Help me fill my folder with your most offensive nigger memes.
Nigger Hate Thread
I had a large nigger hate folder, but I reinstalled and didn't back it up.
Have a bump OP.
>One of the most successful neurosurgeons on the planet
>More successful than anyone wasting their lives away on Sup Forums
How does this make you feel guys?
Samuel L. Potato
I've heard him speak and I'm convinced he's the product of diversity quotas and I would not want this nigger within 1000 feet of an actual brain surgery of a loved one.
>Brazil flag
are you shitting me monkey?
>Diversity quotas
>First successful separation of twins conjoined at the head
Even more so.
Jesus, the nigger can't even beat up the sheboon.
his name was SETH RICH
What the Fuck is happening
why do they just sit and take it? Are they drugged up?
Nothing is more pathetic than going to a forum labelled "Sup Forums - POLITICALLY INCORRECT" and then getting offended.
her dad must have truly loved her
god bless
They have been beaten so severely that at that point they just accept death as an inescapable fact.
I can't say for sure but I really wouldn't want to burn alive in order to die. I'd rather keep trying to run away or just get beaten to death.
I always heard about this one but anons have never fucking posted it on request. Thank you!
10/10 would marry on the spot.
There ought to be a league
Why don't these niggas just stop, drop n roll?
>I've heard him speak and I'm convinced he's the product of diversity quotas
Relax, that's how a lot of blacks speak.
Fake hair all over the road
fuck that makes me sick
there is no honor in a street fight. If you want to live, don't get knocked down. Any man who stops punching is a fool.
That nigress has such a nice body! Holy shit! I'd breed her.
t. nigger
Requesting that webm of a nigger getting electrocuted with his ribs showing
i'm glad i stopped whooping this kids ass years back. his parents woulda fucking had me jailed instead of apologize.
fuck niggers
I believe that the laws of the land still apply
"Laws of the land" are forever secondary to the laws of nature. It is better to be judged by twelve than carried by six.
This seems interesting
Lol! Nigga got taken down by a white bitch
That's a Somali. They're like bushmen crossed with Bantus crossed with Arabs. They look so odd. Extermination is a must
Why isn't lynching legal?
what's the story behind this
heheheh watch THIS
*unzips pants*
hnnn... nnnnggggh...
ppfftt... brrghgrrFFFBBHHBFHRRRRTTTT
FFFFF- GURGLGRUURbuburubruburblebubrbur-PLOP-PLOP-PLOP-PLOP... PLOP...
nngghhhhh... ngAAahh!!!...
nnhhHNNGGGHH- THTHHRRPRPTPHHHFFTTTgurgurburubrburburblebublburbububr- plip- plip drip... drip..
huh... Yaagh! jesus... nggggh...
hhh.... hhh....
hhhuuuhhh... fuck....
anyone have a plunger xD
Good job fellow 'pede. MAGA
nigger tried stealing copper, gets toasted.
This! I need that one. One of my favorites.
He's probably the mayor of that town.
This isn't even offensive it's just cringe how edgy you fags try to be. Get over yourself.
I had only one conversation with black. It was in Amsterdam, he was about 55-60 years old, classy looking, with glasses. He offered me MDMA crystals, and I bought some. It was really good stuff, that was only one time, I have never seen black people in my town in Russia.
cringe as fuck
That cow has enough of a brain to know how fucked up the nigger is.
That kids not even black.
Autistic white kids call anyone with brown skin niggers.
I fucking hate niggers. Look at the little monkey dance he does at the end. That cat is worth more than a hundred niggers. It chases mice and gives cuddles, meanwhile niggers commit crimes and live on welfare.
been looking for that one for a while, thanks and saved m8
>1 of over 30 doctors in the room
Learn to nigger, faggot
Will gladly kill all thoses dirty niggers ...timming is a bitch ,loved to be there and make them suffer before removing their spine alive.
My nigga
10/10 would wife.
God knows niggers would have come a-hooting.