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I like Trudeau he is really growing on me he is charismatic, smart, good looking what more can I say really I love this man.
Trump has dementia...
blumpft will not win the election
fucking leafs, day of rake soon
>s m a r t
>s . m . a . r . t
Just shows how close they are, Ivanka definitely got leaf'd
How comes Trump calls our president "President Peña Nieto" but he calls Trudeau just "Justin"
When your son-in law gets cucked by Trudeau, this was expected.
Because Justin isn't worthy of respect.
Trudeau is Castro's bastard, if I were Trump I wouldn't respect that sorry leaf, it's a shame we have to share a continent with that cuck.
He might as well say "that guy from Canada".
that sounds comfy desu. Like Mike from Canmore.
Is this akin to "Becky from the block"
He is the king of the north.
Trudeau de Canada
That is not an insult.
Being that familiar could also be a sign of respect.
Trump will never get the 1237