All White People Demanded to Leave Evergreen Campus! College Professor Speaks Out - College professor Bret Weinstein (a self-professed progressive) was accused of racism in his teaching and was thrown off Evergreen campus by violent black protesters abetted by the university's radical president George Bridges.

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This is the logical end to radical leftism. Segregation and discrimination of whites.

>yfw you realized segregation and jim crow laws were liberal ideas back in the day

>College professor Bret Weinstein (a self-professed progressive)

Why does Sup Forums care again? All revolutions eventually eat their own. I'll bet this guy has a long track record of supporting ridiculous leftist "sitins" and whatnot. Hoisted by his own petard.

Joke I heard after Trump won: Democrats haven't been this mad since Republicans took their slaves away.

Absolutely ridiculous. Can't believe they scared the cops away and the campus admin told the cops to stand down. Isn't that professor teaching his class from a park off campus because the college said they couldn't guarantee his safety. She should take legal action. I'm so glad I'm done with college.

Jew faggot got a taste of his own medicine.

Democrats are the real racists!

That's one way to let them self-destruct.

>All White People Demanded to Leave Evergreen Campus!
If White people had a country of our own, this would not be happening.

I am leaving this board.
Online, my name is 'Marshal Wilson'. In real-life, I am a mixed-race Mohawk/Colonial man in his early fifties. I am a helicopter pilot and former Infantryman who has served six tours in Afghanistan and the former Yugoslavia.

I have been supporting Sup Forums from the day I joined this community. Through EVERY difficulty, I have stood by the board; determined to do my best for "The West"; the thing I like most on this site.

But just now, I entered into what could euphemistically be called an 'argument' where many - well, all - of the posters not only freely engaged in racist talk but ferociously defended their racist comments. And NO-ONE took the opposing side.

I'm sorry, but I CANNOT stand beside anyone who freely admits and supports racism. I CANNOT support anyone who defends their right to make Jew jokes, black jokes, woman jokes.

I WILL NOT stand with this site so long as this type of racism is freely stated and any argument is simply dismissed.

I will join another community - one who is at war with this one. I love the site, I love the history of the the boards, but I will NOT stand by when racism is so freely expressed.

Sorry lads - I don't want to join another site but words have power, and your words injured me deeply. What hurt worse was your utter disregard for my protests.

>I have been supporting Sup Forums from the day I joined this community.
>I CANNOT support anyone who defends their right to make Jew jokes, black jokes, woman jokes.
Ok, so you have been here for a day? 10/10 pasta ima take it

This is not "leftism". "The Left" is not an all consuming ideology. There are many many subsets and beliefs that are inherently left.

Weinstein claims to follow Progressivism. Which in a nut shell, seeks to create societies based upon common welfare irregardless of race or economic standing.

These students on the other hand are following another form of Leftist ideology. Stalinism. The belief that it is the responsibility of the State to insure outcomes, and that those deemed detrimental or political opposed the State consensus be removed by force. Racial and Religious groups can be branded as such.

In this case, Weinstein is a White Male, and as such is already a problematic case under the Stalinist beliefs of the current generation of SJW's. In daring to speak out, he challenged the authority of the whole, and for this he must be destroyed. Because challenging the consensus in Stalinism is the greatest crime a person can commit.

Found the nigger lover.

(is this pasta?)

have a (You)

>Weinstein is a White Male

He's Jewish. If you really want to see them do contortions. turn this into anuddah shoah.

>attempting to force new pasta
>someone's autism was so virulent that they were able to type this out


If it's pasta, it's brandnew. Some faggot in a thread barreling towards 404 just posted it, and I wanted to share.

GTFO tipi nigger, no one gives a shit if you leave

Your average nig nog cannot tell the difference. Nor the average SJW. They are only capable of judging by the color of their skin.

Hell, my wife is Jewish, and some BLM people actually got in her face on campus during one of their usual protest shits and told her that her ancestors were oppressors and that she was privileged, owed them shit, etc.

Her response was that "actually, my ancestors were murdered by the Russian Tsar and the ones who survived fled to America with only their clothes and a tote bag".


Do you even know where you are?

College age liberals hate Jews because of Israel. There's been a huge increase of anti-Semitic actions on college campuses these days. It's pretty funny that the Jews have jewed themselves.

Sure. Jews are hardly monolithic. Unless you are born into a few select families you are pretty much assed out. They look out for each other generally, but there is a huge difference between your standard middle class schlomo and the globalist ass hats running things in the media.

How many Sup Forumsacks here live in the area? It'd be great if we could get accelerate this shit and make it blow up even more. Someone in the another thread suggested driving by and blasting Moonman and shit.

Oh jeeze, cue up the jew hatred. Sigh. I can only assume you knew what you were bringing on.

Anyway... that's why it would be funny to make it into an anti-jew thing. We all know the left is just as or more anti-jew than the right, but they have to pretend not to be. I suppose I have to hand it to this guy for not playing their unwarranted victim card that Jews so quickly retreat to when under attack.

>I have been supporting Sup Forums from the day I joined this community
>I WILL NOT stand with this site so long as this type of racism is freely stated
>I will join another community - one who is at war with this one.
>your words injured me deeply. What hurt worse was your utter disregard for my protests.

get back shill

Claiming to be the greatest victim to dodge the "original sin" of white guilt/privilege, without refuting the actual premise of the accusation is the monolithic defacto jewish response to any all situations.

Jew here, I don't even think the "select families" look out for each other. My sister's husband's brother is worth like 70 million dollars (major hedge fund guy), meanwhile, my brother in law had to borrow $100k from my dad so he and my sister could buy a house. His brother gives him nothing. They went to the brother's daughter's bar mitzvah, my sister thinks it cost around $500k. His brother also divorced his first wife (whose father is worth upwards of $500 million and is the only reason he is rich) and married his christian secretary and now has twin babies with her. If you think jews are so tight knit and look out for each other, think again. Same thing with my uncle (my dad's brother). A former communist in the 60s, he moved out to California, set up a large accounting firm, bought a bunch of houses, married, had two kids, got divorced, married a christian girl, died last year, left his two kids $300k each, left his christian wife millions.

gtfo you fucking faggot jew loving nigger leftie antifag bitch. fucking slit your throat


It's not that all jews are out to destroy the white race, it's that among those doing it, the most effective members/leaders are jewish. /pol forgets this sometimes. Like how all terrorists are muslim but not all muslims are terrorists. I doubt you do much to encourage other jews to stop advocating for policies detrimental to whites (I'm not finger wagging, just saying, I doubt you do that).

Holy shit.
I must visit your wonderful multicultural society asap.

What are maoists thinking about the issue?

It's time. Race war now! (As soon as I check all the squares with street signs.)

Because at this point it may as well be full on war to people on both sides.
The only way this war is one is to have more people on your side.
If they lose one and we gain one that's a swing of +2 in our favor.


Or grab the popcorn and watch them self destruct.




Most white males follow a very logical rule of life "Better to be safe than sorry"

Kill off all muslims = 0 terror attacks
Kill off all Jews = 0 backstabs
Kill off all negroes = 0 front stabs

Which only leaves other white people and their side stabs. White men are last on white mans hit-list.




Don't be sorry. We don't need mulatto injuns either.


>only leaves other white people and their side stabs.

How's that working out for you guys?

Maoists think the American stalinists are morons. Central tenet of maos ideology was the destruction of multi cultural societies. In order to forge a proper communist state all cultures, religions and ethnic identities are to be destroyed and replaced with a new monolithic culture devised by the State.

China has since moderated this belief. Instead of building a new culture from scratch, they are just taking the existing Han culture and forcing everyone in china to be han.

Pain in the side

Look at this professor smugish face.
This kike hates to admit that the very Marxism he's been teaching is now hitting him hard on the face.
He's so sad to admit it. Pathetic reaction.
Plus, he's not white.

Well this just proves how fucking lazy commies really are.

I am extremely pro-white, and actually have converted my immediate family from apolitical liberals to hardcore right-wingers decrying the death of the west. My entire family, mother, father, brother, two sisters and their 3 spouses all voted Trump. I am quite relentless at family get-togethers (we all live near each other and meet often). Even I sometimes cringe at the shit my family says now (my views have actually softened somewhat from years past).

Oh hey I also knew a Russian Jewish girl who's family fled from Soviet Russia. However, she was a total SJW, political lesbian feminist, communist type. Too bad because she was total qt.

That's cool. It can be hard to come down from the cultural programming. I was raised Republican, so in college I thought I was super duper clever by turning hard left. That lasted about a month into post graduate life. Now I'm too right wing for my family. I have to conceal my power level. My stepmom convinced me it was time to settle down and have kids by pulling me aside and saying that the country needs white babies and it's my duty to have at least 3, she did, blah blah. Sometimes her and I get each other better than my own blood. Getting married this September, closing on a house soon after. Babies as soon as we're settled in.

But he's not white he is Jewish... He would be exempt from the ban. This is akin to a Sikh complaining about the Muslim ban

Stopped reading. ALL leftists will hang from the neck until dead when the day comes

You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded