How do we stop the Chinese?
How do we stop the Chinese?
Home is not something you can translate into money units. Obviously what's happening is dumb cunts are selling. Smart people never sell property. Fucking never.
>Smart people never sell property
you do when you know the market is overheated and the prices are too high to pass up an offer of 12 million
It would be trivial, the trouble is that they don't want to
>ban non-resident foreigners from buying any property
>ban resident foreigners from buying anything other than their primary residence
>actually enforce it
Chink problem (at least related to real estate) solvered
I just bought a 6 bedroom house for 20k, not a nigger in each direction for 2 hours, not even sure what to do with the 4 other rooms since my daughters want to share a bedroom.
>sell houses to chinks
>raise property tax
>only buy at ridiculously lowered values
>live in white houses or campers
No more rice. Chinaman goes away.
>How do we stop the Chinese
Jews are the ones who sell these houses and make profit.
>paying for bricks reserving up a cabin of air
why do humans do this, I'd understand paying for land but this...
make a dungeon
Northern Ky
>How do we stop the Chinese?
Make babies to give your home to. You dingus!
i bought the same kind of house in Quebec.
130 000 $ Feel good man
That sounds glorious.
I owned three properties and sold one to pay for the recent one I found, I haven't even began looking into selling the one I'm getting ready to move out of but my new house is only a couples miles away so i'll just mow it once a week and put a sign up I guess, maybe even just use it for storage because it's not that big, property is dirt cheap here, I hope this KY is shit meme goes on forever so it remains that way.
I can understand that european house prices, especially in UK, France and Germany are very high, because there is a high density of population. But in America there is soooooo muuuuuch roooooom to build stuff. How is that possible that your house prices are so fucked up lately?
well user...
you only really need one room, if you catch my meaning
How about getting a fucking job, you lazy gwailo?
>2,679 square foot home for $3 million
I admit we have one black dude in our town but he has two jobs and he goes to southern ohio with a noose once in awhile and lassos it out the window whenever he sees a nedro, I went with him one time and the dindus are legitimately confused as to whats going on, i'll try to get vidya next time.
that lounge seat near the window looks comfy af
The expensive houses here are also in the high population areas. Big rural houses are cheap as fuck, problem is that everything is like an hour drive away if you buy one of them.
Was he the president of Hong Kong? I didn't even know there were 12 million real dollars in China.
The land is why. It's a large property and prime real estate. They will tear it down and rebuild 100%.
They're 6 and 2, don't have to worry about those intrusive thoughts until they're about 16.
im from north jersey and even i find this unacceptably high.
clearly a chinese money laundering/profiteering scheme.
chinks money laundering through real estate...not a new thing
Please delete this post it makes us look 10x dumber.
That's a very cozy house
>not even sure what to do with the 4 other rooms since my daughters want to share a bedroom
That's gonna change.
Wait, is this pasta?
Wait until you have all their money, then add a tax on foreign home ownership. Arrange to put the proceeds towards something popular that is hard to resist - e.g. 20% increase in property taxes on properties valued at 500,000+ and owned by non-residents. The proceeds go towards schooling or the homeless or whatever.
If anyone objects - "What? You hate the homeless/children/etc?" Nobody will mind screwing rich foreigners, so it will pass. The foreigners will all dump their properties en masse and the resulting flood will crash property values. Buy then.
>3billion for an old car lot
what a retard
how much is that in real money and not canadian monopoly dollars?
I see. But sometimes the building costs more than the land it parses. this is especially ridiculous for apartment condos and it's like that worldwide today.
0$, no ones gonna buy it
you've got just enough time to groom their friends into falling in love with you in 10 years
It's called zoning. Rules on dividing property and preventing section8(welfare housing) via zoning.
A house outside a small town is about 20k more than inside. at least in the midwest
It puzzles me why anyone would want a $12 million 3 square meter plot, in some stuffy, smelly ass city, thats likely to be nuked in the next few years when the same amount of money could've bought a few hectars of land and a mansion with change to spare if they moved to a rural area.
>How about getting a fucking job
I get paid 90k a year.
In 100 years I'll be able to buy this house, thanks for the advice.
Start out by buying houses 10 years ago.
Then sell them for ludicrous prices to the Chinese.
Then laugh as you're rich as fuck and can move to wherever the fuck you want.
Thats a nice house. Worth every penny. Get a job and quit being a NEET and one day you'll be able to afford it.
Fucking brilliant
Yet that house would be $10 in Detroit.
I have a job you fucking idiot, I can't afford it still with a near six figuire income at age twenty three.
because city folk think living in those crowded cities full of non-Whites is something to be envied
Why doesn't everyone move to detroit?
don't worry, when your real estate bubble pops it will ripple into China and set their bubble off
Guess I'll just have to install cameras in their rooms and start smoking meth to stay up late and monitor.
quit buying chinese crap. oh wait, that would be asking too much of little white bois.
y-you first
t. "Richard" Chan, who totally isn't laundering money from China
A lot of White people are actually. As the ghetto deteriorates the niggers slowly move out and the whites move in.
>Primary Agent: Johnson Zhong
>when the chink doesn't realize Johnson is a last name
Did Sup Forums learn nothing from the 2008 sub prime mortgage crises? Housing bubbles are not a good thing, they make living unaffordable and soak the entire economy in consumer debt.
fuck it, let it pop
>Smart people never sell property. Fucking never.
You're a complete fucking idiot. It's completely possible to sell when the market is inflated and buy when it's undervalued. That's what smart people do.
the location (in, or near, a city) and resale potential is all that matters to foreign investors. nobody who buys these places actually has any intention of ever living in them.
Because the Chinks don't care about living there
they are gambling on the land because it gets better gains than buying bonds or keeping the money in China where inflation is rampant.
It's no different in America. We are selling our real estate to the Chinks and boomers and leftists are applauding it.
>waiting for the market to crash before buying a condo
who's /frugal/ here?
Forcible dispossession usually works.
if you were to get in on the property market now you could just rent it out and sell it off in a year or two for a few grand more than you paid for it. trouble there is being able to ride the wave and get out of dodge before the market collapses.
gonna be a first-time homeowner. I certainly don't want to be playing with fire like that
Canada is obviously in a bubble.
And according to recent reports, the bubble is starting to pop.
Listings up 40% = rush to sell
Sales down 16% = no one wants to buy
People walking away from deposits = fear
Open houses with no one showing up = party is over.
Well some podunk Chinese farmer was able to work himself 12 million dollars. Why can't you?
Canada didn't participate in the 2007 crash.
As a result, they've been burying themselves in debt.
When the crash hits, it's going to be painful.
well the buy-in right now is so absurdly high that it really is something for people who were either fortunate to already own a home back when they were price sanely, or some overseas millionaire. I wouldn't want a mortgage hanging over my head at the current valuation either desu.
Meanwhile, instead of buying this one , you could buy both of these homes in an upscale suburb of Michigan.
>it's still at 100% for us
>Smart people never sell property. Fucking never.
what is climbing the prop ladder faggot
I'm fine with an apartment until everything turned to shit
How can we profit off of this?
Yeah just down the road from my parents in bumfuck Mississippi a borderline mansion is selling for 299k
On 5 acres. Such a great deal
Wish I could buy it but that commute is a no-go
Build your own house.
You don't.
Chinese drug cartels are the shadow government that holds the real power in canada
how fucking comfy, I envy you
>t.soon to live in totalitarian shithole with no escape
12 million canadian?
What is that? Like 3 Maplecoins?
Our greedy elites are happy to allow shit like this to happen.
The idea is that the Chinese are taking real wealth out of China because every time they move money out, the PRC has to reduce its Dollar holdings to make up for this... and that money gets put instead in to our economies.
The downside, obviously, is that we are letting in way too many wholly amoral Chinese conmen who are not loyal to anything at all except themselves and contribute nothing at all to society. Look at all the stupid pro-PRC retards on here posting with US and Canada flags. Sure, some of them are using proxies but other ones are here, right now... living it up on Baba's corruption. Many of these undesirable idiots have green cards and North American passports. They are here, unfortunately, to stay.
Fortunately, the skills that get you ahead in the PRC
>being in with the Communist Party
>being a corrupt, dishonest goon
>er, that's it
Are a lot less useful in the West... and many traumatized PRC Chinese seem to be totally unable to learn how civil society works, trying instead to recreate the shit hole society they fled in a land with better air quality and no political persecution. So a lot of this money will gradually ebb away to us in the form of property taxes, cost of living expenses and general high-end living, needing ever more outflows from China to sustain these goons and their extravagant lifestyles - and those of their kids.
The inevitable collapse of The Peoples' Pyramid Scheme will inevitably cause a crash in the Vancouver property market as the outflows that sustain the Chinese community there begin to dry up. You can bet on that. And then all those dummies will lose millions in on-paper wealth, having spent real capital to acquire it.
But in the end, we're still stuck with a lot more sneaky, greedy Chinese people that we really don't need or want.
Holy fuck the taxes on the place.
>Gross Taxes for 2016 $21,257
So on top of paying off a 12 million dollar house you have over $1700 a month in taxes.
>buy house for $20k in KY
I'd need to be paid more than $20k to move to KY
>no one's going to buy it
>3 bedroom house sold for $12 million
come on, dad
>can't take away citizenship for being a terrorist
>don't have to reside in the country after becoming a citizen
>reducing number of days required to gain citizenship
>don't need to know the official languages
what the fuck?
What the fuck? I was hoping to emigrate to Canada eventually too, if they fuck up your house prices like the Russian mafia did with out countries I swear, they'll pay.
What's wrong with kentucky?
>Look at all the stupid pro-PRC retards on here posting with US and Canada flags.
This. To spot the ones with Canadian flags they're the ones who shit on their 'own' country with comments like 'a fucking leaf' and so on.
No even Quebecois care to stab us in the back like that.
Whenever I see one I always kindly reminder to fuck off back to chinkland but unfortunately they do not listen.
Have no fear, the KY is shit "meme" isn't going anywhere
I'm not even going to explain to you why you're wrong because then you degenerates and mongrels will flood our small towns, but personally I'll take living in a town that's had 3 murders since colonial times where I have to drive an hour to work over living in shitskinville where only half the people speak English, I'm 31 and only make 15 bucks and hour and I'll have enough money to retire in 8 years, enjoy working into your 70s to feed your welfare beaner neighbors.
chinese niggers are the worst , now i see how you feel about mexicans on usa...mexican government sold so many acrees of the riviera maya to this chinese gooks, america will be like finlad and brazil and nigrochinese anglolandia
until everybody is like in the goobacks
don't you know brother? Everyone is a Canadian! We accept all! Forget the fact that parts of your family have paid taxes here for over 150 years, and non-western foreigners reap the benefits of that fact!
Honestly fuck this place. I'd rather be poor in my homeland than rich in this joke of a courty.
It has shitty internet outside the major cities.
I have to agree with you there, I pay $105 a month for pic related.
How bad? Is the issue speed or caps?
Just moving across the bridges costs another 4-500 per month alone. City folk are a strange breed.
You're right, the other guy is a ridiculous faggot.
I've been to places like NYC and San Fran and they are objectively fucking shit. Smuggies, cucks, degenerates, tourists, uppity minorities, EVERYWHERE... along with some super rich types peering down their noses at everyone.
One of my colleagues has a sister in SF. He's a bit of a cuck and always tells me how his sister loves that show Silicon Valley and how realistic it is.
>we're really like the fun TV show! YES, San Francisco is THAT AMAZING
>OK Mr Goldberg, here's my $2000 check for the next month of my studio apartment
>Please don't take away too much of that $4000 deposit when I move out, that nick in the wall was there when I moved in!
These people HAVE to believe how great they are and how great it is to live where they do, because if they don't they will suddenly realize that they're being worked to death just to eke out an existence in an overcrowded shithole where you are surrounded by thought police and minorities with criminal mindsets while cheering on the attempted destruction of the people who built the country and made it great in the first place