How to deal with militant atheists?

Atheist shithead of a younger brother is being problematic as fuck and generally being an insufferable cunt to my rather authoritarian Christian father, killing the cockmonger is out of the question and so is kicking him out of the house. Didn't come here for a solution since there isn't that one that doesn't involve crime, I guess I'm just looking for some like minded pollacks so we can wallow in each other's misery.

General atheist hatred thread btw.

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>militant atheist

So he advocates the destruction of religious people and their institutions through force of arms?

If your premise is false, so is your conclusion.

Nothing needs to be done here except let your coming-to-rationality brother grow up, mature and be an atheist, whether you like it or not.

Well, has your dad actually SEEN god? I mean you've SEEN atheism, so which is more believable? Either tell him he's right so he doesn't feel so isolated, or tell him he's wrong because your daddy is your whole wide world.

Things gettin pretty rough down there for ya little guy?

Oh no, bad choice of words I guess. He's your typical millennial atheist that discovered atheism in college and decided that the best way to fight ((religious obscurantism)) is to throw bitchfits and make the family miserable.

they're a bunch of unloved kids addicted to jewbook.
case closed. next question?

Have Alex McNabb straighten him out further into a better form of Atheism, or Jordan Peterson straighten him out into agnostic theism.

Then it's rather simple really. Don't force him to exist in you or your fathers religious existence and ask him to keep his views to himself while simultaneously doing the same. It's a matter of respect. If he says no, then chances are your parents or father were shitty at being parents.

I don't mind him being an atheist, what fucks me up is him ruining the peace and quiet of our home with his activism.

>addicted to jewbook.
reddit you mean?

>shitskin brazilians are hardcore christians that call people who don't believe in their fairy tales "problematic"

i forgot to add that. tnx

Oh he just wants attention. He's trying to exert himself to the world around him. Have him do so in a more productive way- building something together, roofing, sculpting, archery, etc.

>fairy tales

never heard that before in my life. now im a iq 140+ super atheist

Well, are there religious rules enforced in your house? By religious rules I mean rules that are justified only (or mostly) by religion and wouldn't be there if the family wasn't christian. Is he forced to abide by those rules? If yes, then reach a compromise by not having him do whatever religion related shit he has to do. Otherwise, he's just being a piece of shit.

Maybe you'll one day understand that theres no divine being saving your ass when you die. You just cease to exist.

>Don't force him to exist in you or your fathers religious existence
I love that old man as much as I love my life but he's one difficult guy to live with. A few years ago he nearly met the maker due to a diverticulitis and is slowly beginning to turn around and trying to become a more affable person, but it takes a long time.

His upbringing was the worst possible, daily beatings, toiling in the field when not in school, waking up before the sun rises to help with his father's farm, all of this have made my father into a tyrant. He's getting better thanks to me but there's still a long way for him to go.

Redpoll his stupid ass, show him the evidence and get him on here. I went through that "religion is the one true enemy" phase, but I learned to recognize that religion helps those who are not suitable to deal with existential dread of nihilism, and to leave hardcore believers to do what they want, as long as it doesn't impose on others liberties. Plus I learned that the one true enemy is ((them)) and how to fight against the narrative to preserve western culture.

How has anyone SEEN atheism? You can't see nothing.

Tell them they're Blue Pilled Commie faggots. There's a reason their ideology overlaps with the SJWs, Fags, Trannies, Feminists, Commies, and Anti-Whites.

They all stem from the same Jewy source.

Just beat his ass when he is being a shit.

Not like the police get payed in your country anyway.

Let him get over the age of 25
Will stop being an atheist.

>Just beat his ass when he is being a shit.
Oh, believe me, the idea is enticing.

This. As uncle Adi said a man should not join political parties before becoming 30.

If he's living in his father's house, he has to follow his rules. If the atheist cuck doesn't like the rules, move the fuck out.

>I'm mad because people don't share my belief general

Have a vaporpape, relax, and maybe consider pursuing an alternate resolution. Moving out and getting a job may yield positive results, like local like-minded friends. They might be more willing to kill your brother for you.

fucking shitskin. your problems are of no concern to us

Ask him why he believes that a God doesn't exist.
He'll probably answer something about proof or logic and shit.
Tell him that he might be right, if evidence points to it then that's that. Let him have that one.
Now talk about the state of the world, talk about people.
Convince him most people in the world are drooling retards.
It won't be hard since he'll see himself as some sort of intellectual. Again, let him have that.
Now you have to reason with him that stupid, angry people who can't find the meaning of life need religion.
They need religion for morals, and so they can be effectively controlled by the government.
Tell him that most niggers or whatever group he sees as inferiors would just abandon all morality if not for God.

That's the first step. You have to make him understand that people created religion for a reason. They need it, it's one of the requirements for a civilization.

That'll be your first victory. Have him not engage in fights about whether or not God exists. Let him have his ideas and just not contradict people to avoid conflict. Afterwards you can slowly convince him to fake it so he's accepted within the community.

That's about as good as you can get, I believe.

nigga like shut your eyes for a sec


If he isn't an idiot and the book is translated in Portuguese give him Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis.

Also tell him to watch this channel.

GLR was an Atheist, though.

A child is not the property of the parents. If they can't handle difference of opinions, they're not ready to raise a child.

Your dad needs to make is life miserable if he is disobedient and not honoring him. This is called disciplining your children and it's the responsibility of every good parent. Your brother doesn't know he's wrong, your dad does, it's his job to do his part to teach him, so no guilt rests on him. He better not be sparing the rod.

Are you sure the religion isn't making it loud too? He probably gets annoyed being forced to say grace, or waste his time at church. He feels like his life is held back by strange practises and beliefs for the ONE REASON to waste his precious time.

Be honest, do you waste his time?

atheist are evil worshipers, they just deny a good god, atheist agnostics are more civilised.

That's not seeing, fag. Do blind people see?

even monkey can post bait thread

That's not how it works in Australia, France, America or China. Children are property. And you wonder why these countries are failing or otherwise disliked.

Don't indulge him


Didn't say they were property. The home is property however and the dad owns it so he makes the rules, plain and simple.

Yes, it's rare to have a completely blind person, who sees nothing but black. But they exist.

As far as your gods go I haven't seen anything but black my whole life.

Why don't you just pull him aside and ask him to stop being an obnoxious cunt? Why do you tolerate his shitty behavior instead of confronting him about it?

u think there are gods? i am really not so sure. but there is something spooky out there, and earnest prayers are one way to do spookymagic.

Nice D&C

Christians are the SJWs of the alt right

Then it is his responsibility to leave, not make everyone else change. That's how fucking SJWs act.

Nice horseshoe

I'm not talking about being a bible thumper or anything, but these sanctimonious, narcissistic, arrogant, nihilistic,self satisfied, no-it-all, Zionist, Atheists, are fucking cancer.

Literally Jew World Order putty.

give him sopa de macaco... uma delicia

Just give it a year or two. He'll grow out of it. I was a little shithead once too.

The dad fucked his mother, so he has to provide for him.

I started watching atheist stuff on youtube in 2008 and was an insufferable asshole for a couple of years. He'll grow out of it.

2 prime examples of the "Atheist" Jew type.

hes rebelling from your dad being a asshole,give him 5 years and he will outfrow the edge lord phase as i did

Those people aren't seeing, they lack ability to see so their world is black.

because you haven't seen anything is anecdotal evidence at best. An atheist can't disprove the existence of God completely, just as people of Faith can't prove His existence completely.

No the meme part of the ideology is leftist, rockwells speech on nazism vs communism are redpilling gold for atheists

>Amerishit calling others shitskins

Or Josh McDowell's 'The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict,' or
Norman Geisler's 'I Don't Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist.'

No he doesn't. Kids in fucking college, the responsibility is now his to take care of himself. Fuck, it's this type of treatment that have made the college kids so fucking spoiled and oblivious to reality.

redpill him on the JQ and the Bolshevik slaughter of Christians becuase "muh atheist communist utopia".

then he will realize that being braindead is a secular phenominon

Kill them and let God judge.

atheism is a belief in something unprovable just like any theist, your brother is an agnostic or he is a retard. inform him of this. use the dictionary. send him it all in a text or email.

Your little brother is based. You and your dad are cucks. Fuck yourself.

>not believing in something is a belief in something
You've got to be this retarded to believe this shit.

Range ban on leafs when?

Don't feed him with religion, that's what's feeding him. And the attacks by islamists shows that religious activities are far from harmless.

Keep your religion private, announcing your religion just annoys people around you.

I actually used to be like this and I hate it and resent the destruction I did to my family. Idk the best thing that came out of all my hatred for religion is that I ultimately realized I may not be right. Now I'm prob gonna get some militant atheist (I actually like the term) that's gonna say "so can optimus prime be God?" Bitch maybe. You don't fuckin know. The one thing Id say is that the burden of proof does rest on y'all (religious ppl) to prove so. And you can't really use the bible bc that doesn't work with atheists. So try to show him that ppl all over the world have different views but we're still able to get along and he will come around in a yr or so.

If he wants to ruin his life because of a difference of opinions, he's not ready to be a father.

And forcing someone who's studying (I'm assuming STEM, because otherwise he can't ruin his life anyway) to work to support himself in some shit tier mcjob before getting enough qualifications for an actual entry level engineering job is somewhat likely to cause him to fail drop out, as far as I've seen.

It's his dad's house, so it is in his private confines. Is this how the Swedes are? So fucking afraid of confrontation that you would change your behavior in your own home to not offend someone?

He's been a father long enough to get the kid healthy and to college, so not bad so far.

Unbelievable how you will excuse the spoiled behavior of the mongoloid man-child who disrespects his own father in his own home. Please don't have children, they will be sorely lacking in discipline and respect for society and you.


I'd be disappointed if my children just went with everything I said without ever considering forming their own opinions. My role as a parent is to give them the ability to form an opinion based on facts, not force feed them my opinions. It's sad so many people believe otherwise.
You can be a single black mother and still get a kid to a college, that doesn't mean shit.

Your kid can think for himself. It's when he starts making your home into a combat zone with disrespect for the father of the house who has provided for him, that it becomes an issue.

god you sound like a libtard, just live with it.

Black is still a colour. Don't play like that. Nothing from nothing from nothing doesn't make the idea of god. It's a myth story, it comes from humans. Atheism is default for humans, eggs, rocks, water.... belief in something without any bases, it's like singing a song your parents taught you but you don't know the words.

You haven't met God either.

Really brazzers your zazzers