Why do people perform incest?
Why do people perform incest?
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To keep the bloodline pure.
shits great dude like you dont even know
>"Son, you need to make babby"
>"Ok mom, if you incest"
>*rapes mom*
Incest is only a problem because after many successive generations, it increases the concentration of potentially lethal recessive genes.
However, in the age of gene editing (CRISPR-cas9) those recessive genes can be edited out of human embryos.
Therefore, incest is perfectly ethical in a scientifically advanced 21st century society. Prove me wrong.
Not enough women who are "as attractive as me"
Because my sister is fucking hot and I would do anything to suck her pussy. Not kidding I want to fuck my sister. If you have a hot sister or mom, how can you possibly not thinking of fucking them sometimes?
Because drilling cousin pussy is the fastest way to achieve nirvana and enlightenment.
>ethics with a price
let me just pay for that gene editing with my welfare card right here... oh! it didn't work. Guess I'm having a tard baby anyway since without a baby my family thinks I'm gay
have hot sister, can confirm.
always having dat ass getting teased in front of you all day is blueballing as fuck.
especially when she notices and teases you even more.
Except that families will not function properly if the dad is trying to fuck his daughter when he should be raising her.
Kids are already too dependant on their parents today, now imagine a situation were its ok to fuck tour mon, imagine how much that will fuck with someone emotionally
This is whats wrong with society today
You all talk about hating degenerates but you are degenerates, just because you have the power to do something doesnt meen you should
If you want to fuck your sister, its ok to accept those feelings, but you should promise to never act on them
Don't think my sister ever notices I get kinda horny around her, but yeah man, you know the feel. It's whenever I see her without that much clothes on like in the morning or when she's getting out of the shower, goddamn man, how am I not supposed to get a boner at that?
Sister or not seeing a half naked hot girl walk around you all the time is just so fucking tempting
To keep the family's wealth out of the hands of filthy commoners.
Its fine to get a boner about it, just dont try and fuck her
Any healthy person should be able to seperate their desires from their actions
I know man, never said I act upon the feelings, just get horny when I'm around her sometimes. Only way I would act upon it is if she initiated something. I'm not some complete retard who thinks that I can try to fuck my sister and get away with it and everything would be normal
I know, I don't actively try to fuck her or anything. I try to hide those desires of course, can't promise I don't let it out a little when I'm drunk sometimes though kek
Incest is the purest form of love. But only the good kind, any incest but father/daughter is no good.
>Except that families will not function properly if the dad is trying to fuck his daughter when he should be raising her.
Why? That's what daughters are for, why even have a daughter if you don't fuck her?
probably because they're not good enough to form a bond/develop a relationship with someone they weren't raised with. it's a "crime of opportunity" sort of deal. ask them, op. we don't fuckin know
>family bonding
somewhat agree but groping and kissing is alright I'd say.
also sex only with a rubber on.
she always behaves like a cocktease.
don't even understand anymore if its her normal behavior or intentional.
and mine definately noticed, we always went for the full body contact hug and my fat dick is very often very hard.
I also grope and touch her accidentally as much as possible, also massage her feet.
>don't even understand anymore if its her normal behavior or intentional.
Man you gotta figure out soon whether or not she's being intentional she might want to fuck. Think about how awesome that would be
>I also grope and touch her accidentally as much as possible
I do this as well. I'm very subtle about it though, when I get drunk sometimes I'll go and jump on her when she's watching netflix or something and wrestle her. She thinks I'm just being annoying and spergy as usual but in reality I'm horny as fuck
>looks at flag
nevermind vlad, you wouldnt understand
what do you do?
Not even once
>deflecting with "HURR DURR FLAG"
I know what I'm talking about. I fuck my daughters and it's great.
Read this right hereI'll just jump on her really and kinda wrestle with her when she doesn't expect her, or touch her but not in a manner that you think is sexual. I'm very subtle about it, do it because I'm horny but she definitely thinks I'm just being obnoxious
Oh no...
It's happening... The gates are opening.
ya i bet your daughter is like 10 years old and she "wants it"
i never understood how a father could do that, let alone the wife be ok with it.
Please don't force your daughter to do things she doesn't want to do, and please don't bring another human into this world merely to satisfy your sexual desires. There is more to life than just fulfilling your lustrous impulses.
>ya i bet your daughter is like 10 years old and she "wants it"
One of them is, most of them are younger. They all like it.
>i never understood how a father could do that,
You don't understand how a man could love his daughter? What's wrong with you?
>Please don't force your daughter to do things she doesn't want to do
I don't. Little girls love sex.
Even if you are kidding and trolling (you most likely are) you're even more fucked up than me and I unironically jack off to the thought of my sister. You're not ok man
i smell bullshit
when I had sex with my wife for the first time at 19 she was so tight it was almost impossible for the entire first month.
there is no way a little kid could enjoy that. and there is no way that your wife could allow that to happen
>pretending to be a pedo on Sup Forums
Because it's hot.
are you behind 7 proxies yet m8?
Of course I don't do vaginal with the smaller ones. I only do vaginal with the oldest two (10 and 12yo), the younger ones I just do oral/intercural/other sex stuff.
>there is no way that your wife could allow that to happen
Because a woman shouldn't want her daughters to be fully loved by their father?
Kids totally weren't married off to have sex and reproduce at age 12 for all of time before the 20th century, right?
>reproduce at age 12
if we are talking about before teh 20th century then girls tended to have their period much later, around the 14 to 15 bracket, only recently have girls been getting them earlier and earlier, a phenomenon that scientists are trying to figure out.
i hate when people pretend that pedophelia was ok back in the day, sex with anyone under 14 has almost always been universally shunned.
IDK, but these faggots that are making incest popular in porn need to be gassed.
sure you do vlad, sure you do.
and im sure your behind 3 vpns and 20 proxies right?
I meant 12 year olds fucking 12 year olds but okay.
>sex with anyone under 14 has almost always been universally shunned
You're retarded.
That's not how it happened. Girl would be married to a man who could take care of her.
thats completely different
a grown man or woman fucking a kid is wrong because they are adults and should know that its not ok
if a 12 year old fucks a 12 year old its still not okay, but they are still trying to figure shit out.
I personally had sex very early when i was a boy, and it confused me greatly for the next 8 years or so
what people fail to realize is when your an adult you can correctly process those feelings, but when you are a kid they overwhelm you and you dont know what to do or how to feel
if you read the article you would see it was primarily done in areas of poverty, especially niger and chad. so you know, as a last resort you sell you kid to some perv so you dont starve.
name me one civilization that did not shun sex with pre-teens or prebucent teens before christ.
and i meen civilization, not a bunch of savage gooks worshipping dirt.
>In incestuous relationship with older sister
>I'm 26 she's 28
>We moved cities together
>Just tell our new friends we're married
What's wrong with it exactly? We love each other and we're both consenting adults.
Because some people have sisters and cousins. Just because someone is related to you doesnt meant there is a magic switch in your brain that makes you not find your 10/10 big boobed babe sister hot like every other man on the planet does. Especially considering you grow up with them in the same house, you seem them naked, will eventually come into contact with their underwear and its easy as fuck to 'walk in' on them pissing or showering or hell just sneak into their room and put a camera in there.
Hot* sisters and cousins.
Russia, everyone.
Spot on my friend
The man up the street from me as a kid used to fuck both his kids while is wife was there. The parents would get drunk and "play" with the kids. The father had a really small penis.
Jesus protect me
Did anyone ever call the cops on those parents? I mean jesus christ that can really fuck up a child I can imagine. I thought I'm weird but at least my sister is a grown adult.
I mean what the fuck those parents should have been arrested. Also, how the fuck do you know the father had a small dick?
At least Trump can now say he has something in common with the Russians.
Cause sometimes when I slept over they involved me too. I never told anyone user.
How did the kids feel about it? Was it fun?
Kids can get excited... but afterwards I remember a lot of sadness. All of us struggled to turn into functioning adults... some of us still haven't made it.
That's fucked up man you should go speak to someone about that. Not ok at all. Those people are fucking criminals
Thanks man. I don't know what compelled me to talk about this right now, but I appreciate you responding.
this is what is so sad about this subject
people who dont understand why we need age of consent dont realize that kids are easy to manipulate and that they are not emotionally equiped to handle that shit.
for the first time in my entire life, i feel bad for a leaf
I'm sorry that happened to you user I agree with what says
I hope you have or will find closure to all this.
reported to FSB
It's alright man you need to talk about it to overcome it. Really you should speak to a therapist. Those people are fucked for what they did. Sorry to hear about that really
Because they want pussy
lol, thanks burger bro. I hope at some point someone shows you the generosity you've shown me tonight.
>Scientifically advanced
>Giving shitskin abos welfare
Pick one
There isn't though
meant for you as well
I'm neither royalty or muslim, so I really don't know.
Necessity or degeneracy, I assume.
Good job i have a reason to use this gif again.
Because I helped raise them. How the fuck can a man want to stick his dick in an ass he's wiped clean of baby shit? And not to mention how fucking pig disgusting it is just on principle. These are women who care about you purely because of you. My mother loves me because I've struggled to excel despite how shitty and poor we are, and my entire family loves me because I've taught my younger sisters and cousins the shit I had to learn the hard way when you scrape your way out of dirt-poorness. I've choked the shit out of kids ten years younger than me for them and screamed at men twice my age for them. I stepped in when their fathers stepped out. They're MY kids. And a man doesn't fuck his daughters.
Congratulations australia.
Fucking hell user
Incest is immoral not because there is a problem with the offspring, but because stems from a historical tradition. Doesn't manner how scientific reasonable you get against this culture, old traditions die hard.
This thread is a total degeneracy filter...and I have fallen prey to it as well.
(((Oedipal Complex)))
I hear you I guess. I can't imagine if I had kids wanting to fuck them, but I think me wanting to fuck my sister is different, much different than parents wanting to fuck their kids, people they raised and took care of.
I just find a girl who I happen to live with very attractive and since I live with her, sometimes I sexualize her because I see her half naked sometimes and things of that nature. When you really get down to it, I'm a guy and despite her being my sister I'm still going to see a hot woman when I see her sometimes. Not that I always particularly want to, but because that's the way my impulses work as a human
>this entire post
Written like a man who has fucked his daughters
I don't even necessarily agree, but still. Audible Kek here.
Don't let the province fall into another realm.
>spends all of his time on CK2 dealing with this bullshit
>How the fuck can a man want to stick his dick in an ass he's wiped clean of baby shit?
>doing diapers
Are you a woman? Only women do that. And butt stuff is gross anyway.
Crispr cas9 isn't nearly as good at editing genes as you're implying. Can't be used with out significant risk of off-site cutting. Also, you would need to be able to know exactly which genes need to be altered beforehand, which is pretty hard.
This isn't even possible for billionaires at this point, we really do have the tools or the knowledge to reliably alter that many genes and have the offspring be less fucked up than if you just left the harmful homozygous recessive genes where they were.
I dont agree with it, its not a good way to produce offspring. but to be honest, from a romantic viewpoint, i have more in common with my relatives than anyone else.
These kind of families are of the demon lines. They look like regular humans, but they are soulless psychopaths.