its like they never have done anything bad
fo you think there is anything you would have interest in learning about
>inb4 Hurr hurr there no leaks because they shoot/kill them cause they badasses unlike the pussy Americans hurr hurr
its like they never have done anything bad
fo you think there is anything you would have interest in learning about
>inb4 Hurr hurr there no leaks because they shoot/kill them cause they badasses unlike the pussy Americans hurr hurr
How can you hack a nation run by a man who literally hacks minds? It's impossible.
Russians dont leak for one. They have very strong nationalistic feels. Also why leak what we already know? What will come out? Putin is a semi dictator? Putin does look out for his people and i think he is pretty straight forward...the whole catalyst for leaks in the west is that our representative government is not representing the people the claim to rule for. In the west weve been lulled into a sleep because we can vote and we always vote people in who sound good on the surface but a leak will prove they are the exact opposite, as proven by wikileaks. So why waste time leaking docs that prove putin is brutal towards opposition or that china runs their county like...well...communist dictators with a capitalist economy....i know you want to try to prove wikileaks is russian but its not....and im sure if someone there leaked that putin was working with islam to destroy the russian people he would put it out there.
mind control?
>thinking you need to hack something in order to commit espianage
There's plenty of Russian controversy. It's just not newsworthy. It's like a bomb going off in Afghanistan
well, there are the theories about the Russian false flag apartment bombing and Mafia money
not to mention historical shit from the USSR
Also want to point out that if a massive dump of info on putin came out, the people would probably go "yeah thats why we like him" while on the other hand were voting for what we think are saints with our best intentions as their priority, and if it werent for the leaks we would all just be conspiracy theorists...the fact is the leaks wikileaks dropped proved how fucked up the DNC is, not just politically but personally...they were hiding a lot of shit about who they really are...who or what is putin and the russian government really? probably exactly what we think they are...thats the difference....and why leaks on western governments is so important...Russia is not being destroyed from the inside out by their own government by an ignorant in the west on the other hand...
Same reason there are no leakers in China, they are dealt with as traitors and executed.
the Russian Federation is a democratic dictatorship.
Putin holds a lot of power and influence over the Kremlin and the rest of the country, who all love him back (for the most part).
political oppositions to Putin result in people going missing, winding up dead, or "changing their opinions".
little corruption happens in a country that allows it, erasing the idea of corruption all together or labeling it as "progressive" or something, and the corruption that does happen is suppressed or hidden by the powerful federal government
Putin gets most of his power from Russia being a communist nightmare for almost 70 years, and the populus is glad they have a new government no matter how authoritarian it is