Really makes you think

Really makes you think...

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Trump was our last hope for stopping both of those

Too bad

If the world doesn't want to wake up, let them have "terrorism"

A sheep will always need a shepherd


>falling for the (((anti establishment))) maymay

Well, duh. Don't dish out what you can't take

Yes Serbia, you uneducated cuck

chill out bruv it was just banter

well it is part of the reason why i laugh at your cultural enrichment.

we had the solution, yet you punished us

the only shame is that eventually your muslim country will press us between another historic muslim country, and without russian help we will become muslim ourseleves

how is he not ant establishment? every single news outlet was against him and still is. people of his own party against him. we're not commies in the usa. we don't think businessmen are evil. we think politicians are evil. you still can't navigate the political web of bullshit without having some establishment people to help you. grow up. the game being played has been taking place for a few hundred years

>the solution
please tell me slooshun

I know we bombed Serbia I meant that there have hardly been any twatting Serb terrorists here, have there

they're quite punchy tho, serbs

taking order from (((kushner)))

People Are Pointing Out Trump's Hypocrisy In Bombing Syria Instead Of Accepting Its Refugees

>blames the UK for bombing in those areas and not the sauds, USA or isreal

exploding is just the natural state of sandniggers.

Holy fuck......... He's right Sup Forums.
>TFW you realize Serbia was 15 years ahead of us.

So fucking ashamed.

>we don't think businessmen are evil. we think politicians are evil
what is crony capitalism?

I don't think shitlibs actually comprehend just how dangerous it would be to allow Islamic State to expand unchecked.

Not in my name.

>If you help your neighbor, you're a hypocrite if you don't let him move in with you.

What is/was the solution ?

silly comparison, 1 white life is equal to 100,000 of the sand coons

>Wtf! I love it when my country gets bombed now! We clearly deserve it! Refugees welcome!

These people are masochists who overdosed on the babby's first Chomsky. Blaming the west for everything while simultaneously allowing these people in.

What could possibly go wrong :DDDDD

brit is a religion of peace so couldn't have been brits

but Serbia???

It's right though. Brits have committed crimes against Christ for Jewish interests in these countries.

It's a fact, you can think whatever you want but it's true.

Doesn't mean a country shouldn't mourn its own people, however it must recognize its failure and intermissions against other countries.

Thanks for those.
Reading about the 1992-1995 war - just wondering why you all went after Croats also? They are Roman Catholic, right?

I'm having trouble understanding this cartoon.

What's wrong with annihilating terrorists with bombs?

yes it does... DEUS VULT

the serbs in croatia in the 90s thought the croats were still ustase when they wanted to secede>

In my humble opinion we should not have chimped out against the croats in croatia because it led to a lot of problems later on.

I only hope the croats will be on our side when the muslims make problems again some day.

Please remember that for most of the bosnian war the catholics and muslims fought eachother

Thanks. Completely revised my opinion of that war. Next time hopefully we'll be on the same side.

Yes, the West really does need to dial back the imperialism. I, as well as most of my country, would welcome an end to the "traipse around the world bombing brown people" policy that we currently have.

However, can we please not ignore the other side of the problem? Islam has been trying to conquer the world for 1400 years, which is way longer than we've been fucking with them.

>the news is against him
>even though his policies are towing the establishment line in nearly every way

the news is in the part of their propaganda cycle where they pretend that there's actually two teams. wake the fuck up dumbass.