>"Hey user, it's Ramadan, are you fasting this year?"
"Hey user, it's Ramadan, are you fasting this year?"
*stabs her face*
>I'm not muslim so no
I am festing, not fasting
Begone you wrench
remember when you guys fasted that truck into a crowd of people
There's no way she would come up and just start talking to me without it being some kind of trap.
More like bombadan
I'm eating pork ribs, drinking beer, and playing with my dog
No but my gf is, can't get pussy for a month, can I fuck yours whore? ;)
*takes chicken wing out of pocket*
*smacks lips*
*takes a big ol' bite out of chicken wing*
*smacks lips profusely
*spits food particles*
>tfw you are in Estonia
I want to suck her feminine penis
Eat drone, heretic.
"Lent is always in the spring. Why are you calling it Rama-lama-ding-dong? Anyway lets get back home so you can end your fasting from swallowing my meat."
Those types of muslim or arabic girls are actually pretty sexy behind those shitty clothes they wear and many of them are pretty thick in the body
I'm black so I'm not one of them but I just know of what I see
Kill yourse-
I mean, defuse yourself.
I would but pork chops are so good
Doesn't the rest of Islam suck enough, but you add to the misery by fasting all day for a month. What a bunch of fucking idiiots.
im a musllim whos not fasting even though my whhole family thinks I am. AMA
Muzzies are far too preoccupied with killing Christians to properly observe Ramadan.
I hope they stone you
I agree but the problem is that they wax everything.
Do you sneak in pork and leave little bits lying around to raise suspicion that infidels are spying on you?
I had tacos for breakfast now I'm getting super high, praise Muhammad
I hope they stone you
Jahannam is waiting for you
there is a muzzie guy at work. How do I protect myself from him if he chimps out during Ramadan?
No but It's Sunday, are you blowing yourself up this week?
You are forbidden to chimp out between ramadhan.
Terror-month, yay, time to fill up the terror list! We only had one during... yesterday.
I swear, Islam will be demolished in Europe in the next 50 years. That shit is over.
What's up with dumbasses like you saying that Ramadan is a terror month when
1st. terrorists aren't waiting for Ramadan to bomb your ass
2nd. Even warmongering verses of the Quran says to not fight during Ramadan
This is beyond stupid desu
plaster "I love Muslims" and "I voted for Trudeau" stickers all over your office
large HSB thanks
easy on the bbq sauce, extra cheese
they have dark ugly nipples and a fucking horse ass-pussy
also, they have always that strange stench of these fucking mudshitter nuts they are eating all the time
would not recommend
>not fasting 365 days a year
strict pork only diet
>FUCK OFF!!!!!
Chili dogs
Kys muzzie scum
Y-you too?
N-no, but I'd love share iftar with you!
Do you read ISIS magazine?
Why do you not wear your burka you filthy whore? To the market for stoning with you!
Just had carnitas with beans & rice.
>I'm on nofap if that counts
>showing face
He'll be too weak from not eating to do anything. I've seen these stupid fuckers passing out because they didn't drink any water all day
It is okay if she is not young or underage. Kids and grannies get to take it easy.
Young woman is deterred from showing more than minimal skin.
>They are like kinder
>It's a surprise
>Some report mindblowing experiences with their human kinder-eggs
*throws acid in her face*
No, first you gotta rape her in the ass. Then your throw acid in her face.
Ramadan: What not to say.
Is semen halal?