I'm in the military. Wish me a happy Memorial Day and thank me for keeping your asses safe.
Memorial Day Thread
This Memorial Day I'll be remembering 1453.
Pic related.
Thanks for jew
thanks for you service
Get em' bro. I wish you luck in the war to come.
Have a horrible memorial day, and fuck you for serving the interests of those who wish to destroy our nation and people.
>doesn't know the difference between memorial and veterans day
You are dumb as fuck.
oops, wrong pic
you posted the same pic though
I might be a Canfag, but Canada's shit. God bless you guys. You defend the world.
fuck you slave of your rich masters
Happy memorial day you little plastic man ..hope nobody gets you with the magnifying glass
Thank you for your service. But if you were military, you know this holiday is about your brothers and sisters who sacrificed their lives for our freedom through history. So either you're dead and talking from the grave OR you aren't actually military.
Post photos of dead sand niggers or gtfo.
LARPing fag or a boot that doesn't know the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day.
Memorial day is for the fallen not veterans ya dingus
Fuck off, it's my husbear's duty day.
You guys are some disrespectful little twerps. You wouldn't even be able to post on Sup Forums if it wasn't for people like me putting our lives on the line to protect your freedoms. Like freedom of speech? Like not having to wear a burka? You're welcome
Fuck you disgusting, degenerate murdering buffoon. Hope you like burning in hell because you didnt want to get a real job so instead decided to kill people for kikes like a good goy.
Fucking faggot
>like being forced to pay ridiculous taxes so we can protect kikes? your welcome
I'm in the military, you little shit. Don't talk to me like that.
A. Like people before said today isn't for you.
B. You're not keeping anyone safe and you're probably a POG.
t. bitter OIF vet
Seriously, you have no idea what Memorial Day is about you dumbass. You are like the chick that wants a Mother's Day gift but has no kids.
Nice military bearing fucko
Memorial Day is to remember those that gave the ultimate sacrifice while serving the greatest motherfucking Country on the planet. Thank you for your service you dumb nigger
If it wasn't for people like me keeping you safe, you wouldn't even have Mother's Day because you wouldn't even have kids. The world is an evil place and there are people out there who want you dead, and until you are willing to put your life on the line to protect your countrymen, have some fucking respect for those who do!
Memorial day is for the dead. kys and the day can be for you.
Why isn't NATO evicting Muslims jews and blacks?
found the coward
fight the good fight faggot
Thank you for being a bluepilled faggot who will fight and die in some foreign shit hole so israelis don't have to. I hope your wife and 3 kids enjoy being parasites while fucking some POG while you deploy overseas protecting freedumbs.
Shut the fuck up you piece of shit. The US hasn't had to fight foreign invaders for 200 years. You're not the good guys fighting evil you are the foreign invaders.
Do you not realize that if not for people like me the US would have been invaded many times and you'd be dead or speaking some middle eastern language? So yeah, you're welcome.
Instead of fucking around on Sup Forums, don't you have some mudslimes to kill? Time is tax money. Get back to killin' sand niggers you lazy fuck.
How long before (((they))) come for the Confederate memorial at Arlington National Cemetery?
Faggots like you should be thrown off a roof.
I hope you blow your fucking head off with an IED you yankee seppo dickhead
This. Memorial Day is for the dead.