their dream is impossible due to human nature. If you are mentally retarded enough that this post didn't make you use your brain (if you have one) and still don't realise the bullshit jewish sect of communism, then please cleanse yourself from earth.
you know because that actually happened
>trust me guise it'll totally be different with white mustard race
>project funded by government
>project put into motion by government
>project lead and controlled by government agency
>this is a symbol of capitalistic victory
>it-it's not real socialism!!
yeah, keep saying that, delusional capitalists keep trying to change the definition to suit their ends.
During its socialist period (1977-2004) it based less of the economy off of tourism.
All the former Soviet states would like to have a conversation with you
So if a place has poor people, they aren't successful?
This coming from a fucking communist/socialist?
Seriously, if you are going to bait, at least try.
This is now a meme ball thread.
>what is 1990s Russia
The magical free market in the 1990s killed millions of Russians and raised mortality and disease rates beyond what they were even in the era of stagnation.
>communism is jewish, I swear you guys!!!!
there probably 3 jews in the entire country, but go ahead and post the one jpg you always do about some insignificant revolution in germany no one ever heard of
It was. The growth in post-Weimar Germany was extraordinary. It's no coincidence that all successful countries are white. The exception being a few Asian countries, who all only saw growth after emulating the West.
>t.Holodomor denier
socialism is 100x more popular in Post-socialist countries than America, I wonder why that could be...
A substantial amount of the Western population was pretty damn miserable until unions became tolerated. Talking to a working class Irish-American miner in the 1920s wouldn't paint a picture of the US as success for all.
Hey, atleast they reduced the unemployment (by subtracting all women from unemployment statistics).
Strawman much?
See how popular socialism is in Venezuela right now.
>No hay comida
Talking to anybody in Detroit or Flint right now wouldn't paint a picture of US as a success either.
>changing the topic
Not at all, not at all.
>free economy
Pick one and only one.
A country changes its entire economic system and you expect everything to go smoothly with full support from its people?
It's always different looking back on things, but there's a reason Irish were flocking to the US. They were relatively well off here.
Things weren't perfect back then, but things were certainly better in America, or even Ireland, than any other shitskin area.
Capitalism cannot work in a country with poor property laws and enforcement, that is a core principle of capitalism.
But I suppose it's not reel soshulizum, rite? :^)
>Yes, but also The bolsheviks are culpable for every death from famine, civil war, and white terror during the revolution.
Yeah because seychelles a irrelevant island with a population of less then 100k people represents communism and decides wether communism is a good ideology to control actual countries or not. Yeah and the followers of a ideology determine who created it. Yeah and my other arguments are irrelevant because I called communism Jewish and you are deluded enough to shrug off my claim and not research the subject for yourself.
Also if those "Roman Catholics" knew what they believed in, they would immediatly overthrow their meme government cleanse their island of Saracens and pagan street shitters and establish actual civilization. But since they either don't know or don't care what the Bible has to say, they are collaberating with jews and should be treated as such.
fuck off to Venezuela and die there, which shouldn't take long btw
holy fuck you're retarded
It's not socialism, period. Venezuela still protects private property. It's social democracy, i.e. welfare capitalism, which works great until oil money runs out. Norway is next. Nordic model a shit.
>Fails every time its ever been tried
>Hurr durr, lets do it again
Statists, everyone.
Nothing works with niggers.
This. Socialists too stupid to realize that these "socialist" countries are propped up by capitalist money, just like China.
Also in regards to Somalia, it's more of an anarchy state than a capitalist state
>government funded actual events
>government propaganda
If you want capitalist space travel go look at SpaceX. Otherwise just keep posting socialist space travel.
>Capitalist Britain creates famine that depopulates Ireland 25% while Ireland continues to export vast ammounts of wheat, oats, barely, and beef.
>the 1 million that immigrate to Capitalist USA with nothing to their name accept work and abuse in sweatshop conditions.
See, Capitalism is good!
Not an argument
Screencapped. I'm gonna get so much karma from this.
Sorry, I don't have a gif of that rocket asploding. :^)
Also, Elon Musk is a welfare queen. Soyuz rockets are the only way to get astronauts into space, btw.
they have internet in somalia
I knew you would answer like this. You commies are very predictable, deflectin' 'n shiet.
Thats a a solid argument friendo
Can't be bothered enough to look. But for the sake of arguing:
>oh my fuck rockets can explode
>literally rocket science
SpaceX's dragon capsule could theoretically carry astronauts.
Either fucking way, both of your images are socialist space ventures. A gov't funded both instances, just the capitalist nation actually did shit instead of propaganda.
sorry to trigger you, leaf. nationalize all your shit and starve in your homeland if you'd prefer it.
>military rocket asplodes because they were using fuel that every scientist and engineer in the space program refused to touch
>related to space program at all
Fact: More astronauts have died at NASA than at the Soviet/Russian Space Program.
No true Scotsman, sweetie, no true Scotsman.
Okay. In order to call somebody a vegeterian, you need make sure they don't actually eat meat.
By this logic what continent does Hawaii belong to?
Não, nada a ver, irmão.
>No true scotsman would torture and murder a woman.
>"Well what about this murderer from Cardiff? hahaha checkmate
>But Cardiff is in Wales....
> 6th most free economy in africa
> socialism
what the fuck am i reading
>6th freest economy in Africa
stopped reading right there
ma nigga
>All this Brazilian explicação on Sup Forums today
I can see the Agência Brasileira de Inteligência shills are out in full force today.
Except your counter-example is an Irishman.
>b-but it's not real socialism
capitalists are so predictable. How many times do we have to try this before you accept that your retarded system will never work.
You made no sense at all. It's evident you commies don't understand fallacies, nevermind economics.
>nationalize all your shit
beat you to it senpai
>your retarded system will never work
As you post from a computer made by capitalism on an Internet made by capitalism in a language made the lingua franca by capitalism paid for with wages you earned from capitalism.
>the same nigger doesn't understand a basic fallacy
I'm shocked.
>hey guys, we found this small monoethinic export state that no one wants to attack or enter en mass where socialism works
>it'll totally work in america!
don't you have a barren field to be farming you fucking commie scum?
tax heave, hostings, vpns and tourists kek, in this order, there are probably several online poker/casino etc.
Somalia doesn't have a government, also its full or retarded people....oh and islam... Why should capitalism work there? The problem with capitalism is that you have to want to succeed and you have to try to succeed...
>99% of the country is creole mudbloods
Person A: "No Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge."
Person B: "But my uncle likes sugar with his porridge."
Person A: "Your uncle is Welsh, you dumbass."
>Free Economy
Pick one faggot.
>everyone is half-nigger half-other stuff
>this means they are diverse, rather than just a nation of homogenous half-niggers
Seychelles doesn't protect private property too?
You learned fast. Now, can you teach me about economics, o enlightened one?
This is why diversity is strength. Every white person needs to blanda up, seychelles proves its the only way socialism will work.