What is Sup Forums's opinion on whistle blowers? Do you consider it a form of treason?
What is Sup Forums's opinion on whistle blowers? Do you consider it a form of treason?
Depends on what you're leaking and how you go about it.
this user's got it right
In the case of Snowden, I don't think giving journalists a cache of documents that prove the government is willfully breaking a law they have promised to uphold is treason. but then again that's just my opinion
whistleblowers are jewish tricks. they're employed by differing factions inside the government to let information out. they're not average joes trying to do a public service.
If the government is exceeding it's mandate, violating it's own laws, breaking it's own constitution, or lying to it's citizens, I do not considering whistleblowing to be anything other than the necessary reaction. A government which does any of the above is in my opinion partially illegitimate, and cannot honestly or un-hypocritically criticize or prosecute the whistleblower.
governments are allowed to keep secrets
so if you try to bust em out yeah bye bye bitch
>edward snowden isnt a real person
Its situational, very situational.
>giving journalists classified information including material that directly led to the death of several agents is not treason
he's guilty of treason, murder, and super treason. hang him high
No, but Snowden is a fucking faggot opening his fucking mouth about fucking politics the guy is a fucking faggot. Should have kept his mouth shut down people hate him
Quads of truth
Government isn't supposed to be doing secretive things in the first place. Sensitive information is one thing, but breaking the law and covering it up was never supposed to be a function of the government (obviously).
I see a government that lies to its people as treasonous. The state needs to operate by the people for the people not the other way around. Whistleblowers are ideallic in a healthy democratic society.
Do you consider it treason when parts of government are purposely breaking law and constitution to screw over their citizens?
>Do you consider it a form of treason?
to whom? the jews?
Quite honestly you don't get whistleblowers if you aren't breaking the law.
Nobody goes to work for the government scheming to release all the secret inner workings of the CIA to the general public - instead they go to work for these agencies and then witness all the illegal and wrong shit being done behind closed doors and it gets the better of their conscience.
And then we get authority figures who've built an empire of lies trying to murder or prosecute these leakers for revealing the crimes to the public.
The guys getting into these agencies to act in a malicious manner aren't leaking to the fucking public, they're selling those secrets for hundreds of thousands or millions to foreign governments.
People who think manning/snoweden/etc are traitors that need to hang are morons who believe whatever the state propaganda and proven liars and crooks, tells them to believe.
idk but fwiw someone left a nearly full bottle of blue window cleaner on the sidewalk outside of a rich neighborhood i discovered on my walk to a shopping plaza to buy a subway sandwich.
i took it as a sign of, "you bout to be homeless again so go clean some windows you piece of shit."
The more secrets, the more room to hide corruption.
Intel agencies and the secrets they keep have been allowed to get far too powerful, and there are no real checks and balances on that power.
We're supposed to have the FBI to prevent this shit from happening, but even the fucking FBI is compromised now.
>hould have kept his mouth shut down people hate him
you think he cares? getting his balls sucked daily by russian sluts. ya, im sure it keeps him up at night
just saying, rich people have the funniest and most useless microaggressions ever in the whole world of existence.
am i supposed to be scared of money or something?
>>People who think manning/snoweden/etc are traitors that need to hang are morons who believe whatever the state propaganda and proven liars and crooks, tells them to believe.
Manning is a little bitch who deserved everything that happened. The intel he released was nothing more than a bunch of garbage classified "secret". The only harm it caused was to some political entity's feelings.
Snowden, OTOH, proved that it's an Us vs Them scenario with the government working against the people in the same manner that the fascists and communists did.
Those assclowns in those agencies needed to be taken down a few more notches than they were. Too many only think of their own advancement at the cost of others.
>Manning is a little bitch who deserved everything that happened.
we were handing over people running in Iraqi elections to the incumbents to be tortured and killed
jsyk, the government belongs to ALL of its citizens, not just the people rich enough to manipulate it.
Things like this aren't always simple.
Whether you think he was wrong or right(or if you buy into the story...), he took many actions to mitigate and delay any damages he predicted.
Albeit, I honestly don't believe someone of his intelligence would even think that releasing a bunch of papers that a grad student with cerebral palsy could implement was in any way going to benefit the US, let alone the very people he was hoping to reach.
There's too many missing pieces, but none of them conclusively imply much of anything.
No one tries to become a ranger without trying for a specialty. There's no mention of what he planned to do, let alone any evidence of what he did do. No one honestly believes Ecuador would be a safe place for someone who just leaked a ton of TS/SCI shit. No one honestly believes the American people, let alone anyone but the sworn enemies of the US would benefit from such information. What he says he planned to do and what he did do are pretty different, and at the very least suggest he's been putting out a ton of disinformation from the start.
Snowden is far from your average "whistle blower". There are many holes and inconsistencies in his story. Every bit of public information honestly suggests he was working with or for somebody. Every bit of public information suggests he had different motives than those he claimed to have.
All anyone can really say is that a junior analyst with an inconsistent past who worked for the NSA, released a bunch of doctored information that's likely far below the NSA's real capabilities. Judging by his intelligence, he was purposely sloppy. He left gaping holes in his story. With the information at hand, it's plausible he's a limited hangout. Or he got flipped. Or he's actually telling the truth but is really fucking aloof. The whole story is nowhere near as airtight as it should be.