What would happen if you went back in time and killed this faggot?

what would happen if you went back in time and killed this faggot?

The German Reich would take over four continents.

:( a man can dream i suppose

No more peanut butter

But would there be such a strong reactionary force as NatSoc without a communist bogeyman?

This would have impacted the end of the First World War more, which likely means no WWII would have commenced.

Not much, the only thing he did was critique capitalism, he's actually not responsible for socialism or communism, infact he actually hated "marxists" and "communists", he also hated Jews with a passion.

I wouldn't be born so it wouldn't be worth it

Because nobody believes in Evolution anymore?

Darwin's theories supported Eugenics, but it's not like Eugenics would disappear without him famalam.

Reactionaries are Jew puppets in a Nazi's eyes. Yes, in fact socialism around the would have been a lot more racist without Marx's heavy influence on Trotsky and American socialists.

>But would there be such a strong reactionary force as NatSoc without a communist bogeyman?
There would still be the international Jew attempting to destroy Germany.

You mean the treaty of versailles? I guess so yeah

Killing Marx wouldn't change anything. All the work credited to him was by Engels.

>not going back in time and killing king david, saul, zedkiah and solomon the baby chopper

Wew lad its like your begging for greater israel

Someone else would have come up with another way to subvert full control of a population through government that sounds great on paper but ends up a total nightmare for anyone not in the ruling class...Marxism was just a tricky way to reinstate monarchy levels of government control...using the poor as a trigger mechanism to gain what they want.

That due to hivemind another faggot like him who didn't work in his entire life and liked to tell perceived plebeians what to do with their lifes; would take his plave and write a maybe even worse shit about hippieland.
>Tl;dr lurk moar if you think people are puppets of one man. That's like saying in 100 years that Trump manipulate you republican voter murifats into beieveing in what you believe.
t. oldfag as fuck.

would you stop fucking devaluing your flag

>You mean the treaty of versailles? I guess so yeah
Well that and the international bankers who would've done everything to stop Germany from freeing themselves from their grip.

>Killing Marx wouldn't change anything. All the work credited to him was by Engels.
Pic related.

I'm drunk and it's 5 am; disregard the errors autists pls

Turn off your autism faggot

(((Someone else))) (a Learned Elder perhaps) would rise to take his place.

Don't tease me link this, Hans

A Fucking Time-Loop.
If you kill him. History will change so much that you wouldn't have been born with 99.9999% likelihood. This means you would never go back in time, never kill him, never change history, resulting in your birth.

And then you would go back....blah blah

And on....and on....and on...