What location was the kill shot from?
What location was the kill shot from?
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The secret service Chase car
It was totally an accident
Storm drain for me.
CIA headquarters
Ground level in front of the car. That's for the shot that finished the job anyway. Ballistics says shots came from two directions.
Oswald had a perfect vantage point to see the SS agent grease the president.
Then he was like "OMGHERD IM JUST A PATSY!"
This and it was done by a child
Random firing into the air 2 miles away.
Poor Oswald only took his rifle there because he couldn't find his binoculars and wanted to see the Pres close up with the scope.
The Texas Schoolbook Depository.
His head wound was much more consistent with a .223 fired from behind at close range.
(Liveleak taught me this)
the book suppository
It was the Smoking Man!
Even though he still had his watch and wallet I'm pretty sure it was a robbery gone wrong.
The most frustrating part of the whole deal is the coverup on the autopsy and the """"loss"""" of the photos. Figuring out trajectory should have been easy if not for the shenanigans involved with the postmortem.
under the chin
How the fuck could he hit him when he's lower than the car? What kind of Wanted bullet curving shitis that???
>if not for the shenanigans involved with the postmortem.
not to mention the body swap on the plane
IIRC, this guy says the kill shot was from the Dal Tex building (across the street from the TSBD) and he was hit shortly after by a shot from the storm drain on the street. As hard as the storm drain shot is to believe, it would explain why so many seemed to hear a shot from that general direction (and thought it was from the grassy knoll) and why some in the motorcade smelled gunsmoke as they passed that spot.
That's the first part of his whole presentation, but it's worth watching the whole thing.
Did .223 exist then user?
Your moms house
the gook suppository
Just watch the cam for the round winning kill
>blocks your path
Stand down from this investigation.
Yeah, you can even find photos of a SS agent in the car behind him holding an AR style rifle
Jackie O's vagina
he had a bomb implanted in his head the whole time
They covered this up because it would be a National embarrassment for people to know that the president was killed by his own bodyguard.
stay OnT
grassy knoll
is this real?
one would have to thouroughly examine the complete and unexpurgated autopsy and forensic record in order to determine that.
I don't buy the secret service gun man theory. I do think LBJ, Allen Dulles, and the CIA were responsible for hatching the plan though.
A gun
come on, this was a little funny
From an elevated position
Agreed. Supposedly JFK wanted to pull out of Vietnam, and was hanging out with some hippie chick who was influencing him. The red scare was some shit
Implying he died is retarded. Fuck off shill. Sage
boards.Sup Forums.org
Lee Harvey Oswald did it from the building and he acted alone and there is no conspiracy. No jews were involved either.
I agree.
LBJ did hate him
Even forced Kennedy's blood-soaked wife to do a photo op right after.
Gimme both cuts of zapruder and I'll tell you
From illuminati command
yeah right, thats why they killed him, he was an obvious patsy, the shot was to advanced for him
winky winky job well done