Are Italians, Portuguese, and Spaniards white?
Are Italians, Portuguese, and Spaniards white?
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Are Americans?
America's race is Gun.
and so are Brazilians
>le smug anime girl
Yeah, you're so alpha aren't ya buddy? I'm sure you'll lay down with a white woman
my ancestor :)
Stop with the inferiority complex. Like 5% of Brazilians are white (all in south).
Southern europe is not white either.
But it's ok, who cares. Stop being a pussy, it doesn't matter.
>Southern europe is not white either.
Sure, if an achmed claims, than it must be true.
"hahaha lets call him achmed to pretend he's nit better at judging this since he's nordic"
No northern european would say southern europeans are white. Nore like light brown, but who cares.
More luke you are an achmed though. I bet that in 40 years the achmeds will claim they're white just because they live in Europe
Africa begins at the Pyrenees.
It doesn´t matter what any nordo-europ say's. Only a people without awareness and sense of identity are at the 'mercy' of what foreginers claim or think
Not even you had a country already mine was europid(white) to the bone.
It's funny cause, any iberian for example genetically has nothing to do with any non-european, and our glory is much bigger than your's that's why you stay mad achmed.
>No northern european would say southern europeans are white. Nore like light brown, but who cares.
The problem is nordcucks are concerned with such a trivial identity as 'white'. For thousands and thousands of years Southern Europeans wanted absolutely nothing to do with you, you are depigmented nigger barbarians in all respects.
We wuz romans while u be tribal vie'kinz.
We were talking white, not European. I even said it doesn't matter. Stop hallucinationg.
No, we're not. I simply responded to the question. And i even said it doesn't matter if you're white or not. However, it's dangerous to start calling things what they are not, that's some 1984 shit.
True. As I said, only people getting emotional about "white" is the ones eho automatically think i mean something negative by it. It's not.
Southern europeans still light brown.
So was the romans (likely)
>getting bumblasted by a Chinese cartoon on a Chinese cartoon website
White is a colonial term invented by us (iberians), when we reach the new world, you swede cuck were still living in caves of course.
What a unique and interesting thread.
>Ameica's race is Gun
I self identify as an m249
Yeah we weren't by that time.
You shouldn't sound so giddy, now you almost live in caves. Brown heroin addicts laying all over the street when i was in Portugal.
And the saxons updated the definition for you because they didn't agree. You're not white. Simple as that. Of southern europeans are white so are iranians, kurds, even arabs probably. Hell, pretty much anyone apart from africans are white if southern europeans are white.
It's a pity that stats tell you a different story cuck:
btw, since there is a first world, that we are there, not sure about you guys...
>And the saxons updated the definition for you because they didn't agree
Keep dreaming achmed, that never happned, and even if it had happened, we would just laugh at the lack of notion.
>You're not white.
Do not project your own condition on other's, it's pitfull and laughable at the same time.
>Of southern europeans are white so are iranians, kurds, even arabs probably.
Again it's a pity that you have no clue at all, let me explain you why Portugal or Spain only cluster with other europeans, and why arabs are so far away. It's magic? it must be.
Only North Italians.
Only Northeast ones.
Not white and heroinists
Mexico knows. This is correct.
mexicans and achmeds LEL
oppssss you just lost in the argus. sorry.
i'm still waiting for your explanation for that map.
What explanation? What does it have to do with you being brown and having lots of heroin addicts?
We're further down because our traitor politicians invited the whole third world.
If being white means being a sissy blonde pig skin scandinavian faggot then I'm a proud nigger
Again, why are you projecting your own condition on the other's? look at the genet map, any iberian only dna cluster'swith other europeans. LMAO
deal with it achmed.
heroin addicts? are you nutts?
idk but I want those fucking guns.
I didn't say you're not european. Stop being so emotional. You are overly touchy about the term white, it's both ridiculous and hilarious. Still not white.
And yes, heroin addicts. Druggies everywhere when i was in Portugal.
white(the colonial term) = europeans.
about "drugs everywhere" are you sure you wanna look at stats about it? we never had a problem with those issues, never.
are you fucking retarded? the italians, ports, and spaniards that are white, are white.
are you trying to ask if they are nord? well of fucking course not
yeah and swedes are fucking rapists. get over it faggot, your individual anecdotes dont represent a whole fucking country
>t. Shlomo Shekelstein
Yes they are you bloody kike. Saging your D&C kike thread faggot
Those are just deaths. I stillbsaw plenty of druggies laying in the streets.
You never had any drug problems? Serious? Are you 15 years old?
Portugal used to have europes worst drug problem.
And whi cares about your colonial term. White is a color and you ain't it.
K 98 is the best rifle ever . we made some ballistic test with specific ammo ( harded steel core , e.g.) best results - ammo easily penetrates steel but also aramid armour
Don't care about thread but pic is 10/10.
Yes it does, considering portugal is even well known for it.
And your analogy is flawed since it is true that we do have huge amounts of rapes, but it's not the swedes who do it.
Would have been a fair analogy if the Portuguese had many immigrant druggies.
what does this chart measure?
Burger of Norwegian, Italian, and Irish descent here. I always considered anyone Caucasian to be white. So that includes most Portugees Spaniatds, and Italians. Best we all stick together against the Dindus and Kebabs!
all the stats say the same, show me one that says what you claim, just one. Portugal never had a drug problem. It's a good invention.
>White is a color and you ain't it.
We are,sorry achmed.
It's genetic proximities (pca) autosomal dna. As you can see iberians or italians have nothing to do with arabs or whatever the d&c claims
No, the swede in this thread is right about everything, stop getting triggered tugas it's not the end of the world
>I always considered anyone Caucasian to be white. So that includes most Portugees Spaniatds, and Italians.
And maghrebis, middle easterners, iranians, dagestanis and chechens and a whole lot of etc., see where I'm going with this? If you broaden the definition so much, then it lose all meaning
> claiming 3 countries
cringe. youre just a mutt.
I am on shitty phone and can't link but jist search for it. This is the reason your country decided to decriminalize drug use to treat them instead because it was getting too out of hand.
I guess you got a point there... That means we'd have to include most Kebabs. Maybe we should limit it to Europeans and those of strictly European descent?
If you are phenotypically northern european, then you're white, pretty simple. Could you pass as a local in any of the northern european countries? If the answer is yes then you're white, doesn't mean every other countries on earth should mix into a globalist orgy, I don't know why people are being so dramatic about this
That's not true, its was partially decriminalized for consumers, only partially. Look at the stats of all Europe for that and you will see we never had a drug problem, i'm prettu sure we are under EU average for consum.
Sure "spaniard" sure
The Swedecuck is just in denial, willingly taking black dick will only go so far before you break down.
>Oh yeah let's build all our HQs in rural places and islands like Campania and fucking Sicily
You're retarded and that graphic is absolutely meaningless
It's funny because no one irl would question if an Italian, Spaniard, etc. were 'white'. That being said, I meant to convey two things in my reply, which you sincerely misunderstood:
1. If only Germanic cumskins are white than the word is meaningless and really just denotes your fragile identity and extreme lack of culture
2. No actual Spaniard, Italian, etc. outside of 4ch shitposting and (You)baiting cares about being labelled as 'white', that would lump them right in with cultureless cucks like you.
If you're saying they're 'not white' by a genetic standard, then you're painfully mistaking as the Spaniard already showed you here You're job is literally to suck his dick, of course he's right. Pic related.
Doesn't change the fact that you're the 4th most druggie country in Europe, be prideful
Allahu Akbar!
The U.S. must take Monroe Doctrine now.
The U.S. must withdraw American Forces from all Foreign Countries now.
Stop America's doing its all wars now!
I love American99% and the U.S.
China, Germany and Japan must loosen Germany's, Japan's and China's monetary policies now!
China, Germany and Japan must stimulate Germany's, Japan's and China's domestic demands now!
Japan and Germany must issue a lot of construction bond now!
Japan and Germany must reduce Germany's, Japan's and China's taxes now!
The U.S. must tighten its monetary policy now!
As a result, Dollar value will rise!
The U.S. will have trade surplus!
Japan, Germany and China are evil empires.
Islamists' true enemies are Japan, Germany, China, FRB, top1%, Wall Street, American Military Industry and DOD!
Japan is the country which has been promoting Globalization!!!
Allahu Akbar!
Hahah you're Canadian. You simply have no authority to even be in a debate like this.
Probably even an Asian behind the screen.
See, Spain knows.
All you others need to chill.
You're not inferior just because you're not white.
Unless you're a leaf.
Could you go to a british or scandinavian country for example and pass as a native?
That ain't me...
How the fuck am I NOT WHITE? When my skin color is pretty much pale and nipples pink? My face goes red from cold and I get a tan after 14 days of roasting on a sun?
How the fuck is south europe not white when just few days ago there was am article of first human coming from Europe and im Vinca are oldest archeological fossils of humans?
How is it not white when this here was Byzantine empire and Roman empire?
How is it not white when it had birth of European civilization with Greece and Romans?
Are you retarded Sven? Do you really have that much of inferiority complex to think muh blonde hair and muh blu eyez , is the reason of your superiority? Nordic countries barely delivered anything in history ans it was Southern and Central Europeans who aren't the "whitest" either( read Germans ).
>a achmed that lost every single 'argument', talking about any notion, or autority. lel
>Why the Italians, Portuguese, and Spaniards don't want to be white like us?
fixed for you, really I don't know a single Mediterranean that want to be Germanic or Slav, is gross
I'm pretty sure Italians are Italian, Portuguese are Portuguese, and Spaniards are illegals.
You didn't win anything only in your subjective imagination.
Your subconscious knows you're wrong though, since it quickly went to "we wuz columbus!" and "muh standard of living!" thinking that this somehow proves you are white. Sad!
As Spain said, would you pass as native in a northern european country?
It's more likely that a southern european passes as a latin american than that, so there's your argument.
Did I say something wrong? Did I offend the nu-Swede?
I never said it was but you're eager to address the pic before you address my reply so it must be.
Who cares buddy. In the real world societal standard, you're white. By nordcuck standard maybe not but in this sense it's not even an endearing label. Why would you want to be associated with a bunch of savages that are inferior in almost every aspect and whose only allegedly redeeming aspect is the color of their eyes and hair, despite it being common in Southern Europe and even the Caucasus as well?
>no amount of "diversity" is going to destroy the White Aryan race...WW3 soon.
I didn't talk about your accomplishments mr we wuz. Calm down, you type like a female on her period.
And you're not southern european you're slavic. In other words, more likely to be white. Croats for instance are often white, see stipe miocic - white person. Albanians? Not white at all.
You have absolutely no authority in deciding who's white and who isn't.
Since when swedo-cuck-muslims are the centroid of whitness, let me take a laugh. a big one. We don´t have nothing to prove to anyone, our history, culture and glory speaks for itself.
Yeah they do.
Satanic trips of truth. How will Sven ever recover?
White is a colonial term though.
weren't most of those considered "not white" pre ww2?
Not an argument mr we wuz.
Let me take a laugh too, master of english languagings
t. 56 %
i'm sure you're the authority then
Whites are going extinct. Being white is worse than being non-white. I'm glad I'm not white.
Suck my dick, fags.
You already lost any 'argument' here clown;
you're still on the ground scretching and I'm just laughing.
Yes. Moor rapebabbies aren't, but Iberian groups like Basque people are absolutely white.
stop using this colonial Anglo shit word
There are different European sub groups of peoples, most of them are aryans.
Nordic =/= aryan
say's the burger 56% that can´t even find Europe in a world map.
How does it feel that you will never lose because you never created something you could lose?
Translate to English now.
You mean when you pointed towards standard of living and ignored that you can't pass as native more north?
However you WOULD pass as native in south america.
I wouldn't.
If your standard of living says anything I guess Japanese people are white too. You surely destroyed me there mr we wuz.
you do realize that bask have a very tight genetic bond with north african berbers right ?
There's always a desperate swedecuck in these threads. Sad.
I laugh at you, mate. The only thing some of you white people have is your whiteness. But what about your countries? I've been in London, Paris, Munich, New York City, Los Angeles... Whites are a minority in those countries already. And it'll only get worse for you race. Most of you will never reproduce. The Arabs and blacks are preferred by white women. They look at white men as weak and inferior. Perhaps they will settle with some of you, but I guarantee you that'll happen only after they fuck tons of non-white males. Keep coping, boy. You lost two World Wars and now you see your country turning brown in the blink of an eye.
>as a native in South America
so are you saying that Iberians are Indios?
Stop trolling you retard
Plenty of Italians, Portugese, Spanish look indistinguishable from kebabs can ya guess why? Off-white skin, thick wavy or curly dark hair and dark eyes, small philtrum space, this isnt the only time in history Europe has been invaded by mudslimes.
stop being salty achmed's rape baby
every time we mention whiteness you lot start larping as white because of your insecurities
daily reminder that horny arab settled in iberia for 700 years and condoms didn't exist back then
Yeah look at this sandnigger
>takes two attempts to read a simple sentence
>did not understand it yet
Shut the fuck up, you fucking cuck. I'm tired of you already. Go suck a Muslim dick.
Yes dad!
Whiter than america for sure
Easier to say natives since indians are largely wiped out apart from places like Bolivia . Could pass as "general population", then, if this makes it easier for you to understand. Can't be easy to just read between the lines after 12 years of Merkel.
No, i mean, when i showed a genetic map, were iberians only genetic cluster with other europeans.
Quality of life, goes up and down, i have no problem with that, ours is good.
About s america. you're just dumb, south america is multiracial. There are all kinds of people there. Portugal or Spain were never like that or like modern sweden. Portugal always was europid, atlanto-med stock, essencially paleolithic and indo-european with some neolithic inputs.
google zidane he's pure berber