Why do most abortion opponents fail to acknowledge the risk of contraception failing, and attribute the need of abortion to irresponsibility?
Why should someone who took all necessary precautions to prevent a pregnancy still have to bear some sort of responsibility instead of just removing the baby-to-be before it even becomes sentient?
Why do most abortion opponents fail to acknowledge the risk of contraception failing...
Other urls found in this thread:
because pro-lifers want to punish women for being promiscuous
>removing the baby-to-be before it even becomes sentient?
Actively stopping a potential human life is not equivalent to doing nothing and having to take responsibility for the child.
>be a poor married couple
>have protected sex, because bringing a child into the world before sorting out the financial problems would be irresponsible
>can't get an abortion
>have to live on gibs
>the child can't get a decent education and likely has a shitty future ahead, the parents are depressed because they gave the child the shitty life
But at least Lequisha spawned 8 kids with 8 different dads into the world, so everything is great.
Invoking non-whites in an ethical discussion should be considered a logical fallacy desu.
Every single sperm cell and egg cell have the potential to become a human life.
By that logic, the following are also bad:
>having protected sex (protection is an active measure to stop pregnancy)
>masturbating (actively stopped that sperm from inseminating a woman)
>refusing to have sex when offered (actively stopped intercourse from happening, which could have resulted in a human life)
And many more retarded examples like that.
Alright, replace Lequisha with whatever white trash name you'd like.
You can't say you are taking all precautions if you are still having sex. If you can't feed em, don't breed em. Killing a kid because you are an irresponsible douche who is too weak to resist sexual urges is not justified in any context.
niggers tongue my anus baka desu senpai
You're right that starting a pregnancy is a choice, but again it's not equivalent to ending one.
>replace Lequisha with whatever white trash name you'd like.
Just about every white country has a decent public education system and welfare system. Needing financial assistance doesn't make someone a delinquent.
Masturbation is the weakest thing a person can possibly do. Watching porn is literally cuckoldry. You're fucking your hand while watching a dude with a bigger dick than you fuck a woman who would never even consider you for the friendzone. There is nothing right about masturbation. Only faggots masturbate. You seem to be operating on a delusion that you deserve orgasms.
Just don't creampie lmao.
>Sure make a kid and let someone else raise them because you just need to get off
You are not a man, nor anything resembling a decent human being. Grow the fuck up, you faggot
Holy fuck...
>you asked for a baby by using chemical and physical means to stop that from happening
Sounds logical. And also
>you asked for a baby when you got raped
>a kid
A potential kid. It's not sentient yet.
And also that's like saying that you're responsible for getting randomly ran over on the pavement l, because you got out of your house.
So, according to you, a man should orgasm about three times in his life?
>let someone else raise them
I never said this nigger. I specifically said financial assistance.
Life begins at conception. Your analogy shows a severe lack of critical thought.
A man should marry when he is capable of supporting a family and abstain from sex if that is not a realistic possibility. You do not deserve orgasms. Let your sexual urges serve as motivation to better yourself instead of crusting your socks, faggot. No real man masturbates. Chastity leads to success. Jacking off leads to being a weeaboo degenerate with no goals.
Be a man and make your own money. Stop pulling resources from your country as a substitute for personal improvement. Don't tell me it isn't possible, it's been done for millennia. Earn your orgasms.
And then, after having two or three kids, abstain until death?
And also, egg and sperm cells are alive. So is the skin on my hands. But as long as they're not sentient, I couldn't care less and neither should you.
>took all necessary precautions to prevent a pregnancy
>had sex
Egg and sperm cells are no longer yours once a zygote is formed. Your skin will never grow to you arbitrary standard of sentience, a zygote will. You do not have the right to kill a person because you can't control your pathetic sexual urges.
This can be impossible if one isn't smart enough for higher education. In most economies men can't earn enough to support a family without a degree. This wasn't the case a few decades ago but it certainly is now.
That's a pathetic excuse. I do not have higher education. I have work ethic. I also have a wife and two sons I provide for without any help from the government. If you are not in a position to provide for kids, then you are not in a position to have sex.
>took all necessary precautions to prevent a carbon monoxide poisoning
>breathed in
Shitty logic.
Given good conditions, an egg cell will grow into a human baby (the right conditions being the presence of sperm). Is not supplying those conditions morally wrong? Is menstruation murder?
You live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world man. Try doing that in Poland.
>If you are not in a position to provide for kids, then you are not in a position to have sex.
I agree with this though. The reason I'm advocating for welfare is as an alternative to abortion for incapable people.
"you need to have sex as much as you need to breathe"
Jesus Christ I'm pro-abortion and I hate you.
Holy fuck, lets all be sexually regressive. No sex unless for procreation because we cannot fathom the thought of removing a bunch of cells that might turn into a human.
An egg cell on its own is not the same as a zygote. You are incapable of critical thought. A woman should not be having sexual relations without being in a married relationship with a man capable of providing for the family anymore than you should be fucking your socks in a sad admission of your personal failure. If a woman is in a married relationship with a man who cannot provide for children, then she should refuse to have sex with him. If a man is married to a woman and is not capable of providing for children, he should abstain from sex.
No sex unless you are capable of handling the responsibility that comes with it. That's not regressive, that's realistic and responsible.
You don't believe this shit mate. You just beat it to some porno not even an hour ago
Only people on this site that don't masturbate are some form of freaks
But why restrict yourself from something when you know that you can solve any problems that might arise with a procedure that harms no one except a cluster of cells which you have assigned rights to?
The country I live in is wealthy because my forefathers followed the example I am advocating. Don't have sex until you are married and financially stable enough to provide for a family. The problems in my country stem from deviation from that standard. Only a nigger would have sex and deny personal responsibility for i. Welfare is better than abortion, but still causes furtherance of problems for the society at large. Do not have sex if your only option for provision is to sap resources from others.
He's fucking larping even if he doesn't realize he is
An egg cell is not the same as zygote, but given a suitable environment it will become one. A zygote is not a baby, but given suitable environment it will become one. You are the one incapable of critical thought.
That's not what I said and you clearly didn't understand the point. Let's try another analogy.
>don't want to have a car stolen
>have a car
If someone asked you what he should do to prevent his car from being stolen, would you answer "don't have a car" with a straight face? And if said car got stolen, would you just laugh at his face and say that it's his fault because he shouldn't have bought a car?
You think like a nigger. Why indulge yourself just because you are so morally bankrupt that you can pretend to justify removing someone's rights over your orgasm? When exactly do you pretend that you became anything more than a clump of cells? What arbitrary standard do you hold to that gives you rights?
>pre-marital sex
>all necessary precautions
no. idc if they have premarital sex, but if you get pregnant you better raise that fkin kid
Then I happily accept the label of some sort of freak. Don't project your weakness on to me, degenerate.
An egg cell only becomes a zygote through the introduction of sperm, which I am clearly stating should not happen outside the context of a married couple capable of provision. Try again.
Not for me to decide, that would require a consensus. Having limbs and a brain would be a good start though.
Fetuses have limbs and a brain. Try again.
Unfortunately the pro choice people are going too far with their agenda, and moderate abortion rights are considered misogynist
Poland has one of the lowest childbirth rates in the world, and abortion on demand is illegal (legal only in case of rape, retarded baby or danger to mother's life), so I'm just going to call bullshit on this one.
The country you live in is wealthy because it had good enterpreneurs (and a highly capitalist system) and never had to deal with fucking communists.
Why not just remove it while it's not any more sentient than it was before the conception?
How about sentience?
An egg cell becomes a zygote in the right environment.
A zygote becomes a baby in the right environment.
Why am I obliged to provide the environment for every zygote, but not for every egg cell?
>don't want to have a car stolen
>have a car
You don't want your car stolen, you take precautions. Like not leaving the doors unlocked with the keys in the ignition in a neighborhood full of niggers.
At what point can a woman confirm that she is pregnant? Surely before the formation of limbs and the brain. Therefore the procedure could be carried out before then.
This country was built far more on the family institution than capitalism. You are still suffering from communism if you hold human life in such low regard.
Sentience is not a standard, if it were, your critical thinking ability suggests that you are not human.
An egg cell is a cell. A zygote is a human being. Your arguments are devoid of logic.
Incorrect. A fetus forms a brain about 3 weeks after conception. It is not possible to determine pregnancy at 3 weeks. The only procedure should be abstinence from sex until a child can be properly provided for by a married couple.
That's what I'm getting at. I don't want a baby, so I take precautions. Like contraceptive pills. Which may fail, just like not leaving the doors unlocked.
Not having sex is equivalent to not having a car here.
A zygote can't become a baby without proper environment, just like an egg can't become a zygote without a proper environment. Why am I required to provide the environment to every zygote, and not every egg?
Your arguments lack logic. A zygote is a cell that will become a baby if you provide the necessary environment.
An egg cell will become a zygote if you provide the necessary environment. You still ignore this fact.
You are a walking, breathing proof that all of the dumb Pollack jokes I've ever heard are true. A zygote already is a human. An egg cell can only be fertilized via sperm. You don't deserve to have sex if you aren't man enough to provide for a child. The precaution you should be taking is abstaining from sex and using that as a motivation to improve yourself. You blame others for their fortune and excuse yourself for lack while trying to justify consequence-free sex. Where I come from, that's called being a nigger.
because life begins at conception
I believe life begins at conception. It is sentient in that it's soul occupies that lifeform, regardless of cognition.
Brain part checks out, blood tests can check pregnancy from 6-8 days after ovulation so that could tell you before hand. But sure, lets say thats where people like the cut off. If society can come to a consensus on it, i would be fine with that. Here is another argument from the 'when does it become life question' what about when you can classify it as having a chance of surviving outside the womb?
An egg cell is a human cell as well. And it doesn't become a sentient baby if it doesn't the right environment (which includes sperm).
A zygote is a human cell that doesn't become a sentient baby if it doesn't get the right environment.
Why do I have to provide the conditions for the latter, and not for the former? Answer the question instead of projecting your insecurities.
Both an egg and a sperm cell are alive before conception.
That's just enforcing a religious belief with no basis in reality.
No. Either life begins at conception, or there is no difference between killing a fetus for being nothing more than a clump of cells and killing you for being nothing more than a clump of cells. You aren't more human than a fetus because you breathe air. You should, however, be more human than a feminist for providing a positive environment for your child to breathe. If you don't understand that, then you are not mature enough to be having sex anyway.
I have answered it, multiple times. You just don't like scary answers because you are a feminist who needs to try and justify consequence-free sex. Goodnight, you sociopathic, amoral, nigger-brained advocate for baby murder. I have Church in the morning. You need it just as badly as I do.
Sperm and egg are two halves that form a whole. On its own, an individual unfertilized egg does not constitute a life separate from its owner, nor does a load of sperm until one reaches and fertilizes the egg.
>Killing a kid
Not a kid until it is born
Not a killing until it is viable
Why is it all the anti-choice arguments are desperate emotional pleas and other feebel fallacies?
Alright, but why should I care about a non sentient cell that doesn't belong to me any more than I do care about non sentient cells that belong to me (and under right conditions can become a separate sentient organism as well)?
No, you never answered this question, you only dodged it by projecting your insecurities. You keep talking about murdering babies, even though what I advocate is not giving fetuses an environment to become a sentient baby in the first place. I couldn't care less about the eggs that women bleed out every month, and you failed to provide any reason why I should care any more about a zygote, which is still not sentient and will never be if it doesn't receive the required environment.
Sure, go and listen to cherry picked fairy tales that change their interpretation every a few years and base your morality on that.
Anyway, I wish there would be less insults, but I learned that from a pro-lifer's perspective, pretty much everything related to views on abortion is pretty the same, except that my cut-off is sentience, and their, for some (often religious or unexplained) reason, conception.
If contraception fails then you're going to have to face the consequences of your actions. You're not even supposed to use contraception. Sex is for reproduction.
This. Trust a South African on this subject.
Because murder is immoral. Plus, sex should be for procreation purposes only to begin with. Just use your hands and mouth if you don't want children
>Life begins at conception
For the past 10,000 years, life in every culture everywhere in the world all celebrated the miracle of birth as the beginning of new human life.
Only in the past century, and only with the advent of new technology, have authoritarian police-state misogynists decided to radically move the goal posts and deny women their natural right to decide - for themselves - to bear children or not.
>Egg and sperm cells are no longer yours once a zygote is formed.
It's still a woman's egg. The yolk is developing into a child, but it isn't one yet. That's the common sense approach.
Why is it you want the government to control what's going on inside a woman's body but you wouldn't do the same?
That's why it's illegal to kill them after they're born. Because then they're alive.
>why does procreation make babies
>Either life begins at conception,
>or there is no difference between killing a fetus for being nothing more than a clump of cells and killing you for being nothing more than a clump of cells.
Criminally insane!
>Americans slaughter billions of chickens, hogs, and cattle every year for meat when it's destroying the planet and causing untold death and suffering
>"lol who cares they're just animals"
>woman decides she doesn't want to cultivate what is currently a ball of 8 (EIGHT) cells living in her body
Reminder that if you're not a vegan and actively fighting for the cause and you're anti-abortion you're literally a retarded child with an IQ under 60.
>ignoring science is great when doing so agrees with my politics
I will eat my hat if you deny evolution right now. kek
Not really. The embryo is a lifeform. That is a fact. the only debate is whether cognition is a determining factor in treating it as such
>ignoring science is great when doing so agrees with my politics
Biology teaches that reproduction is a continuance of life. But our law, language, culture, history, science, religion all point to birth as the beginning of a new person. From the Babylonians to the Egyptians to modern day. Which twin was born first decided who would be king and who wouldn't. Macbeth's curse was his birth. History is full of examples.
>I will eat my hat if you deny evolution right now. kek
Sounds like you've had a few too many paint chips already.
You hit a pregnant woman and kill the child you get charged with murder. You choose to abort your kid you're a free woman
>The embryo is a lifeform. That is a fact
No, that's your opinion. You just can't tell fact from opinion.
>You hit a pregnant woman and kill the child
Exodus 21:22
"If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine."
That's generally 3 shekels for a girl and 5 for a boy. Paid to the woman's husband despite the fact that it was the woman who suffered.
Leviticus 27:6
"And if it be from a month old even to five years old, then your estimation shall be of the male five shekels of silver, and for the female your estimation shall be three shekels of silver.
cells=life, that is a fact mate.
This conglomeration of cells happens to be a future human. It is a lifeform.
Just so we're clear - you're telling me that, in your eyes, the uninformed beliefs and superstitions of ancient people is more valid than modern medical science. How are you not an Evangelical yet?
>all necessary precautions to prevent a pregnancy
>had sex
Fucking pick one
abortion is the only thing keeping the nigger population from exploding.
We all talk about how we don't want dune coons here because they each have 10 or more kids, yet niggers would do the same if they didn't have access to abortion.
Modern medical science - peer reviewed - does not make the claim life begins at conception. The proof is the stem cell research embryos. They are all clones of an embryo that was donated by a woman. They seek her mission for new clones to be created.
You go to a Cryo-biology facility. They freeze embryos. It is always considered to be the woman's property and she can sign a contract to store hers there.
>the uninformed beliefs and superstitions of ancient people
They were all very particular about birth order
>They seek her mission for new clones to be created.
That sounds absolutely disgusting. I know now that you're not interested in a discussion about morality, or even what it means for two to become one, the topic at hand, so I will move on. I will say that this a prime example of policy dictating truth to "science bitches" who in turn dictate truth to the appropriate media outlets and so on and so forth.