Who is This Fucker @firehannity, AKA, William Legate?

Can we get him killed or something?

He got advertisers to pull out of Hannity now Fox is firing him.

>I'll post that I want to kill William on Sup Forums because I'm William and want to make a screenshot

no one cares faggot you make this thread every day

HE's probably (You)... the WORST, most PATHETIC type of queer-bait on earth.

You literally want to
>be somebody

by making
>the evul neo-nazis of Sup Forums "attack you" for """supporting liberal values"""

fucking so pathetic... you're not even a REAL IDEOLOGUE FFS!!

not gonna bump this thread but will report it for viral marketing... anyone who doesn't do the same is the cancer that is killing this place just the same as OP

I am not him. I see him posting a shit ton on Sean Hannity's twitter. I am just wondering why does he care so much to get him fired? Where did this guy come from, and how can we take him out forever?

He's just checking to see if we'll post his cell number and address again. We have it archived, lil' guy. You should just move if you're scared

i dont care

Glad to know, so why post about it if you don't care? I actually do care, and by reading through all his tweets towards Hannity, he comes off as smug and arrogant. I want to know his motives.

imply Sup Forums is a group of terrorist who track down anyone who don't agree with us, like a bunch of muslims.

>check my flag
oh wait...

fOX ISNT going to fire hannity. They never will okay kiddo


It's not like one person is solo-ing the entire network, he's just a public face on a behind the scenes effort to undermine any remaining media that isn't 100% anti-Trump

>flag checks out

Go away William

He's not going anywhere and if by any chance in hell he does Fox is probably finished.

>He got advertisers to pull out of Hannity now Fox is firing him.
Main stream media. Who cares.

Hannity don't care. He is better than that shit. He will be back to work when fox restructures.

Shut the fuck up William, Sup Forums is a board of peace


Good glory this is hilarious. Someone may actually just want his autograph in the future, and they are going to get a .22 semi to the leg and possibly the arm.


Trips of truth.
*Legate at grocery store*
"Excuse me sir do you know wher-"
*shot fired*

He has no life, he just sits around and is the first to respond to basically any news source or politician with an opposing viewpoint and then makes 7 replies to his own posts on a social platform made for short and to the point messages.

This isn't an offense punishable with death, if being a NEET were then most of Sup Forums would be on death row.

> leftists already scared that another one of their team is going to be doxxed

Holy fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk