Not even once:
Leftist Ethnology
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I don't understand what you're trying to get at.
I've never seen a blonde hmong. afghans are a collection of several races, and not asian. Except for the Hazra I guess. The top one looks like a nigger.
>conflating "Asia" the continent with "Asian" the race
>literal abo and white afghan are "100% asian"
>caucasoid admixed Hmong is "100% asian"
I'm curious. What are you on?
What are you on?
There's an independent evolution of blonde colored hair in some tribe but I forget their name
It's a different gene than the Caucasian blonde gene so if you made babbys with one of them having blonde hair, the results would be unknown and interesting
What the fuck are you talking about? Is that the kind of propoganda they feed you in your country?
There are thousands of blond genes totally independent from one another. Every time the blond hair is a slightly different color, it's a different gene.
Hair color is highly mutable.
Your point is clear just Wow people in this thread are retarded.
He is saying that the question refers to east Asians and that the lefty response is just including random ethnic groups that happen to be from continental Asia but are not Asian per se.