Sup Forums BTFO
Even kids are going MGTOW. Fuck getting married. What any smart man must do now is make money and becoming rich. Marriage is a flytrap. It lures you in because the first few months of your relationship are great. Years later you will be lucky to have sex once a month. You will regret getting married. Its the biggest scam in human history.
Sup Forums BTFO
just as planned
less white babies is good
>betas are willingly removing themselves from the gene pool
>while jamal is fucking 4 virgin wives
Truly pathetic
Not like the MGTOW were slaying much poon prior to their radical decision
all fags going their own faggot way are too stupid to see what they are falling for
>but muh bad marriages
>thinking your going to be spared when the rope comes
fucking lol
>when the rope comes
fucking lol
I always thought what was happening in Japan was just a precursors to what's going to happen in the west. The main problem is Jews push for replacement migration, rather than just allowing the population to decline.
We now have technology to reproduce without women. What do we even need them for at this point?
Good marriages do exist. But the ones that last for 50 years and they still love each other? Probably 1 in 500. Good look with those odds. Of the 10 weddings I've been two over the last 10 years 5 divorced. 1 is cheating on the other. The recent are still married but they only married with in the last 3 years.
doesn't make sense, jews love slave cattle goyim. without white labor, they would be nothing
>implying there's enough unicorns to go around
>implying you're still not taking a huge risk with marriage
too true we're going right down japans path. Except, usa will import immigrants to supplement our population because we don't have the same self respect as Japan
I've talked to feminazis about MGTOW before.
They're laughing their asses off that undesirable men are voluntarily removing themselves from the dating pool. Many of these women hate being approached by anyone who isn't Chad in the first place.
For them, the funniest scenario is one in which MGTOWs are forced to fuck robot women, while Chad fucks all the hot human women. That would be paradise for feminazis.
pic related... this feminazi literally makes thousands of $$$ per week from thirsty beta orbiters while she laughs at MGTOWs and undesirable men.
Its the other way around. MGTOW is either bitter divorcees or players. I became mgtow after fucking so many cheating house wifes on tinder. Tinder exposes the true nature of modern woman.
Marriage avoidance and withdrawing from contact with women are two very different things. One is rational and improves your relationships with women, the other is a social disease.
>"no effect on women"
I seriously doubt you would avoid marriage if you found yourself the perfect mate. You just haven't found her yet.
Its rational when you risk losing so much. Kids, happiness, half your assets, health from stress.
>Among women between the age of 15 to 44 who lived with their first husband before getting married, the study found their marriages had a 61 percent chance of surviving 10 years. Women who had not cohabited with their first husband before marriage had a 66 percent chance that their marriage would last 10 years.
What's the fucking point of marriage if it ends after a few years? Marriage is meant to be a bond for life. But the reality is you will divorce after a few years after going through hundreds of fights and deal with her constant nagging.
But there is no perfect mate. Marriage is a scam.
I will post the stats again.
Among women between the age of 15 to 44 who lived with their first husband before getting married, the study found their marriages had a 61 percent chance of surviving 10 years. Women who had not cohabited with their first husband before marriage had a 66 percent chance that their marriage would last 10 years.
>usa will import immigrants to supplement our population because we don't have the same self respect as Japan
it's because of the welfare state, and the fact the economy needs population growth to grow. if white people aren't going to do it, someone has to unless you're ok with a shittier economy and no welfare.
>wanting false rape charges
>wanting automatic legal fatherhood of girlfriend's children
Marriage has become so bad that they had to actually give tax benefits to keep the institution going. Just coming into contact with women sexually leads to so many shitty situations.
> As if the average or even a notable percentage of human beings have an appreciation for DNA, genetic information, and its unfolding over time.
> As if you have a higher mind state appreciation for passing along genetic code
> As if passing along works by one's hands isn't the same in nature
> As if Einstein, Alun Turing, and many others aren't outlived by their works vs their genetic offpsring
> As if you refer to one's offspring by their parents
What's pathetic is referring to having kids and passing along bits of genetic information as if its something more grand that skeeting in a dank hole.
Fuck outta here w/ this nostalgic bullshit.
I have a gf now, and she makes my life better.
Have to watch television and do boring shit from time to time.
I actually have more time to focus on work, my mood is better, and I'm way more confident. I just got a raise to an even $100,000 in the South, and I walked into to each interview after getting my dick sucked.
Good sex and a healthy relationship make you a better man.
fuck off vegan
Yes, the powers that be need a steady supply of slaves in order to continue on ruling and reigning :
The age of ascension is one in which a generation sees this for what it is and moves beyond it.
> I always thought what was happening in Japan was just a precursors to what's going to happen in the west.
Indeed. Alot of future sci-fi occurs in with Asian backdrops. They focused more on ascension and technological progression vs. basking in low tier human emotional manipulation and games.
My own conclusion is that SOME people should "go their own way" when they are really smart, while others should just breed. It's as simple as that for me - if you're really a genius, just focus on developing something amazing. If you're not - breed and take a chance of creating a genius yourself. I think I'm pretty close to a genius myself, but not enough, so I'll just ensure to pop some kids out there in case my phd studies turn out to be bullshit.
You think this will last for a lifetime or even past 10 years? You are literally the same as every other guy. "I will make it work. I won't get divorced. You will either end up in an unhappy sexless marriage or eventual divorce. MGTOW is simply preventing this trap before it happens.
bahaahah Sup Forums is so cucked
you do realize this only hurts your argument, right?
I've never met a self proclaimed MGTOW that wasn't a loser not having regular sex.
Should be renamed MSTOW - Men Sent Their Own Way
Nice merchant. But this.
Ya and so is killing yourself why don't you try that you miserable fuck
May as well kill yourself because white genocide isn't the end goal but white domination is (look at all the white globalists working on trying to collapse our countries to bring this new world on)
Haha...yea that's what I'm doing too. Going my own way. I'd get a girlfriend if I wanted one...haha.
You're a fool if you pay for roastie digital content.
Yes, a number of women who've enslaved themselves to being whores for the digital jew are laughing now. Their comments are being collected and reflected on. Their 1080p excursions are being locked into digital vaults. Then comes the age of men who realize what they are and what they've become. Then comes an age that realizes sex is just all in your head anyway and enjoys the digital and free pussy vs. enslaving themselves to the RL pussy.
At such a point, reproduction will also be possible outside a woman's womb and the women who nuked their valuable assets won't be laughing anymore.
It's a man's world for a reason. Dumb webcam roasties give 50% of the rake to the digital domain holder (a man) for doing nothing.
Once a woman has reduced herself to being an out in the open conniving degraded wet-hole, there will be no distinguishable between real world women and the digital equivalent.
So, quite frankly they're on borrowed time and playing their last card. Without loyalty, commitment, nurturing, and subservience, a woman has no value. A young generation is starting to understand this.
Chads can fuck them all they want. They know they're fucking empty whores and having empty experiences which is why they are addicted to constantly fucking randos. They're a slave to a worthless experience. Eventually no one will envy them. They'll instead pity them for not having enough self worth and understanding to see the prison they've created in their own minds and dicks.
But you have never met one. Because no normal person would say they are. The fact is that 99.99 percent of MGTOW are unaware of MGTOW. But there are millions of normal men who are simply not getting marrying. They are asking them selves whats the point? MGTOW does not mean you don't fuck woman. Ever man needs to fuck once in a while. Be it a tinder whore or real whore.
Why do liars always use this figure? You realize that's the amount of money a rookie cop or prison guard with a GED makes, right?
Set your sights a little higher, you dumb huckleberry.
>But you have never met one
But I have, and the incels who plagued the movement ruined it for everybody which is why nobody admits they are irl
Are you joking? Most of the men I know have sworn off marriage, because they're all divorced. MGTOW is the most common lifestyle for young men these days - they just don't know the term.
Must have struck a nerve. Getting married soon mate?
Or are you a woman. Woman usually resort to childish shit like that.
This. See
People who openly parade themselves as MGTOW are usually cancer but most MGTOW don't even know they're MGTOW.
Why wouldn't women just chase Chad their whole lives and use the artificial womb later? I see that technology helping women and making things even worse between the genders than it is right now. Unless you just plan on exterminating women I just see more technology in this area helping them.
No you haven't. Ignoring the fact your post is blatant lie and shaming tactic. Most mgtow are divorcees. A massive amount are actually.
The world doesn't need hordes of people. We could do without a billion+ as can the environment. If you have a higher minded awareness, you see yourself already as part of a collective beautiful family of human beings. You don't have an egotistical desire to try to make your genetic mark as its already been made. You're a product of it and a contribution to it.
The desire to have one's OWN kids.
The desire to leave a personal imprint on a particular human being is a lower minded one IMO. It's one that fails to see the bigger picture in and around them. It stems from selfishness and greed IMO which is why those who are least equipped to raise and nurture a kids potential has them. They're selfish and lower minded.
You can be educated and focused on your work and still have kids and likely raise good kids. I'm not sure what mental state compels you to do so or be prideful about this. However, I maintain that i'll do it and just enjoy it. No one remebers offspring by the father or mother who gave birth to them. The world recognizes people as individuals who are just here.
So, I again frame and maintain that this 'MUH GENES PASSING' ideology is an antiquated and nostalgic selfish social construct that was needed to compel people to multiply. We have enough people in the world. We can drop and ascend pass this idiocy at this point. It's not helping the world especially in this ever advancing technological age. Its hurting the world, environment, causing conflicts, depleting resources and setting us upon a path of destruction. The only reason why idiots keep promoting it is because they've constructed a house of cards economic system that is perilously depending on population growth.
They're not much different from women who go their own way (aka strong, independent kick-ass who dont need no man)
The major difference is people call the men losers and the women empowered.
(((white))) globalists
>You think this will last for a lifetime or even past 10 years?
Why can't it? It's not like this hasn't happened before.
Loving you
Isn't the right thing to do
How can I ever change things that I feel?
If I could
Baby I'd give you my world
How can I
When you won't take it from me?
You can go your own way
Go your own way
You can call it another lonely day
You can go your own way
Go your own way
Tell me why
Everything turned around
Packing up
Shacking up's all you wanna do
If I could
Baby I'd give you my world
Open up
Everything's waiting for you
You can go your own way
Go your own way
You can call it another lonely day
You can go your own way
Go your own way
Shouldn't have invented dildos.
I agree with your post but stop with the chad shit it reeks of r9k incels. Most "chads", players ect are well aware of modern woman and a lot are MGTOW without knowing what MGTOW is.
MGTOW is basically when too weak and addicted to porn to try and get women irl
The odds are extremely low. And God knows what percentage of people still married are genuinely happy. I love seeing 70+ year old couples still in love but its extremely fucking rare.
mgtow isn't about fucking, its about commitment it isnt fucking celibacy
and the men usually have more money
exactly chads are the last ones to marry
Chad will eventually become economically destitute from having not evolved or not focusing on technological dawn that is the focus of men who are not steered by pussy.
We are in an increasingly technological age that will become moreso. Tell me what spending time chasing behind women does for a man? What does that help you achieve? In what ways do you grow chasing behind shit tier roasties? Nothing ....
Your world is centered on working to make money to entertain and attract hoes. You aren't up-to-date with the world's happenings, technology, or the direction of society. You are a lower minded man who is a slave to it who adapts to it in order to get pussy. You don't command and control things, you go w/ whatever you have to .. in order to get pussy.
> Why wouldn't women just chase Chad their whole lives and use the artificial womb later?
Who develops the artificial womb? chad pussy chaser? Roastie dumbass? You're missing the bigger picture.
> I see that technology helping women and making things even worse between the genders than it is right now.
This is the interlude. The fun hasn't even begun yet. Wait until roasties and chads can't get a job because they don't understand the technology that drives it because they're too busy fucking and sucking each other in yester-years lower minded mindstate.
> Unless you just plan on exterminating women I just see more technology in this area helping them.
I have no plans. I'm just a traveler passing through. An observer stating what is likely true.
A new age is upon us. It will empower those set upon it. The old will be known as the old. As we transition into the new, those that embrace the old will be left behind with it.
I'm curious what percentage of people at that age are happy in general, regardless of relationship status. Kind of makes you wonder what the point of life is.
A plethora of young white men with nothing to lose.
Start training in every arena: intellectually, physically, martially, everything.
Soon it will be time.
Solid album through and through.
A beacon from a lost era in human history.
Just so we're clear:
If you're a kissless, fat, virging loser. You are NOT MGTOW.
MGTOW is a decision to not marry a woman. It should not be confused with those pathetic low lives who couldn't get a girl if they tried.
50 percent of marriages end some of the ones that last are still pretty bad. It's because women have no role anymore.
Pfft. Cops makes 200,000 and it's school janitors that make 100,000. Go to school, rural retard.
I don't center my life around women or do the things you accuse me of, I'm just trying to think of the implications. I'm not going to live to be 500, so I'll never know how this will effect society and neither will you. What you describe is a pretty bleak, I don't want to live in a world as awful as that one sounds.
>dont reproduce
>gonna die before it really matters
Fuck the future n shit
Nah. I tell my boys to just focus on building their personal fortunes. THEN, after everything is secure, look into locating a suitable female for breeding. Prenup mandatory. Teach their boys accordingly.
I've been a chad so I know what the mentality of one is. Accurately distinguishing between a chad mindset and a more ascended mindset isn't /r9k. Referring to a man whose speaking a deeper truth about life as a /r9ker reeks of a numale who praises pussy and thinks the world revolves around it.
> be chad
> be fucking random bitches
> Be addicted to it because it makes you feel like you've accomplished or achieved something
> Be addicted because for that moment, it makes you feel connected to someone
> Be alone and not have a sense of self-completeness so constantly have to reinforce it by fucking random bitches
I've been there buddy. So I can comment on it.
I'm not envious of my younger and dumber ways. It was a stupid and wasteful point in time in my life. I'm not envious of chad because i've lived a chads life and I know its empty bullshit.
This is a truth for any man whose willing enough and honest enough to say it. Not sure what that has to do w/ /r9k buddy.
What janitor makes more than 30k a year?
The kind from the same place rookie cops make 100,000.
How long until they start pushing that white male virgins are the hottest thing for women to have to combat MGTOW?
She seems to have a lot to say about it for someone who doesn't care.
Damned if we do damned if we don't what a God awful conundrum we face
Really? It seems like she's butthurt, why make posts if she doesn't care? She's the kind if woman that will spend her attractive years whoring around and being "strong" and "empowered" then look for a beta provider when she hits the wall. Sad part is that there won't be any for her, all the low value guys I see are now dating chinks. She's in for a shock and years of being a crazy cat lady.
>it was real in my mind
This is the kind of shitposting I expect from my fellow leafs. Sort yourself out.
I'm not even mgtow by choice, just shit with women, it's my fault not theirs if I'm honest.
Yeeeeah, except for the fact that Chads are not going to marry them or give them kids.
MGTOW master race reporting for duty. Cucks be irate they will never reach these levels of alpha.
This. They try to associate it with such conceptions so as to detract from the power and true reasons behind such movements. They want people to think its because they are unable to get pussy to reinforce the shit show mental gymnastics they use to enslave and control people by pussy.
I don't know anyone who hasn't slain pussy.. It's 2017 ffs. Bitches are fucking and sucking the whole spectrum of men just to see what it feels like to get fucked by every type of man there is..Beta/alphas/white/black/mexican/italian you name it. Women actively seek out different men for the thrill and diversity of something new.
The idea that a notable number of men aren't getting pussy in this pussy give free-for-all age is laughable af.
Even betas I know have fucked a large number of women.. It's an empty and nothing burger accomplishment...
LOL, congrats nigga you got your dick wet. You want a cookie? haha, only women think in such retarded ways in which denying access to their wet hole makes them a vanguard of judgement.
Men just say... Did you get your dick wet? cool.
Nobody cares about who you got your dick wet by... You fuck that slut? Cool brah. You free to go dirt biking this weekend?
There are plenty of white chads who are more than happy to fuck women, not only that, but according to statistics, they are the most desirable men of any race. A few guys who already wouldn't get any pussy saying they wont even try isn't going to affect any racial demographics. Let them pretend that its their choice not to get laid so they can remain a shred of dignity.
The main problem with feminism, or neo-marxism in general, is they never account for reactionary changes in behavior caused by their agendas.
Shit economy for 20 years...
Thanks DC
> I'm just trying to think of the implications.
Think and share the implications then. Stop providing no ideas of your own and serving up empty criticisms of mine. You're supporting my comments in that you have no conception of what the future will be like. If you don't that means you're not shaping it or are likely not close enough to the things shaping it.
> I'm not going to live to be 500, so I'll never know how this will effect society and neither will you
Listen man, if you're a part of the things shaping the future you have a good eye for where things are going. If you spend your time learning about the world, history, and its reflection in the present, you have a good eye for the future. Just because you maybe don't doesn't mean you can downgrade other people's sound arguments w/ nothing burger statements.
> What you describe is a pretty bleak, I don't want to live in a world as awful as that one sounds.
Get off your ass and change it then.
>A few guys who already wouldn't get any pussy saying they wont even try isn't going to affect any racial demographics.
haha mgtow don't give a shit. It's not a boycott, it's a rational decision. I go out and have casual sex but it isn't enough for me, I'm not "alpha" enough, so I just fuck hookers whenever I need to. Literally no reason to marry
Is that before or after the day the unicorn and real anime?
I have 2 kids and my baby momma don't want me paying child support and I get to see the kids. Have my own house but she won't move in. Kids being raised by her grandparents as she figures out what she wants in life. Modern women man...
>Can be stay at home mom
>Wants a loyal guy
>Has kids with loyal guy
>LOL I want my own place and a job and pawn the kids off onto the grandparents
So fucking stupid...
Will they marry them and give them children?
Are there enough marriage-minded Chads to go around?
A lot of women make the mistake of thinking this concept of MGTOW isn't going to ever affect them.
The woman from the pic probably thinks it's a bunch of bitter losers that can't get laid that are deciding to not chase women.
Problem is, women are putting out left and right now. Any guy that looks semi-decent is going to be able to get laid, especially due to Tinder which has women sleeping around as though they were gay guys.
As a gay guy this behavior stands out to me as gays have had dating apps for mostly sex for years more than straight guys have. Women are falling prey to the notion that because men will sleep with them that this means they are superior dating material.
Which sucks for these women because they don't realize that fucking and dating are two different things to men. So down the line they'll start wanting to settle down and thinking these random guys will be happy to marry them, only to learn that good guys are rare and able to date women in their 20's.
Prenups regularly get thrown out in court it could work if the divorce happens less than a year. But if you get a woman judge you're fucked.
Its not like Jamal is going to try to marry and have kids with them either. Both are playing a dangerous game.
The starting salary for a first-year police officer in Seattle with a GED is $73k/yr. with overtime most of them are easily making double that.
Enjoy your diminished expectations, inbred Southern retard.
>using phrases like "baby momma"
I think you're probably right in the long run, I don't know why you are so intent on seeing what I said as criticisms.
So just knock up your long term gf right?
>you cant get divorced if you dont get married
Best way to explain it. Shes my girlfriend and she never wanted to get married...
>what is child support
kek Gen Z is getting sent their own way. I feel bad for them, they have no social skills from being on electronics all day and zero jobs and the girls have never known a time without social media or fourth wave feminist propaganda. I wonder what marriage rates will look like in a decade
we need more white people though, schlomo.
didnt read bcuz u r dum
>Prenups regularly get thrown out in court
Don't know how courts work there, but here you might be able to sanction the judge.
>not supporting your children
>inb4 mother spends it on earrangz and cocktails
thats like not my fault, dude.
the social media thing is incredibly worrying.
all these people lost to the jew
>impregnating a woman twice without marrying her first
It's not about being a Chad vs. Neckbeard. It's about the ridiculous family law that come into existence since no-fault divorce was initiated in the 60/70s time frame.
It's all risk for men who decide to marry. You potentially put yourself completely at the whim of a roastie who can take 50%+ of your joint assets and your kids if she just decides one day to get back on the carousel.
That's all it is. Has nothing to do with how easy or difficult it is for you to get laid. As Dirty Harry said: "Do you feel lucky?" Cause that's what it boils down to - luck. You're playing the odds no matter how much you think you're in control of your "woman."
It's a big risk and potentially financially devastating to save the white race, which coincidentally is committing suicide before your very eyes. So no much incentive in the first place for those who choose the MGTOW path.
What's the point of marriage?
Why not just stay together, have kids and not be married?
What advantage does this actually grant you?