(((Google News)))

How the fuck can (((Google))) get away with literally advertising ShareBlue articles on Google app newsfeeds? Are they even trying to act like an impartial news aggregator service anymore?
Is there any way we can report (((Google))) for pushing fake news?

>increase violent crime.

lel literal newspeak

Unironically, the articles posted in shareblue are far more informative, insightful, and impartial than whatever conspiracy theory with boner pills Alex Jones or breitbart (trump news Corp.) might shill

you do realize they collect data based on what you search and personalize your news around it?

Nice proxy shareblue. How much do they pay you?
(you) (you) (you)

>because Sup Forums links shit from inforwars and breitbarb
holy shit do you fags even know where you are right now?
they get their shit from us.

I realize it's based around searches, but come on. Even Google has to realize that ShareBlue isn't news - it's just radical talking points from the Democrat party. I've never seen them show an InfoWars or Breitbart article in the newsfeed.

Free market bitchez. wot, you communist now? Tryna use govt power to stymie a corporation?

yeah i thought so.

>"oy vey the goyim know we're manipulating the news" the post.

>t. Posted straight from Trump's own Correct The Record dissemination office
I'm 100% mexican and not a shill.

>they get their shit from us
Further proof to strengthen my argument, at least shareblue has legitimate journalists instead of NEET racist sperglords