White women

Why have white women become such whores?

Is it something in the water??

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That's why I got a qt. 3.14 mexican gf that acts white as fuck. The best part is, she despises modern feminism

They were always whores. There is a reason why they were called subhuman.

Is she a transocean employee qt as well?

Doesn't answer the question.

Stay on topic, Faggot.

why the fuck did she cut her hair?

So I guess the jews relieved Miley Cyrus of 'Top Degenerate Female Influence' and have promoted Katey Perry to it?

Drugs and birth control pills. That's literally it. Its no accident that society used to control their behavior with strict dogma.

I hate women so much

White women are whores because of jew subversion.

celebrities choice

Jesus christ, Once you sell your soul to the devil...

You tend to look like shit.


a better question is, why have white men become such cucks

I always wonderd what female cuck hair would be like


Wow...I didn't even realize it was Katy Perry until I read the thread

Didn't she learn anything from Miley Cyrus

Did her and miley cyrus switch places now?

She's the trashy whore and Miley is the more conservative one now? Do the kikes make them take turns or what?

>Dat FUPA doh

Degenerate overly sexual music played a big fuckin role, such as rap. You cannot argue this

This is Miley now

she think you she can be all innocent again after going full slut?
were not going to forget.

Haven't you heard? Miley doesn't want to be a degenerate anymore.

It's finally happening, conservatism is the new counter culture and counter cultures are always "cool".

>Why have white women become such whores?
Because the white man has failed to lead them. Stop blaming it on the inferior creatures who cannot even think on their own.

Good question. Goy.


Yeah, but she's still a gross ass poverty stricken mestizo that likely reeks of shit.

I'll take whatever I can get, If Miley starts encouraging her fans to be less degenerate and more modest it's fine by me.

But her kike handlers will likely never let it get that far.

if you don't breed a white women by 25 they become irredeemable trash.

Because the Jews play women against men in order to sell more shit. Women get sold the " you can do anything" pill, so young women don't have a realistic perception of what's achievable and what is not. They buy the idea that it's some kind of vaginal renaissance where a woman can have 10 chads chasing her while she's married to "alpha chad" who'll let her indulge with other males while working full time fighting the patriarchy by discovering the cure to ovarian cancer yet somehow still have enough time to go shopping every weekend and go on vacation every other week.

I might be stretching it but it's an example of the symptom; women rarely are challenged with difficulty these days they have no understanding of the sacrifice a person has to make to even reach one of those goals. To be honest these days the only place you'll find someone wife-worthy is either church or a highly selective and competitive grad/phd program.


Miley went batshit because that Liam dude dumped her but now he took her back for some reason.

She's embraced her inner lesbian

She looks like Merkel

Birth control piss is in the water.

It is a reason the elites only drink expensive bottled water from glass containers.

thats a good point.

Because their sex junk is so oh,oh,oh.

Because you white faggots cry like bitches whenever you see a sandnigger treating women how God has ordained.

Rather than trying to get approved of God with servitude, you try to get approved by women by supplicating and trying to impress them.

Your women are a reflection of yourselves you idiots.

They give up being White when they become feminists. They're hostile towards their own men. I say we enslave them.


I know, its pretty hot.

hard to forgive her for garbage like this

People did for Christina Aguilera.

Katy was blacked atleast like 10 years ago, it starts to talk its toll psychologically knowing you're no longer white but will never be accepted as one of them either

she still has southafrican nigger tattoos tho



I hate that hair so much! Burn it with fire! Better off bald!

That is actually appealing when you add that hardcore gif. You win, I am now converted to white sharia.

you can see the stink lines from all the decaying nigger cum wafting out of her filth hole

I quite liked her crazy slut period, but I guess it's good she got it out of her system. I thought she was going to be another Lindsay Lohan, haunted by all the old man cock she took over the years.

waht the fuck you talking about.
pretending to be a conservative women is as possible as pretending to be a whore.

Katy Perry wew, if I didn't have severe erectile dysfunction I'd be diamonds right now.

what does this mean?

this shit is like some sort of whore fever dream. sucking on a giant negro's boobs, wearing an anime monster dildo. what is this even, I'm scared user

Maybe if she had hair

Why do women make themselves look like this? It's just gross.

But Russell Brand's been there.

it's called degeneracy, it's what happens when a culture gets too comfortable

I have written about this many times, but it never sticks. I'll try again.

The reason why rich nations turn "degenerate" is because of the fact that when you are comfortable and safe, all the things that were needed in order to create a strong and uniform society are on the decline.

War, famine, murder, rape, disease and natural disasters are not as dangerous as they once were. This means that we don't need strict conformity in order to keep women as breeders because the fate of the species no longer depends on it. This means men can be gay, transgendered and display emotions. Women can be sluts and we can elect them as leaders.

When a society becomes comfortable and safe, we no longer need conformity and strict gender roles and chastity.

If you wanna blame anything, blame the success of our collective forefathers.

She's always had short hair, she's been wearing wigs for years.

jews run porno


Lol is this real?

Hell yea! White Sharia!

>parents let little girls like this



>Dad, it's just Whore of Babylon things. You wouldn't understand.

yeah, it's also why you see degeneracy as an upper-class status symbol. they clothe it in an air of moral superiority, of being more enlightened, but it's actually a way of flaunting how they're not subject to the consequences that a prole would face for engaging in such behavior. even the same thing goes for rich kids who "follow their dreams" to study art because their family is going to take care of them when they look down on people who go to learn something with the sole aim of making money.

and so I think a lot of degenerate behavior among the lower classes is a form of aspiration towards a higher social class, since we see the higher classes doing those things.

Theyre just trying to fit in.