Two White men are killed by a white supremacist

Two White men are killed by a white supremacist who was hurling abuse at two Muslim girls. Muslims online are praying for the murdered men to be granted paradise.


That man was an hero

Drumpftards have blood on their hands

>to be granted paradise

Dont get me wrong, I'm humbled by their sacrifice but by muslim law they wont and can't be let into heaven. It's just their way

True but it's nice to see them so humbled by the acts of these men. They are so humbled by the sacrifice of these non Muslims that they want them to Go to paradise

Yeah but they still hate infidels, they'll make exceptions but in the end this is their way

He's not a white supremacist. He was a Bernie supporter who called Donald Trump "satan" and apparently abused immigrants on a train because they weren't paying enough taxes.

>Giving up your life for brown stinky pussy muslims
Doing their work for them.

quit being a pussy, they need to be exterminated and thats being modest

race traitor piece of shit, good riddence

>Muslims online are praying for the murdered men to be granted paradise.

even if he died "protecting Islam" he's still not considered a jihadi, and is still just an average infidel cuck who will rot in sand nigger hell