Why are british people such disgusting cowards?
Why are british people such disgusting cowards?
Most Britons still worship Margaret Thatcher, who protected Tory child molesters. I'm surprised they didn't give get the Queen herself to knight the Rotherham rapists.
Because racism.
Same reason there is one white kid per classroom these days.
White people just aren't that smart. Good for building things, pretty good at technical things, very good at violence. Other than that they are mostly dumb fucks. Don't want to see how bad they've been screwed over the last few decades.
Nicely done Crocodile Dundee.
Britbong hate thread?
Good question and I think it might have something to do with musli.....oh hold on the police are just kicking in my front door
that's a jock though to be fair
Shit post or not, I agree.
>Most Britons still worship Margaret Thatcher
Nobody north of Cambridge thinks Thatcher is anything but satan incarnate.
they got caught with their hand in the cookie jar . this is the punishment phase.
remember the london riots ? those white people demanding that britian stay white and that whole tunnel fiasco when the nogs wanted in after having walked through the middle east and entering itally some continued and made their way to france then the uk but they tried to stop them with a tunnel problem
anywho your not allowed to resist. any attempt to stop this will make this harder for yourself. pretend ahmed is a cop and stop resisting
Sounds about right.
Fuck off, Wong.
That topic on OP's picture "Asian gangs" HAHAHAH
she knighted robert mugabe, so the bar isnt set very high
implying Scots are not Brits,
you need to go back to whatever 3rd world you arrived here from.
The PM has no power to knight anyone, only the Queen
And he was not knighted, it was an honorary knighthood which means literally nothing, we took back when he chimped out anyways,
Something you wish to share Mika?
what in the fuck. these people.
You can take back a knighthood? When even bother with it then, Sir Patrick Stewart?
once the queen croaks you can uncuck yourselves and be an empire again.
Is that a serious question?
So say to the Queen, nahhh keep your Knighthood becuase im prob gonna chimp out and dont want the embarrassment of having it removed.
With Charlies the 3rd?
Slagging us off while we're asleep, very brave
What's wrong Wyatt?
Did you not realise Pakistan is in Asia?
Yes Japan is Asia too, dont hurt yourself working it all out.
Well shouldn't she be a bit more discriminating when handing it out?
Why are you people such fucking pussies that galavant around doing fuck all even the Atheist Homosexual Stephen Fry did far more FOR Europe than anyone espousing Christian Values.
Read the Fucking bible and go get yourself a fucking weapon.
If you do not slay the worshippers of Molech God is your enemy.
can't say they really are i would of rather be a burger than a pansy brit who isnt even allowed to carry guns for with his police force
truly i will say this
Yeah it takes a chink to see the truth we wont see. We blame everything except ourselves. It was us that enfranchised women, let the kikes in, developed liberalism etc. Mostly I would say that those 3 factors are now deciding the zeitgeist and will finish us off within one generation.
AS a Potato I can safely say that it is because they seem to be hardwored to be subservient to any form of power
Before it was royalty
Now it is shariah.
>knife bins
>this is white in Britainstan
We should just consider Europeans as niggers. Willingly committing cultural suicide while getting raped and killed by towel heads is beyond repair. I hope there's a world war where we send you guys to the gas chambers and repopulate Europe with Russians and American mutts
That may as well be saying "hand over your means of defense you gullible fucking kaffir" in arabic
Bongs truly have no sense of Rebellion.
Why are the perpetrators of the Rotherham scandal not dead?
implying he won't get droned in a weeks time
>people think prison is for rehabilitation and not punishment